I should be really working on these more often because there are 3 more left before I get to choose the ones from 2009~~~ This time around, I kind of feel like i didn’t get to watch many good films. It was really tough to find 3 animated films to include, and considered to just choose two instead, but I found 3 xD so I hope it’s not mostly filler~
Archives For awards
Late post! Internet issues! But it gave me the time to watch this awesome kick-ass animated film that apparently was released early in the year, but I have heard nothing about it. So Amy do, as Amy does.
I am pushing for a nomination, ha! Here’s a brief write-up:
I just saw the best animated film I’ve seen all year. A stop-motion funny, yet compelling serious drama about the unlikely friendship between one cute, albeit kinda weird, 8-year-old girl in Australia and some 40-something-year-old Jewish/Atheist man living in New York.
You should all try to check it out, even if it’s online because if it weren’t for the internet, I wouldn’t have EVER heard about it.
Now I’m pushing for a nomination… AT LEAST a nomination. We all know Pixar’s UP is a lock on it, and will probably win (boooooring), so I’m pushing for Mary and Max this season.
If it gets a nod (very unlikely, since there’s no marketing or buzz), I will die of happiness~~~ xD
Was this announced before? Because I remember talking about Yu with Vogue for some November issue.

From left to right – Ai Tominaga, Yu Aoi, Yukie Nakama, Shinobu Otake, Yayoi Kusama, Rie Miyazawa, Aya Ueto, Yukiko Motoya, and Ai Sugiyama
I’m not sure if it’s a women of the year, or the decade though xD
but I’m so happy for Yu (though not sure, since she didn’t have many projects out this year), and Happy Yu is so cute because you can’t help but smile when you see that smile.
Check out the MyCom Journal Gallery [jp], Oh No They Didn’t,
and a full Yu gallery over at Walkerplus!
As always, I think I’m a little off with the guys. O.o
I feel the list is a bit uninspiring, LOL
check it out yourself~~~
I don’t know any of the winners, except for Coldplay’s Strawberry String which won Video of the Year… which is kinda bumming because video doesn’t seem to be released yet, so WTF. I did like some of the videos though… or sometimes just the songs, but I was expecting something else, I think.
Moray McLaren – We Got Time
Continuing with the warm-up!
Woohoo!! Movie count is up to 41!!
Only 7 more to go~~~ xD
First, some observations. I noticed that I’ve only listed about 70 films (counting with some really REALLY bad ones there), and I had to cut to half of those… the results are kind of very American. You agree?
Actually, VMA’s are still going… 45min left, but I’m kinda bored.
First, it’s though to follow up anger Janet Jackson. Ever since MJ’s passed, I’ve been listening to the HiStory album like crazy – Most Played album on my iPod xD and I’ve been hallucinating about Janet performing Scream, because Scream is an “I am pissed” song and I love it for it. I love it when they go “stop fucking with me/makes me want to scream” – I love it. MJ says it with such conviction. Everyone loves Thriller, Billie Jean and Bad, but it’s all about Scream and They Don’t Care About Us for me.
If my mom hadn’t been watching with me *legasp!* I would’ve cried after she finished her performance.
So I loved the MJ tribute from Janet. I imagined her breaking the glass. I had dreams (hahaha) about that song of her (plus someone else to do the duet) trapped in a glass and breaking free. So I kinda got my wish xD
And then, that was a hard act to follow. I cheered for Taylor Swift xD with her skinny legs and all~~~ and Kanye is a dick (and so is Beyonce, kinda xD). Green Day requesting for more music videos played on MTV, followed by a commercial of FAN VAN with Green Day… the reality of fans competing for something. Right…
I wanted to like Taylor Swift’s performance, but I thought it was too sweet for a Subway performance xD – but she looked like a dork, and I support dork. I like her a lot. And Kanye still a dick.
Performances are kinda weak. Good attempt with Lady Gaga, but more than a great performance it was trying to be different. I looked when she began bleeding, very theatrical but it did nothing for me. Beyonce does nothing for me… and I’m still waiting for Pink.
Muse performance > Green Day.
why is this still on? Lainey said it’s over. MTV Latin America is delayed for at least 30min! WTF~~~
En Vivo my ass that rocks.
Geez, is Pink a circus performer now? That is crazy, how can she sing upside down?? And I absolutely worship Pink’s hair. I wish I had straight hair, the crazy things I would do with my hair xD
Anyway, I think it’s up from last year’s mess.
More music videos, less reality.
More musical numbers, less commercials.
Better music videos, less has-beens as hosts.
It’s 35 films this year! Woohoo! Well, not much to celebrate since some of those were really REALLY bad, but they count for the movie countdown~~~
In the meantime, I’ve decided to put my list of Best 2001 films.
It was really difficult to choose some, as I seem to not have seen many 2001 films, so many of my nominees are the same as the Oscar, I feel. Remembering the films made me remember about the first time I actively waited for the Oscar. I mean, the event in itself was something I did, but that year was the year I said I’m gonna watch the Oscar to see who will win. American Beauty won that year, as did Kevin Spacey and The Matrix. 1999 Films, wow~~~ I was 13 going on 14.
Anyway~ without further ado~~~
Kawaii Joyuu is reporting that Japan has just chosen Dare mo Mamotte Kurenai (Nobody to Watch Over Me) to represent them in the next race for the Academy Awards. If they are successful, Japan would win Best Foreign Film for the 2nd time in a row, which would be awesome. I haven’t seen the film yet, but I’m skeptical…
They are also reporting a possible Oscar nod for Mirai Shida… which I’m a little even more skeptical.
First of all, it’s way too early to predict anything considering studios have decided to start late this year, meaning that “most” Academy contenders will be released in November and December. Except for films like Precious (aka. Push) or An Education which premiered at Sundance, it will all be about keeping momentum during new Academy releases season.
Then, as we all know the Academy lurvs English speaking. It is very rare for a non-English lead role to win… It’s happened twice in the Lead Actress category (and once? in Lead Actor with Benigni) with Sophia Loren for Two Women (which I recently saw, *swoon*) and my dear Marion Cotillard for La Vie en Rose~~~
I’m getting excited with this future Oscar race~~~