Archives For anna kendrick

Oh, Happy Chinese New Year! Let’s start my (supposedly) bad-luck Goat Year with the now-mandatory Letterboxd list of my film collection~


I have a really weird history with films– born in the late 80s, you’d think I would’ve grown watching loads of 90s kids stuff, but I actually grew up with a lot of Silly Symphonies (which were released in the 30s) and loads of Disney 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s stuff, plus a lot of more grown up 80s movies. Poltergeist, The Thing, The Fly and The Stuff were particularly scary stuff (and I’m pretty sure I was scared of yogurt or white stuff at some point).

I don’t ever remember buying any original VHS tape, except for the rare birthday gift of a Disney’s Sing-Along Songs chapter or that X-Men tape I have. My first DVDs buys were Coyote Ugly, She’s All That and Loser — you can’t blame me. I was a 15-year-old girl. The collection grew bigger, and possibly exploded during my years abroad. I’m nearing my 500th movie.

I’ve got some pretty nice recommendations to share.


Fandom crossover… of sorts. Obviously, otherwise I would have known about this sooner rather than later- if I were a hardcore f(x) or Anna Kendrick fan. But the Kpop humor nearly kills me. Kkkkkkk xD

My favorite detail about the clip, though, is when Kendrick is choreography-failing and she goes “Amber, if you could just teach me…” because you know what could happen when that happens. I see what you did there, Anna.

I think she deserves her tag now.

I’d figure I’d make this post count for today, instead of tomorrow xD – If you followed, I made Oscar 2010 Nomination Predictions which were pretty okay, except it was 10% down from last year. But my record is 85%

As for my Oscar winners, last year I made a 20/24… that’s 83%, though my record is 87% in 2003 xD

Predictions include “most likely to win” to “less likely to win”

According to these predictions (can’t believe I’m wishing that I get it wrong!) – Hurt Locker wins 3, and Avatar wins 6 – though they’re all technical.

So how say you?

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Oscar 2010 Nominations

February 2, 2010 — 5 Comments

Wow color me surprise. This is a lot of history in the making…

First, it’s a battle against Avatar vs. The Hurt Locker with each having 9 nominations. Followed by Inglourious Basterds with 8, Precious and Up in the Air with 6, Up with 5, and District 9, Nine, and Star Trek with 4.

Also, Peru just made Oscar History with its first ever nomination for Foreign Film.

I just got a few surprises like I asked, as well as really good guesses… missing some films, but also nice surprises like District 9 getting 4 nods. LOL

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Oscar 2010 Predictions

February 1, 2010 — 4 Comments

Tomorrow it’s nomination days!

My country is buzzing with anticipation of a possible Best Foreign Film nod for The Milk of Sorrow.

Anyway, I did Oscar predictions last year and I got about 85% of nominations right considering all of the categories, and nearly a perfect score in major categories of acting, directing and film. However, I don’t think I will be getting a score as good as last time.

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BAFTA 2010 Nominations

January 21, 2010 — Leave a comment

Yay for Moon! Yay District 9!
Yay Let the Right One In!! xD
And I’m glad there’s some love for The Road. And Parnassus!

The rest of nominees are your usual suspects…

An Education
The Hurt Locker
Up in the Air

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Like I’ve said before, my GG predictions are kinda rubbish~ So what I’ll do is list the films in the order of their chances of winning, as well as the one I want to win.

I’ve actually seen most of the films, except for 13 (3 of which are foreign), so I think that’s pretty good.

# of likeliness of winning – movie
* I want this one to win

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Nominations are done!!

It’s actually kind of exciting, even if not that many people sent nominations. However, it’s actually a really great way to hear about all these many other films that people mentioned so many times, and I knew nothing about.

Of course, if more people had actually sent nominations, the experiment would’ve worked better. Maybe next time… so watch many more films this 2010, so you can participate next time around.

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Actually, this is the happiest I felt with nominations…
let’s wait to see who wins~~~

However, still important omissions for Moon, as well as Mary and Max. But loads of love for Hurt Locker (7), Basterds (8), and Up in the Air (5), and both Up and District 9 with 4 nods.

It’s been a good year for Sci-Fi.

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