31-Day Movie Meme: Anomalous Edition

September 8, 2010 — 2 Comments

15. Best Musical

Moulin Rouge! I really feel that without it, Chicago would still be looking for a way to be released. Plus, I know the lines by heart. LOL The songs, the dialog xD I can recite it hahaha.

16. Your Guilty Pleasure Movie

Sister Act, and Sister Act 2 – Yup, that’s right. Both. LOL I cannot be mad at Whoopi! Her name is Whoopi! Every time you’re happy or excited you should say “whoopi!”. Plus, if nuns did sing like this at mass, I would probably be there listening at least once or twice a month… instead of, well… never.

Do nuns use the internet? Any nuns here?

Plus, Sister Act 2 has Lauryn Hill. That’s a total win. I also sing Happy Days xD)

17. Favorite Series or Related Movies

I really REALLY loved Harry Potter… and then the 6th book came out, and it spoiled my fun. LOL

18. Favorite Title Sequence

I still love it. John Williams is so ubiquitous. xD

19. Best Movie Cast

The Women! xD

2 responses to 31-Day Movie Meme: Anomalous Edition

  1. How many Bring It On films do they want to make!?!

    Love that scene from Jurassic Park. It's one of those where you feel the whole audience gasp. It was a wonderful experience seeing it in the cinema back in 93.

    • They have about 4 DVD sequels. LOL I dunno if they plan more. Others like it? American Pie. LOL

      I know what you mean about JP xD I'm planning to watch it tonight xD

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