Archives For black and white

GINZA has just published a piece titled REDI no Shozo (レディの肖像, Portrait of a Lady) by Tomoko Kurose; and two black & white shots by Yasuhide Kuge. It’s a rare interview because it’s actually readable in Google Translate, lol. She talks about taking photos (she’s bad at it), what feelings she gets shooting movies and working on stage, how she perceives herself, a bit on her childhood, her work on voice-acting for animation… some talk on Penguin Highway and her speech for the Japanese Academy Award win where she talked about movies and being bullied.

Give it a read.

Fox Series Latino finally aired the final episode of Ryan Murphy’s Feud with Joan Crawford and Bette Davis, and feelings were had~

I’ve been a huge Crawford admirer for many years now, and I’m so glad that there are people who have begun seeing her as something more than Wire Hangers Campy Crawford. Murphy, himself, enjoys Crawford’s campy self [1], and I do too, but I’m so happy we’re seeing her as something more. Jessica Lange’s isn’t exactly Joan Crawford, but her Lucille Le Sueur was pitch perfect.

The new year is blessing us with an upcoming Harper’s Bazaar China featuring Takeshi Kaneshiro. Bless us all!

You can check out some extra pics here.

I didn’t even bother to search for a photographer x’D If you know, please, help a pal~

I had this picture stored for a couple of weeks already, and forgot to post. Over 13 years ago, I was a really REALLY big fan of Evan Rachel Wood xD It was probably during one of the seasons of Once & Again, I remember I’ve rented a whole bunch of her movies, so when I moved to Vancouver, I was ecstatic to be actually able to watch Thirteen on the big screen. During my time there, I probably watched all her movies at the cinema :P


It was on and off after leaving Canada, I still managed to watch a whole bunch of her films, but there was a period when I didn’t know anything about her. I didn’t know I missed her until I caught Into the Forest, and I was super psyched to hear that she was gonna be in HBO’s Westworld. Usually, HBO and I are not that compatible, but I caught the first episode [and read that list of actors, phew!], and I liked it quite a bit, so I’ll definitely catch the whole season when it’s done.

Apparently, BiBi now has an official Facebook page (finally!). And it turns out that I’ve missed a couple of photoshoots, since BiBi has been promoting the release of Cold War 2, one of them a shoot by an unknown photographer for the July issue of Harper’s Bazaar China, featuring this gorgeous dual cover.


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I haven’t seen a Hayato Ichihara movie in a long time, but I was just looking at his photos xD


I could care less for smokers, though~

There’s a really really great article on Joan Crawford talking about the harm that Mommy Dearest (film and movie) did to her legacy, notable films and how unfairly we may have judged her considering how we don’t judge her male counterparts for maybe committing some of the same mistakes as parents.


Head over to

I ran into this clip of what seems a rehearsal of Yevgeny Mironov and Chulpan Khamatova dancing for the sequences of The Puppet Syndrome. If you do get a chance, do check it out.

After what seems a positive stint doing theater in London (once again), Kidman is prepping for the promotions of the American adaptation of the Oscar-winning Argentinean film Secret in their Eyes, which also stars Julia Roberts and Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Here’s a nice interview, conducted by Lee Daniels (who gushes about her), with some very nice photographs by Fabien Baron.


Go straight to Interview Magazine’s website for it and more photos.

I’ll champion anything Vidya does. This goes hand in hand with her Mother India cover!
