Archives For Music

While getting acquainted with Chulpan Khamatova’s work, I ran into this video clip of the Arbenina’s song Come to Me (ИДИ КО МНЕ) — and I’ve been polishing my non-existent Russian trying to learn how to pronounce that… Idi Ko Mne. If I apply my Spanish, it sounds like Idi Ko Mie.

The thing is… that Making Of was released back in January, and I wasn’t able to find the actual music video, which makes me think it hasn’t been released yet. I’m not used to that. Korea and Taiwan have spoiled me completely.

I did however, find these stills of the shoot.


More stills here.

In other news, Khamatova’s been very active these days (it seems) with her charity work.

Well, Hyori has earned her “Comeback” title alright- she’s been absent for… like, what? Four or three years maybe? Since her 4th bad luck album was such a bust, she’s been sort of hovering on our lives as Kpop seemed to rise and leak into the worldwide pop culture subconscious.

Since those days, LOADS of rookie groups have debuted — all trained vocally and in dance ability, which puts them ahead of Hyori. But you know what? Who cares. Hyori is what I wanted Britney to be at some point. I wanted Brit to be well adjusted and charismatic, even if she had gradually lost her voice and, ultimately, her dance ability. One thing I never wanted her to lose was her ability to engage.

Hyori engages with her audience. At the end of her celebratory comeback presentation, she brings back 10 Minutes, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and then she performs U-Go-Girl, with no post at ALL O_O You can hear her laugh while singing through the almost-bare and casual arrangements of the song, while she’s been squirted with water guns. And she tells them (and us) that she’s missed us. Or that’s how I’ve interpreted her bogoshippoyo.

The water gun squirts borders on a wet t-shirt contest, but Hyori is wearing silver leggins throughout the whole show, which really surprises me — I mean, she could’ve been wearing black hot pants like her over-exposed back-up dancers, but she isn’t. She’s actually quite casual through the whole segment until the water squirting gets ridiculous and she laughs. I love that.

Apparently the show lasted nearly 50min?

BiBi’s doing a concert in Beijing (if she hasn’t done it by now, it’s one of these days), and my pal is attending. And even though I doesn’t feel like I’ve been an ardent BiBi fan for a bit, this rehearsal has made me giddy (and slightly jealous) to be there.

Guess I’m gonna miss the party. xD

In other news, I had NO idea that one of the songs on Time was written by Mavis Fan. The more you know.

Also how cut does BiBi look?

I’ve got some pretty nice recommendations to share.


I have created a brand new tag specifically for S.H.E ~

Rainbows & Puppies.

Because, well~ this music video and the song are self-explanatory.

Despite being completely different, this brought memories of Viva Forever [MV] by the Spice Girls. I guess… I can see a tree in The Tree at that Time (那時候的樹)? Oh, and I guess… stop-motion mixed in live-action? xD

Oh, man~ after a few couple of years of waiting for information on Barlow, on a quick google- he’s finally back online with Twitter and Facebook. I’m probably one of the few people with the actual physical album in their collections. I’m even very tempted on ripping it and unleashing it on the net for a while~

Remember Walk Away?

Well, Malcom’s got his image, his rock and his crack,
and if he lives to see twenty, he wouldl’ve beat the clock.
He’s got his ride and his pride, and girls by his side,
he makes his stands with a gun in his hand,
he saw his best friend lying on a stainless steel tray,
and he walked away.

That written image reminds me TLC’s Waterfalls [MV].

By the way, I’m aware Barlow is not 90s music, but TLC is. xD

Yuguo Withdrawal Symptom

April 11, 2013 — 1 Comment

I am having serious Yuguo Withdrawal Symptom, especially because I thought Yuguo’s latest album would be out and about in March — it’s nearly mid-April and I’m still dry. I need my next fix! ASAP. Especially considering they do have the promo images for the album, and the official track listing. What happened???? I’m freaking out O_O


I’ll have to settle for replaying one of my favorite albums of them, which by the way, I got my aunt to buy for me in her last trip to Shanghai coz- it’s like impossible to get online if you’re not a resident.

It’s rainbows and puppies with S.H.E — I think, they’re prepping for their tour (2gether 4Ever?) — but the girls have released a new (spec) music video for the song Hereafter, Hereafter (後來後來) from their last album, which is all about them growing up and being apart, not like they used to be. It’s all about friendship and fluff. You can check a decent translation here.


From left to right.- Laure Shang Wenjie, animator Bill Plympton, Crowd Lu, and Esteman.

For the past couple of months I’ve been able to interview some of these awesome people. But that you knew if you were following all my ramblings on YAM Magazine.

For some other of my interviews, click here.

I was browsing albums, when I stumbled upon this album cover by Elliot Tupac.


Of course, for those in the know, you’d know that’s a super Chicha style type of typography [1], so interested to see what it was all about, I did a quick search. You’d be happy to know you can stream all of the EP Cuatro Tigres on Soundcloud, as well as their new album Canibalismo. Chicha Libre is a multi-ethnic Brooklyn-based group formed by Americans, Mexicans, Venezuelans and French musicians mixing Peruvian Chicha music with 60s psychedelic music and stuff. It’s pretty trippy.

I never in my life would’ve thought that I’d be sitting through more than one album of Chicha music. The most interesting thing is that there’s no Peruvians in sight on core members of the group. You can check them out on Facebook or Twitter. I’m not entirely a Chicha convert, but I appreciate the variety in the concept of the group. I do think they sound a lot like Chicha groups, but sing in English instead. Novelty, but it gets a bit tiring by the fourth track.

Conveniently, the group was asked to do a The Simpsons tune for one of the episodes.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff0090&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]