Archives For Films


I have a feeling I’m never writing that “ø” in Bolsø ever again. I’m not even typing it. But damn, I was impressed with Ingrid Bolso Berdal while watching Flukt. She really made the film for me. You remember how many chills I got from Charlize Theron in Huntsman? Watching Berdal as Dagmar was downright chilling. She’s like a total badass Theron.

A long long LONG time ago (actually, about three years ago), I made a rough list of Yu Aoi films I had watched and ranked them on MUBI (then TheAuteurs). Since I’m way too lazy to bother adding films to their database, unless I really REALLY wanted the films to be on their database, I’m just gonna work on the ranking here, like I started with my Russian fandom love Chulpan Khamatova.

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I wasn’t too enamored by Pixar’s Monsters University even though Monsters Inc. is one of my favorites (or maybe BECAUSE I liked that one so much?), but this clip of the Japanese-dubbed version popped up in my YouTube feed, and it’s just tenfold the cuteness that the original audio track was because- well, because Japan is so damn hardcore about their dubbing [2].

Plus, Disney (and as an extension, Pixar) are the kings of international dubs [1][2].

And they also do worldwide releases pretty okay. Except when Japan has to wait AGES to get some stuff — but serves them right, when they make us wait for everything they do for ages as well.

New beautiful actor alert!


I was deciding if he looked a little bit like Josh Hartnett mixed in with a little Chris O’Donnell but immensely more attractive. And luckily, age-appropriate as well!

Well, I think it’s time, no? This has been my Chulpan Khamatova’s journey so far. Surprisingly, most of the films that remain hard to find (and hence are not subtitled in other language) have been my least favorite. It could be a case of lost in not-translation, but I’m confident in my non-subtitled watch experience to trust my instinct.

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You know, I can’t really remember him from Au Revoir Taipei, but after seeing Gf*Bf and having just checked out Eternal Summer, I have a mad mad crush on him. Funny thing is… I had a hard time searching for a goooooood photo to use, but find that he looks good on film.

Having said that- the 2013 LGBT Blogathon starts on Monday over at YAM Magazine!

Don’t miss it!

I’ve been on a Chulpan Khamatova binge for a while, but since Russian is such a foreign language to me, it seems hard to come by with simple googling since Google Translate doesn’t do so well with the language either. This time, though, I was browsing and was looking at the Filmography page and noticed that she had a fairly recent short film.

Titled From Tokyo (Из Токио), this short film also serves as a commercial for Chivas Regal. Directed by Aleksei German Jr., the short follows a Russian businessman on a return flight from Tokyo to Moscow (I suppose), where he’s unable to sleep. When approached by the flight attendant, they begin talking about his reasons to be in Tokyo right after the Tohoku Earthquake and the Tsunami, where he’s rescued a survivor.

Though I really liked the short by the end, even if that might be my Khamatova bias showing~ there were some things that irked me for no reason. One- the dude is a rescuer flying on Business. Two- he refers to Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City as “a village” because we did not see the Tsunami literally crushing miles and miles of road, bridges, highways, while sweeping tons of cars and other city-related debris.

Having said that~ Yes! Khamatova! I finally learned how to pronounce her name correctly. I was doing it SO wrong. LOL I’m a little embarrassed.

I don’t know how this didn’t come to me before this photo.


After her collaboration with Bong Joon-ho, and that she so wanted to work with Wong Kar-wai — it only makes sense that she wouldn’t mind working with Ang Lee, after all~ he’s won two Oscars for director. He hasn’t actually made his actors win anything, even though Heath Ledger should’ve won for Brokeback Mountain as Best Actor instead of Supporting for Batman.

Kidman has a great selection of director’s on her filmography. One of the very few with really REALLY interesting choices [1].

This just doesn’t seem quite right :/


I’ve got some pretty nice recommendations to share.
