Archives For Motion

Way to attract creepy Google searches, Deftones.

Anyway, I’m not a really huge Deftones follower, but they’re mellow, aren’t they? I’m pretty sure their stuff was louder, but this one… is actually… soothing? And it’s got pretty lights too! I doubt it will win Best Pretty Lights against Vital’s Airport, but it could definitely win Best Gay/Lesbian themed? xD

Don’t know what I’m talking about? Look at 2009.

Ahh, now… if only real sex tapes would look like this. LOL

Ahhh, fashion and perfume commercials are the coolest, even if I don’t buy any of it — if I had the money, I’d probably would, because let me tell you… Jude Law hasn’t looked this good in ages.

Of course, this is all about style. This is hustling with style xD Guy Ritchie probably got paid a nice amount, and Jude got a nice check. For some reason, when you do this type of commercials, you don’t end up looking cheap. On the other hand, it seems you gain some sort of “classic Hollywood” status. At least for Law, I mean.

If you need to hustle and are cheap, you end up like this. Or like this,  or this. LOL I’m sorry, I had to post those ProActiv commercials on TV and they were even DUBBED! Badly-dubbed commercials! LOL

Thanks to Joel for the heads up on this time-lapse video.

Ahh… I hope I can finish this post in less than 30min. LOL Or sure I’ll be whining with the people at Anomalous Material for posting so many Memes xD

But we’re lazy, so we’re doing a 31-day Meme into one post. Just like we did on the TV Meme… only with more pictures! Because I think that TV Meme needs photos, right?

1. A Sequel that Shouldn’t Have Been Made

You know there should be something wrong when all the sequels went straight to DVD. That’s a sad sad ending for a good cheesy film like Bring it On. The sequels bring so much shame when mentioning Bring it On, which by the way had Kirsten Dunst and Eliza Dushku… and Gabrielle Union. And cheers. I said Brrrr it’s cold in here! There must be some Clovers in the atmosphere~~~ LOL a perfect introduction to setup what the cheese will be about, and a more poppy-end-of-the 90s-rendition of Hey, Mickey!

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Ah, I knew I had heard about Jiang Yingrong before. And of course, I had. It was that time I was passionately discussing the state of Cpop as commercial pop compared to commercial pop in America, and commercial pop in S.Korea — I don’t think I discussed Jpop.

Anyway, Jiang Yingrong won last year’s Supergirl (yeah, that same contest that found us Chris Lee, BiBi and Jane Zhangthankyouverymuch), and it just goes to show you the changing tides in the cpop scene. In her third single Bad Angel (aka. Hui Tian Shi – but, you know, Bad Angel is so much easier), she looks a little bit Zhao Wei, a little bit Rihanna, and a little bit Natalie Portman on V Mag by Mario Testino — yeah, I just pulled that out because I know a lot of NP’s photoshoots…
plus, you know, it’s Testino. xD

She sounds a little too electronic on it too, so you won’t be able to judge much.

Not really feeling Bad Angel, but I really REALLY dug her first single (was it the first? or second?) titled Ba Wo Ni de Mei… or you know, subbed – Seize your Beauty. It’s really catchy, and the hook “everything” line is funny. Everysing xD Everysing.

Is it wrong that a 1944 short brings back memories of childhood to me?

From my group of friends, I think I’m the only one that grew up with old Disney shorts, and sometimes I talk about them with a whole bunch of my friends wondering what I’m talking about.

Did any of you grow up watching this short? How old are you? xD

Maybe I’m not the only 20-something.

More uses for the iPad! LOL

First, iPads as menus at Izakaya restaurants… because people can’t turn pages any longer. I guess it helps with paper consumption… This has actually already been discussed with regular touch-screens on tables. I guess iPads are more affordable than big touch-screens.

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″]

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Ahhh… classy song. No, really… it is a really classy song, which happens to have F*ck You every time the chorus goes. It seems like it’s been ages since a song sounded this classy with a title like this.

And it’s the dude from Gnarls Barkley… from that song Crazy~ He’s going solo.

But still, the typographical non-official version is cooler.

Maybe that version could be Best Typographical MV of 2010 ;P

Way back back… back in the day – a little bit before I started using Napster xD this was my shame, and you can NOT hold me accountable for it. Circle of shame, girlfriend~~~

If you know me, you probably wouldn’t think that I’d be a fan of Milk@Coffee, why? Because Milk@Coffee is happy poppy simple music. My friends think it sounds like children’s music. Obviously, they have that certain vibe because the female part of this duo, Kiki, sounds like a little kid singing, and the music in itself sounds very playful and catchy. However, looking into the songs, they reveal a certain maturity.

Of course you’ve got catchy favorites like Wo Bu Shi Rock n’ Roll (I’m not Rock n’ Roll), the wacky Curry Coffee, or Burn! Little Universe, and Yi Qi Lai (Together). However, there’s also songs like The Older the Lonelier – you gotta admit that’s a really REALLY sad title – or Accustomed to Loneliness. How about the most off-beat of their songs? The Zhongguo Feng-styled (traditional Chinese sounding) Die Lian Hua.

In this new single titled No Time — the album will be out by September… in a mayor label, so Milk@Coffee is no longer indie –, they seemed to have struck a balance with that maturity and the catchy. Yes, No Time sounds like a kid’s song, but it talks about a thing kids will never mind until they grow up a bit. How many of you keep telling the people you know that you don’t have enough time to do something. It’s a tale as old as… well, time.

The begins with a minute of various celebrities saying what they lack time for.  “I am __” they say, “I have no time for ____”.  These neglected activities include listening to music, dating, losing weight, studying abroad, visiting relatives,  having kids, and so many other commonplace ones that every listener should hear one they too pushed back at one point. The spoken introduction ends abruptly with Laure Shang saying: “My name is Shang Wenjie. I have no time to record whatever this is for you”.

via Cfensi.