It’s out, it’s out! You know what to do~

It’s out, it’s out! You know what to do~
Happy new year, everyone!
Sorry for the lack of posts last month. To make up for it, here are five posts so you can catch up to my 2013 and to get you going this 2014.
This year’s season of The Voice of China is a bit on the meh side compared to last year’s. Some good talents, but not as awing as some of last year’s. This battle for Wang Feng’s team, though, from Simon Chung (鐘偉強) of Hong Kong singing it out with Beijing-based Bi Xia (毕夏) with the classic Hey Jude was pretty emotional.
The whole father/daughter interaction going on, because Simon took the time to guide Bi Xia through the song and Bi Xia’s knowing what he’d done for her makes the whole elimination process all the more painful.
Other battle highlights~
From Na Ying’s team:
Yi Guang Nian (毅光年) Vs. Sheng Yin Yue Tuan (声音乐团) – I Surrender (没离开过)
From Amei’s team:
Zhang Xin (张新) Vs. Liu Zi Chen (刘籽辰) – What’s the Trouble in your Mind (你在煩惱什麼) + We Are Young
It’s been roughly… four years. Give or take. It’s been a good ride, and it’s still going strong… so we still got a long way to go. Guys, if you would’ve gotten me at my “good” times, you’d be millionaires by now. Back when I was in high school I bought anything I could… even if I only like one song- I would have bought your whole album for that one song. I’ve got around 30 physical album with music in Mandarin — that’s roughly 7 albums a year… which is about an album every two months. Trust me, it’s not a bad deal.
Plus, imports are expensive…
All of the albums’ artists have their tags on the blog except for SingerSen. I haven’t talked about her much on this blog… yet. But maybe one day in the near future, I’ll add her own tag.
This is also not counting the music DVDs xD so there’s a couple more.
As a fan, I think I’ve been good to Chinese music fandom.
I can’t believe Ella got married. I mean, I can believe that Selina would — I had a whole year to realize that — but, YOU KNOW, it was Ella. Did you think Ella would be getting married? In any case, did you think Ella wouldn’t be the last one getting married?
The more you know~
My feet are killing me… again, and we just did the famous Taipei 101 building that has the fastest elevator in the world — the Guinness World Record says so — clocking at about 1km per minute or 60kmph.