Archives For album artwork

I started listening to Chen Weilun (陈伟伦)’s album, Think Miss Sorrow (念思愁), which just came out last week. While adding it to my iTunes library, it struck me how difficult it was to translate the song names. xD

For those who don’t know because you’ve just stumble upon this post, I usually keep a very organized library of foreign music, which includes ‘Original Name (romanization) – English Name/Translation’; so I was looking if there were official English titles for the songs on Chen Weilun’s album available on Xiami, KKBox or iNDIEVOX. There were not. On my search, already on title #3, I realized they were all titles (or most are, I haven’t gone through all of them yet xDDDDD) for Li Qingzhao (李清照), who is known as the greatest Chinese female poet of the Song Dynasty, mostly for her ci (词)/lyrics form of poetry [1][2].

So this is going to be a (hopefully brief) project to translate just the song names xDDDDDDDD

  1. 一剪梅·红藕香残玉簟秋
    A Twig of Plum Blossoms: The Jade-like Mat Feels Autumn’s Cold [1][2]
  2. 念奴娇·春情
    The Charm of Nien-nu: Spring Feelings [1][2]
  3. 如梦令·常记溪亭日暮
    Like a Dream: I Will Always Recall that Day at Dusk, the Pavilion by the Creek [1][2]
  4. 相见欢·无言独上西楼
    Happy Meeting: Wordless, A Lone Ascend Up the West Tower [1][2]
  5. 浪淘沙令·帘外雨潺潺
    Waves Against Sand: As the Rain Patters Outside the Drapes [1][2][3]
  6. 声声慢·寻寻觅觅
    The Sounds of Adagio: Searching and Searching [1]
  7. 渔家傲·秋思
    Fisherman’s Pride: Autumn Thoughts [1][2]
  8. 行香子·述怀
    Incense Burning: Describing my Emotions [1][2]

I only got three so far. xD

— September 22nd 2017 —


I ran into the cover for the Hito to KOUMORI (人とコウモリ) single by KINMOKUSEI (キンモクセイ) with Yu-chan on it. I don’t know how I didn’t know about this before, because the single is over a decade old already. Nearly 15 years old, really.

Yes, it should -on principle- be upside down.

So I thought I would create a post to collect the ones I find at other times in the future. since it’s been ages since I updated Yu’s Wiki [1][2] and my 9th Fandom Anniversary is coming up. Can you believe it? I’ve been following Yu-chan for a third of my life xD That’s endearing… but almost sad. LOL

Anyway, the other single cover I could think of was Moumoon’s Sunshine Girl.

My Life in Music

August 2, 2015 — Leave a comment

Will keep this list updated here.

I’m currently basking myself in the beauty that is Henry Huo’s (霍尊) first full-length album Heavenly Song or Tianyun (天韵). He was the winner of the first season of Sing my Song (中国好歌曲) when he cause a ruckus with his song Rolled-up Pearl Curtain (卷珠帘) [1], which he ended up performing at the 2014 CCTV Spring Festival Gala.


You can listen to the album over at Xiami or Migu Music (for US locked).

Lyrics, English/Español translations and song embed below the break~

Once again, all Chinese translations by me to be taken with a pinch of salt. xD

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Last year, I fell in love with Carrchy’s (卡奇社) music. And honestly, their 2007 album Daylight Allure (日光倾城) is pretty good stuff [Xiami] [YouTube Sample], but they hadn’t been releasing ANYTHING for many MANY years. Last night, they surprised with the release of the single track Clouds (云, Yun), which you can get in Xiami (Sorry, those who Xiami is blocking). I don’t know anywhere else where you might listen to their music [Here’s some Douban demos].


Other than that, happy listening!

Mavis Fan’s fans (no pun intended) rejoice! She’s got three songs out this year, making a comeback since 2009 with Immediately (當下, Dang Xia). Obviously, the East doesn’t give a flying fish about End of the Year lists or the Holiday season, that’s why they keep releasing stuff- business like usual. xD

Sorry, US-based users. I was only able to find the songs on Xiami. I know, geoblocks suck. But, as far as I know, the songs aren’t available anywhere else -even on iTunes TW- because it seems like a Xiami exclusive release.


I wasn’t aware that Mavis had added this free download link on her website.


I think I could work more on the 2013 list, but then it will be 2015! LOL I also hate that I don’t have my font pack at hand because this graphic is UHHHH-GLAY. My Frankenstein Computer is back! I’m so happy~

Anyway, here are 30 album picks by all different artists that released (almost) full-length albums these last two years. And here are all their covers in gallery form, and here’s a Facebook Gallery, it contains some playlists and iTunes links. And here’s a Xiami playlist, where you can (almost) access all the albums. And a Weibo post in case you’re there.

And here’s the YAM Magazine list that contains all my ramblings, with playlist/streaming and buy links.


Xiami had been pimping a new project they had going on for the last couple of days, and they’ve just revealed that it’s a 2-disc compilation featuring Chinese-Taiwan-UK Beijing-based indie artists. It’s a pretty good set that I’ve freely translated as the Seeking Light Compilation (寻光集, Xun Guang Ji) or in Español- Colección Buscando la Luz.

See, this is what happens when you have no official ‘christian’ name.

Check my English and Español announcements for translated group names and songs. Looking forward to exploring everyone’s discography.

You can get the album on Xiami.

I don’t know how exactly this happened, but A-Mei’s just released her latest album (16th? since R U Watching?) brilliantly titled Faces of Paranoia Only the Paranoid Survive (Faces of Paranoia for short, or 偏執面).

And it’s on iTunes et all! Rejoice!


Good news and bad ones~

First, about a week or two ago Yuguo announced that they were finally releasing their third full studio album Sunset Strip (日落大道), which seemed like it had been in the planning for ages [1].

It’s the 23rd in China, and it happened!


You can listen to the album (and download the songs) via Xiami.

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