Archives For Graphics

Welcome to another random edition of Wannabe Distributor!

Today’s pick of film is the Taiwan/China co-production of LOVE (愛LOVE).

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They had a Will&Grace re-run a few days or weeks ago, and even though I haven’t enjoyed the show since I was a teen… Karen still manages to make me laugh.

Here’s the clip, but be careful if it gets deleted.

We’re always bombarded with news at how the music (and movies, and everything else) industry is losing money to piracy, even though we keep hearing all these facts about how Glee has had more songs charted than The Beatles.

When Sarah, from the Music Production Schools’ design team, emailed me this infographic depicting all these facts onto one place… is hard not to share, right?

I won’t lie to you, the numbers are good — though I really don’t know how that works with adjusted inflation — but the numbers also make me sad. To imagine Katy Perry standing on similar ground as MJ or Flo Rida standing on similar ground to The Beatles… or Ke$ha selling MORE than The Beatles. It’s depressing.

Mainly because there are MUCH better artists out there, and half the world haven’t even heard about them. I think it’s a crime that everyone knows Katy Perry, but it’d be rare if someone knows who Shiina Ringo is.

In any case, this is an infographic about sales~ so there you have it.

Full infographic after the break~

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It’s around that time of the year again — a few days, give or take — it’s been 4 years since I’ve been in Yu Aoi’s fandom! Admittedly, less diligently than before… but surprisingly, still going at it.

You know FOUR is my bad luck number. Bad things happen with that number, so I’m extra crossing my fingers this year. In the meantime… here’s Yu-chan! Being Yu-chan! With some pastries~~~

I decided to create another feature in here~ The Wannabe Distributor feature!!! Combining my love for film and design, I’m gonna pick films as if I could afford the rights to distribute them, and imagining I really am going to be showing these films at a theater near me, I’m going to pick suitable titles and “create” a campaign to promote it. LOL

My first pick! China’s little movie that could, Love Is Not Blind (失恋33天).

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2011 Tops and Bottoms~

April 15, 2012 — 1 Comment

I put together my lists of Top15 Movies, Bottom15 Movies, as well as my Top15 Albums from 2011.

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You know I have to do it… LOL

I wanted to add one more panel, but I thought it would be too spoilerific of the episode. I really really REALLY hope and wish someone subs Shokuzai because it’s only five episodes, and buzz seems to label it as “the drama” of the season because of the amount of talent involved [1].

You know you spend too much checking out the Cpop music scene when you look at this and think it’s the funniest thing ever because it’s so true.

I wasn’t/still not a big fan of S.H.E but I gotta admit I’ve warmed up to them, and I guess that comes from my liking of Hebe’s solo albums, which I gotta admit surprised me a lot more.

I used to — still — find Ella the most entertaining. I’ve never seen her acting, but when I catch S.H.E MVs or clips, she always cracks me up. Her face just crack me up, looking at these pictures cracks me up. That girl is hilarious.

Then there was Hebe~~~ hahahahahaha.

Usagi! The Asian Peace Sign~

Yu Aoi has been caught! Several times!! LOL

There’s just… no denying it, Yu.

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