Yu-chan doesn’t get much social media play, but she showed up in (Twitter via) the Facebook page of the Isenoumi Sumo Stable (伊勢ノ海部屋) (WHY is it called a stable?). It takes me back to that Glee Japan commercial, ne?

Yu-chan doesn’t get much social media play, but she showed up in (Twitter via) the Facebook page of the Isenoumi Sumo Stable (伊勢ノ海部屋) (WHY is it called a stable?). It takes me back to that Glee Japan commercial, ne?
That is all, Toni~
Since I’ve met you and moved to Sydney… I haven’t listened to one ABBA song. It’s because now my life’s as good as an ABBA song. It’s as good as Dancing Queen.
… and you gotta wing it like a ninja with all these geoblocking business.
Actually- I don’t think Tiger Moms would approve of winging something, but Chinese skills would need to be improved forcefully because Tiger Mom (虎妈猫爸) ain’t getting subbed nor fansubbed alright, because that’s how C-fans deal. You want to enjoy all these fancy movies, cdramas and cmusic, you better learn Chinese alright~
I feel Zhao Wei encouraging claps.
I think… in contrast to last year, I might be liking Dum Laga Ke Haisha much better than movies like 2 States or Queen. It’s modern like those two dealing with issues, it’s got as strong acting (though Queen had the disadvantage of foreign acting, which always tends to be the weakest link anywhere in the world), but it’s much fresher in style with its honest 90s Bollywood throwback. And thank you gods that there was no bumping electro-dance disco song.
It’ll need to simmer, but it looks good for YRF at the moment.
Todo lo que se diga de mí es mentira, no soy Doña Diabla, ni una mujer sin alma, ni mucho menos China Poblana que se queda con lo que no es suyo. Con la imagen que el público tenía de mí, no hubiera podido vivir, me conformaba con que dijeran que soy la mujer más bella del mundo, salí de El Peñón de las Ánimas y llegué a París como La Bella Otero, he sido una eterna enamorada, pero no soy una diosa arrodillada. He sido La Generala de mi pueblo en Sonora, así como Doña Bárbara, La Mujer de Todos, me conocieron como La Devoradora porque todos eran los ambiciosos que querían a la Maclovia de Pátzcuaro.
Everything that’s been said about me is a lie, I’m not Doña Diabla nor the Woman Without a Soul, much less a China Poblana that keeps what’s not hers. With the image the audience had of me, I wouldn’t have been able to live, I settled for them saying I was the most beautiful woman in the world. I came out of The Rock of Souls and made it to Paris as La Belle Otero, I’ve been A Woman in Love, but I’m not The Kneeling Goddess. I’ve been La Generala of my hometown in Sonora, just like I was Doña Barbara, One Woman for All. They knew me as La Devoradora because everyone else were the overambitious that wanted the Maclovia from Patzcuaro.
I didn’t know My Fair Princess (aka. Return of the Pearl Princess, 还珠格格) was a scoundrel/robin-hood type of princess! I’d would’ve watched much sooner otherwise~ Haven’t made it that far yet, though, I was greatly entertained by the first episode. Action and feel looks 90s China outdated, but I don’t feel like Mainland Cdrama has improved dramatically.
I’m hoping someone fansubs (or at least uploads) Zhao Wei’s newest Cdrama Tiger Mom (虎妈猫爸) [Trailer].
I made a playlist with all the listed episodes.
o-hisashiburi desu, Yu-chan~
It’s really been a long time since the last time I saw you SAW-YOU, thuogh it’s only been a year since Wakamono-tachi. So much time that your hair is no longer short. LOL I still got plenty of movies to catch up with, but it’s good to see you as an Osen-san-meets-Omoto-meets-Mina type of character. I’m not sure how Dr. Rintaro is dealing with the topic of clinical depression, considering how Asians view mental illnesses… but I’m interested in seeing why your character acts the way she does- is it Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)? Or are you just blowing Dr. Hinorin off xD
Also- can’t complain when this thing happened:
Many more screencaps and some GIFs below the break~
I ran into this oldie clip of Chulpan Khamatova reciting an extract of an Andrei Voznesensky (Андрея Вознесенского) poem, shot by Peter Shepotinnik (Петра Шепотинника) titled Lirika (Лирика)- though, I don’t know whether that’s an extract of the Voznesensky’s works of the same title. I couldn’t find a literal extract of the poem online that wasn’t taken from the video.
I did find a transcript of the video.
Ты мне прозвонилась сквозь страшную полночь:
“А ты меня помнишь?”ну, как позабыть тебя, ангел-звереныш?
“А ты меня помнишь?”твой голос настаивал, стонущ и тонущ –
“А ты меня помнишь?” “А ты меня помнишь?”
и ухало эхо во тьме телефонищ –
рыдало по-русски, in English, in Polish-
you promise? Astonish…а ты меня помнишь?
А ты меня помнишь, дорога до Бронниц?
И нос твой, напудренный утренним пончиком?
В ночном самолете отстегнуты помочи –
Вы, кресла, нас помните?Понять, обмануться, окликнуть по имени:
А ты меня…Помнишь? Как скорая помощь,
В беспамятном веке запомни одно лишь –
“А ты меня помнишь?”
Well~ that was a LONG process. Buth ere it is, after nearly four months of movie-watching and voting… the YAM Magazine team’s favorite movies of this decade so far~ Hope you find one you like, discover one… and that we included some of your favorites!