Archives For warner bros

On December, I wrote about a couple of my concert music DVDs rotting away.

And the YT algo just popped this on the feed, talking about a number of Warner Bros titles that are apparently being affected.

Somebody on forums (!!! They still exist!) posted a list of probable affected titles, and to my dismay, the Greta Garbo and (both) Joan Crawford collections are affected. I just popped Mata Hari and Possessed on the player and seem to be playing fine.

Another one of the fears with (new) media and products that developed in types of plastic is that they’re decaying faster than people expected. I’ve had older (retired) players that were kept on storage that have a general sticky texture after a while. However, this doesn’t seem to happen to players that are in general exposure, not directly with sunlight, but in a generally airy room that’s in use, unlike a display room. I also happen to live in the mildest of climates, though high in humidity, temperatures never go above 30C (above 90F) or lower than 14C (lower than 55F). So maybe these conditions are affecting the storage of physical media.

I did the vast majority of my library collection before 2007, though. I did buy a number of things in between the mid-2000s to late-2000s, so if disc rot is affecting a general batch produced in between 2007-2009, it is a concern. I’m generally more worried with collections I keep in drawers instead of a regular shelf display.

Spain vs. Canada – GO!

The birth of the Road Music Video~ or maybe it’s just the Warner re-purpose.


I wanted to make a personal post for this year’s LGBT Blogathon, so I tried to think about the first time I had ever seen a prominent LGBT character. Growing up in Peru, I don’t think it was ever an issue that crossed my mind- representation, I mean. It was sort of there, hovering in my subconscious, and if I had seen LGBT related content or entertainers, it was something that wasn’t broadly discussed. Now that I think back on it, it was like the Liberace example. He was flamboyant, but people that weren’t “in the know” didn’t know or wanted to accept that Liberace was gay.

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It’s begun. The beginning of the end. After the 7th book came out, and left me unsatisfied — a feeling carried over the 6th book and the 5th film — I swore to never see Harry Potter at the cinema ever again. A promise easy to keep with the 6th film, but then… it was hard to keep it when the first promotional materials for HP7 were released.

Well played, Warner. Well played.

Deathly Hallows is perhaps Yates’ best attempt at a Harry Potter adaption, but considering the other two – it isn’t saying that much. In the greater scale of things, it might follow on Azkaban’s footsteps as an interesting film filled with anguish and desperation… of I guess, the teenage sort. If the book didn’t work for you, the film seems to improve on action and characters. It’s also of great comfort to say that The WB’s decision of splitting the film in two parts was hardly a bad commercial or creative choice… at least for the fans of the books, who will savor each an every detail.

But then again, considering how many chapters were crammed into this first part, one has to wonder what’s left for part two if not only the “last battle” which, in the book, happened off-page… and that epilogue that’s ripped out of the most poorly written fanfiction.

For the non-readers or those who haven’t seen HP6… well, you’re screwed. It really doesn’t work without the background, and you’re better without watching it, if you’re going to start complaining. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows feels like made for the fans of the series only.

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Not like I’m any taller, but if Radcliffe were taller, he’d be hotter.
His high-contrast Harry Potter stubble is totally quiveration. LOL

The posters don’t seem like regular character posters, though. More like teaser character posters, even if it seems late to be releasing teasers now~~~ I can’t remember if the WB has ever released teaser character posters.

Is this being referred as HP 7 Part 1, instead of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1? Maybe it was a typographical decision more than a branding one?

More posters over at MovieMobsters!

I want to say I have rekindled my affairs with Harry Potter fandom, but I still don’t approve of Warner’s decision of making this a 2-part film, as well as the Fake 3D conversion. I also don’t approve of the Epilogue. LOL

I was talking to some friends last week, and they also disapproved the Epilogue. In fact, they said Deathly Hallows was the weakest book of the whole series — Testing the waters, I told them I thought Half-blood Prince was also weak, and to my surprise… they also agreed.

My friend’s favorite book is Azkaban, followed by Phoenix. FYI.

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I really want to feel giddy, but things that jumped out~~~ Ginny is taller than Harry. I feel sad for Daniel Radcliffe, whom I totally love, but oh! If he only were taller!

Then there’s Ron protecting (or is he pulling) Hermione reminded me of Harry protecting her against the werewolf. I’m trying not to be shippy, but that just sort of brought back that scene.

Harry has high on drugs eyes when he meets Voldie.

And that snake looks like crap.

Nobody knows what it is really, but Cinematical thinks it’s footage released by Warner to test the audiences. And from the comments, people like it. I dig. Totally freaked me out. Wanna watch more.


Fight illegal downloads, and be cool!

via Wildgrounds.

