Archives For lgbt


I wanted to make a personal post for this year’s LGBT Blogathon, so I tried to think about the first time I had ever seen a prominent LGBT character. Growing up in Peru, I don’t think it was ever an issue that crossed my mind- representation, I mean. It was sort of there, hovering in my subconscious, and if I had seen LGBT related content or entertainers, it was something that wasn’t broadly discussed. Now that I think back on it, it was like the Liberace example. He was flamboyant, but people that weren’t “in the know” didn’t know or wanted to accept that Liberace was gay.

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You know, I can’t really remember him from Au Revoir Taipei, but after seeing Gf*Bf and having just checked out Eternal Summer, I have a mad mad crush on him. Funny thing is… I had a hard time searching for a goooooood photo to use, but find that he looks good on film.

Having said that- the 2013 LGBT Blogathon starts on Monday over at YAM Magazine!

Don’t miss it!

I’ve got some pretty nice recommendations to share.


I just began listening (truly listen) to Mayday’s discography pre the Born to Love days, finishing off titles/pinyin/title translations, when I ran into this song titled Masquerade (Male, Female, One Body) from their 2003 album, Time Machine (時光機). The thing is, the title of the song is Ci Xiong Tong Ti (雌雄同體), which is the term used to refer to “hermaphrodites” (which, by the way, isn’t longer a term accepted for people, who are now referred to as “intersex”). Perplexed, thinking that Google Translate was giving me a wonky translation, I checked the dictionary to double check.

On a quick google search, I found a pretty terrific (singable) translation of the song.

Rather than you understand me—I’d rather be a mystery
A puzzle you just cannot solve, of what’s false and real, it’ll play at your heartstrings
I’ll play you, or play your opposite form; partake in this game of love that you’ve borne.

via NoStarWords @ LJ + starriheavens

My mind was melted. I mean, it’s not VERY often you get playful duality in music, playing on gender-role conventions and completely avoiding the titillation that seethes from… well, everywhere now.

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In the first part of this re-imagination of The L Word in a Jdrama universe, we saw my dreamcast.

 I’m still a little unsure on one of my main details, though, and that’s whether I want Meisa Kuroki as Carmen — the hot Latina who sizzled people’s screens and made Shane go Loco (I’m sorry for the cheesy bad writing, but The L Word deserves this cheese)… or whether she should play Molly — the no-longer-straight law student who wouldn’t fall for Shane’s game, so I’m hoping to be able to make a reasonable mish-mash of the both of them.

Because I only have this one series [1][2].

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I guess it must be the Blogathon week, I just couldn’t shake that feeling that I had to talk about The L Word one way or the other… again. What better way to talk about than combining it with MY FAVORITE topic as of lately~ JDRAMA!

A while back [1], I found a post where a fan talked what Japanese stars they would pick if they ever wanted to remake The L Word in Japan. Of course, I went a step further. I thought about the HOW TOs in the adaptation of a Japanese The L Word… because, well- for starters, Japan in not the USA. Also, I can’t show Showtime content on Japanese television. Not if I want to use my dreamcast~~~


I made this Jdrama character chart because I take this sh!t seriously. LOL

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Part of the YAM Magazine 2012 LGBT Blogathon~

It’s been years… YEARS… since I last saw a full episode of The L Word. It ended when it ended, and I’ve never had the intention to revisit it. However, I do revisit shippy fan videos because they tend to be the best of what was [1][2][3] — then there are not so shippy vids, but character vids [1].

Since I was trying to reconnect with fandom, I was browsing some threads on the battlefield cyber-ground that is the IMDb boards, where I found a thread talking about Max/Moira and how he was the “weakest and least likable” character on the whole show — COME ON, it’s a show with Jenny Schecter, and Max is the least likable? The user went onto describe Max as socially inept, filthy (for shooting illegal hormones), and having “gross love scenes” with Alan Cumming.

Now, I’m pretty sure we can agree that The L Word shat on Max’s transition storyline (pretty much just how Alice put him down many-a-times), and he was probably one of the weakest “starring roles” the show had… even if the show was populated by a number of poorly-written characters. However, I’m here to defend Max and what some people say was “gross” or “not nice” about him.

First of all, there’s nothing wrong with Daniela Sea to the eyes, and she did fairly well with whatever was thrown at her… but that can be said with pretty much anyone in the cast. LOL

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Once again, if you were subscribed to the YAM Magazine RSS Feed, you would know about this two-part post with LGBT music videos from around the world.

Also, you probably missed our LGBT Blogathon, didn’t you???


Here’s another confession for the LGBT Blogathon~

What was once changed through literature, shaping individuals through writing, is now — kinda sadly — shaped through what we watch from television (and movies) because nobody reads anymore.

And so the medium of television becomes the ever important outlet for LGBT themes.

Television is free — though some people beg to differ — it reaches millions and millions of people through different channels around the world in many languages. Unlike film — you know, the one you pay for to enter a theater or catch at your local film festival — a lot more people watch television, and through it, sometimes watch film — see, television is so powerful even if you don’t watch it.

It is now, in our day and age (without counting the interwebs), that television plays a strong role into shaping the minds of the future generation of adults — that’s counting me, by the way… I’m not that old — who will hopefully grow into people who just won’t care whether you’re gay or straight or bi or transsexual. A generation that will ask about the need to add a “LGBT” genre tag when… it’s all normal!

Pride Bunting

This is my case. I came to know about LGBT issues because of television, which later prompted me to search online and then my world exploded with LGBT entertainment.

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Welcome to my personal contribution to YAM Magazine’s LGBT Blogathon.

In this particular post we will be talking about Taiwanese boiband MISSTER, which I have already talked about on this MISSTER 101 post I did a while back.

Unlike the rest of the world, who have shunned dancing boybands (and girl groups) for more “rocking” affairs or idols who can’t dance at all, Asia is still a place where such groups have flourished for the past decade. The pop music industry is alive and well there, over-saturating our ears with danceable sugary pop tunes sung by idols that look so polished that it hurts.

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