Ahhh, one for the memories~
I remember that I had bought Alejandro Sanz’ Mas (More) album back when it was released, so it’s one of the first albums that I bought when I was a teen xD
I might try a couple few more other translations for Alejandro Sanz, but in the meantime, here’s a translation for Amiga Mia (Friend of Mine). Continue Reading…
I thought that I would practice my Spanish to English translation skills by translating some songs — I’ve recently done partial translations of Marc Anthony [1], as well as Shakira and Gianmarco when I talked about What Were Good Lyrics. I’ve also done full translations for Polvos Azules: A Cinephile’s Paradise, and random songs of Los Nosequien y los Nosecuantos [1][2].
So I thought I would pick an oldie, the 1995 Gianmarco release — some say it’s a 1994 release, but my copy has a 1995 print — of Entre la Arena y la Luna (Between the Sand and the Moon). Obviously, I can’t post ALL lyrics on one go, so I’ll probably add them as I work on them. Gianmarco’s lyrics weren’t as complicated then — and they’re pretty short — so they should be fairly easy to translate.
“You’d be crazy, Amy. How can Marc Anthony FIGHT! with himself?”
Of course, he can! He’s got exact versions of his songs in different languages! So which ones are better? Obviously, Marc Anthony flies that Spanish/English barrier easily, but his Spanish discography, let’s just say, it’s more prolific and slightly more meaningful.
It’s almost too much of a shame to find the VEVO version of his song I Need You, when the better version — equally corny, but much more meaningful Spanish lyrics — of Te Amare [MV] has only been uploaded by a fan.
Any Peruvian of my generation has to have grown up with, at least, one Los Nosequien y los Nosecuantos song. Maybe not Cuando tu Me Pegas [1], but certainly Magdalena [1], Los Patos y Las Patas [MV] — and obviously Las Torres.
Part political satire, part serious social commentary, part anthem, part pop hit, part party flare and full Peruvian rock — Las Torres, meaning The Towers (as in transmission towers), was a huge hit in its time and its the musical staple of the… maybe not defunct but definitely stale Los NSQ y Los NSC (for short).
Long gone are the days of the constant nights without lights due to the blowing up of transmission towers, the curfews, being a kid then was… not the bomb. Cable, internet were non-existent and any form of entertainment was limited to just the couple of channels… and you were lucky to have a working TV.
Have we ever asked ourselves what good were computers without internet?? LOL
Anyway, I digress — the wordplay in Las Torres is an obvious play on the famous Un Elefante se Balanceaba (An Elephant Swinging) [here’s a clip] which I guess you don’t have in English version of… but a close version would be the Ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall song? In the Elephant Song, you would sing that “an elephant is swinging on top of a spider’s web, seeing as it lasted, it calls one elephant more” which makes the song endless.
Unlike Bjork’s concert [1], which I couldn’t photograph… to even have a faint memory of it. I did get the chance to shoot Miyavi with my good gear, without having to sneak it in… which is good, because this new lens is super huge.
I don’t know if it’s because I’ve actually never actively search for stuff related to Yu’s performance as Desdemona in Othello, but I just ran into these photos of Yu-chan in that play she did years ago circa her Welcome to the Quiet Room days.
I also ran into some of the old snaps she took while shooting The Lost World, which if you recall she was all secretive [1] [2] when she visited my South American turf. I’m sorry, I’m toooooo lazy to split up those images.
After a few weeks since my last forum comments on IMDb, which I only visit for rating films and shows and almost never hang out at the boards any longer, I ended up looking at my comment history and found a post on the Shirley Holmes board…
Of course I ended up searching for “shirley holmes” on YouTube… lo and behold!
Meredith Henderson is living in L.A. and is a gamer~~~ I did not expect that, ever. She’s a full-on gaming dork too, getting excited over Comic Con and all. I didn’t understand half the things she talked about because I don’t game, but loads of my friends do.
I also ended up finding a copy of Espanol Latino Shirley Holmes! El Caso de la Bruja Wannabe with — of course — Shelley Duvall of The Shining. xD Espanol Latino dubs are hard to come by in full episodes, even though I have the first seasons of Shirley Holmes on tape with that dub. I wish I could come by the last season.
I have been waiting patiently for a number of years for a DVD release of that show.
Also buy right away… or you’ll end up with over-priced copies of them like Are You Afraid of the Dark xD which are around $100-$300 dollars per season (7 in total). But… if you have no issues in paying around $2k for a show on DVD, be my guest… LOL
There are things… going on, which made me discover a song xD
Then I got to watch loads of videos and clips, and then it moved me~ it all clicked. The best Peruvian is not (some people keep on claiming this) Peruvian at all. Now, isn’t that ironic, don’t you think?