Archives For movie classics

Yay! I’m done with the Garbo films that come on the TCM Garbo Signature Collection. On this batch there’s Queen Christina — my favorite just because of the line about being a bachelor xD — then there’s Anna Karenina, Camille and Ninotchka.

My favorite of this batch turned out to be Anna Karenina, even though it was the trickiest one to do. I wanted to use the train as the symbol of the film, but I couldn’t find a perfect train with the perfect smoke/steam. In the end, I ended up looking for smoke/steam alone… and I almost just use that by itself, but I thought it would look too much like the cover for Devil and the Flesh… so I made a composite image. LOL

Fake Criterion Collection: Greta Garbo Collection - Anna Karenina

I also sort of liked how Ninotchka turned out. It’s completely different to the other covers, except for the Criterion logo and titles, but like I told my friend JK when he asked why Anna Christie was the only one in color – besides whiskey not being whiskey without the color… Anna Christie was Garbo’s first Talkie, so to make it different in a “Garbo Talks” sort of way, there’s color. LOL, but you know… that may be total bull.

Fake Criterion Collection: Greta Garbo Collection - Ninotchka

Same with Ninotchka – “Garbo Laughs” and so the cover is completely different to the others. It’s got more color, the titles and signature are in black. You can check the whole Fake Criterion set on Flickr.

Just started a Greta Garbo Fake Criterion Collection, from the TCM Garbo Signature set. The only one I’m choosing not to do is Grand Hotel… and of course, the TCM archives. So I’m only missing Queen Christina, Anna Karenina, Camille and Ninotchka. ;P

My favorite fake cover… is between The Mysterious Lady and Flesh and the Devil.

Fake Criterion Collection: Greta Garbo Collection - Flesh and the Devil

In this one, I like the flame… which you know, I picked from the classic scene where they are lighting their cigarettes and the shot gets so awesome with the light. Of course, I couldn’t find a lighter, so decided to just use the flame. And in it, you can see a bit of that scene if you squint enough.

Plus, Flesh and Devil sounds so sinful and all about kinky passion. LOL Fire, right? xD

Fake Criterion Collection: Greta Garbo Collection - The Mysterious Lady

And The Mysterious Lady plays the whole spy thing. I’m not even sure if the gun fits the movie, it just looked like it did… it wasn’t too “period-like” and it wasn’t a modern shotgun.

It just didn’t feel right to use Greta Garbo and/or the movie stills. It seemed kind of… dull. That’s why I’m kind of disappointed on my version for Mata Hari. I couldn’t find a still of just the head piece, and I didn’t want to use Garbo’s face — as striking as it was — and I was about to use just the ring, but I guess it’s not really that striking.

And of course, Anna Christie plays on the whole “Gimme a whiskey!” line. After all, Garbo Talks! LOL

You can check the rest of the set here.

The Happy 101 Award

August 7, 2010 — 2 Comments

Anomalous Material just posted a Meme about 10 Things that Bring You Joy.

But before we start with mine… let me just say… “Forehead Titaes!” *giggles*

Okay, moving on… what are some of the things that bring me joy?

1. The sight of chocolate

Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

In any shape or form. It doesn’t matter how pissy or how gloom I may be, I see chocolate and suddenly the world seems a better place. And forget about having a taste of the chocolate-y goodness.

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Oh yeah, sweet baby beegesus.

You know you can picture it already.

Ryan Murphy announced that Glee will have a Rocky Horror Picture Show themed-episode, and Chris Colfer said he’d like to sing Time Warp. Among other news, Brittany [dumb as a rock, but funny as hell] will get her own episode, as well as Mercedes — poor Tina, we need her around.

video deleted

Concept / Layout: Sarah Biermann, Torsten Strer, Felix Meyer, Pascal Monaco
Animation: Felix Meyer, Pascal Monaco
Sound: Torsten Strer

I’ll just let them explain~~~

35mm is a shortfilm about cinema itself. We picked 35 of our favorite movies and tried to simplify them as far as possible. The outcome is a 2 minute journey through the history of film.
Take a close look and tell us if you’ve recognized them all!

I dunno if I saw the 35, it’s most likely that I didn’t.
More like 5 or 10 hahahaha. but I’ve only seen it once.

check it out, and let me know what YOU see.

In honor of their 75th Anniversary, 20th Century Fox is giving away (with the purchase of some DVDs) Limited Edition Posters of some of their classic… or not so classic films.

You get 8 to choose from~~~

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Turner Classic Movies are opening the first ever Classic Film Fest, a four-day event presenting over 50 classic films~ Obviously, it’s held in Hollywood… in places like the historic Chinese Theater, and the Egyptian Theater.

If you want more info, head over to Living in Cinema.

Posters designed by Canyon Design Group.

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Just saw The Red Balloon, and well… just beginning to be a little obsessed about it~~~ so in light of that, I have “curated” a gallery on Flickr, properly titled Le Ballon Rouge.

I also have started a new list on TheAuteurs titled Ultimate Films for the Kiddos~ which I will hopefully fill up with films kids should grow up watching. I would love your suggestions.

Just started this.

My Fake Criterion Collection

Happy Belated Xmas, Amy!
it’s here, it’s here!

After ages on my Amazon Wishlist, my dad made it happen. *laughs*

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