Yes, yet another downloads, distribution and torrents post. Why? Because it is important to discuss this issue as many many cases of people who download are brought to court.

It is important to point out the different types of uploaders/downloaders. First, the uploaders — there are those who upload to share and spread their interest so they find someone they can share a common interest with. Someone to talk to about this piece. However, they are often confused with the people who upload to get hits and possibly ad revenue… meaning, making a profit.

This is why so many fansubbing groups are against streaming, many streamers (unless they are authorized) upload videos that don’t belong to them (they don’t even sub stuff themselves!), since streaming is easier than download they get more hits and become more popular from other people’s work.

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Ok, I admit it. I went to watch The Dark Knight today with my The Joker tee. Call me a crazy fangirl! xD Long story short, me likey. Go watch The Dark Knight this weekend, it won’t disappoint. Word. It’s dark, it’s serious… has action, gets you to the edge of your seat. And yes, the main attraction will be Heath Ledger’s freak interpretation of messed up The Joker. Okay! SPOILERS AHEAD! <-that’s a warning, I still don’t know how much spoiling I will write.

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This post has nothing to do with Body Odor. HAHA.

I just recently found out Guillermo del Toro was interested in directing HP7 (a.k.a Deathly Hallows) – which would be nice… and a smart move by The WB. I mean, Yates… bah. Buhumbug! HP5 was one of my favorite books on the series, but the film was just annoying. Watch it as clips, it’s great… watch it as a whole, it’s utter trash. Why they hired him for HP6, which is also a crappy book, it’s because HP5 made more money $$ for The WB than HP4 and HP3, but the master of money-making has been HP1, so this is my theory.

Everyone wanted to see Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone (HP1) because it’s a novelty… all fans go, all curious go… that equals a lot of cash into WB’s pockets, they think they have a success thanks to Chris Columbus. But let’s face it, HP1 wasn’t so good looking back, so people kinda lost some interest in it, people lost the novelty… there’s no curiosity factor anymore, so Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (HP2) comes out, and surprise! It doesn’t do better than HP1, probably something The WB didn’t expect. Critics and the public are not very surprised, and Chris Columbus is gone! Ciao!

By this time, people have lost interest… and critics are not attracted… yet here comes Alfonso Cuaron, a decision that sparks a bit of interests in movie buffs and critics, but not your average movie goers. People have already lost interest over HP1, and the horrible HP2… so they are not expecting to see HP3. Results? Only hard-core fans and movie fans go see it. Results again? Hard-core HATE it, movie fans LOVE it! Critics praise the film, yet Hard-core fans are the one who go to the film over and over to watch it, but since Hard-core HATES HP3, it makes even less money. Cuaron is dropped! Ciao!

Mike Newell comes on board for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (HP4)… critics want more Potter now, but fans are skeptical. Hard-core fans think it can’t be worse than Cuaron… HP4 results in a summer flick full of action, but no meat. Results? Critics are divided over the fact that it was entertaining, yet lacked growth… but the average movie maker finds it fun, and the hard-core fans are in peace. In the end, HP4 is more successful commercially than HP3, but not even close to HP1. Oh, well… Newell! Ciao!

So The WB goes and picks David Yates… most people go WTF – but this decision sparks interests from movie buffs and critics. People enjoyed HP4, it was fun! Such a great summer flick… yeah, yeah. We should so totally see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (HP5) – then the keywords here were, Clips & Trailers. Everyone wanted to see, oh! the trailer looks amazing, the clips are so good! A rebellion you say? Voldemort’s back? Results? Everyone flocks to the theater to catch HP5. Results? Critics aren’t so sure, new fans from HP3 hated the choppiness of HP5, and they would’ve preferred watching separate clips, than watching all as a whole. But hard-core fans don’t care… they have their precious book… it’s the last book, oh yeah~ we should all go see the movie, because it’s the last book. Results again? Best commercial success, but still not as good to push HP1 of the #1 spot. Meaning, Yates is back for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (HP6).

M y B.O predictions are, people who didn’t like HP5 will not go watch HP6… they will probably catch it on TV, or find a digital copy. Book 6 is a bad book, meaning there’s a slim chance it will make more money $$ than HP5, meaning… Yates! Ciao! What will happen with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (HP7)? That will depend on how HP6 does in Box Office, how the critics treat HP6, and who they will choose for directing HP7.

If HP6 does as crappy as I think it will do, and critics aren’t as excited about it, as they were with HP5… The WB will need to choose some high-profile director… be it Peter Jackson, or Guillermo del Toro or someone critic-friendly to create a new buzz for the last film… because HP7 was a pretty crappy book, and The WB will only cash in more money $$ because of the director.