Archives For yu aoi

… on a NYLON Korea photoshoot.


Yu + Bae Doona + a Linda Linda Linda mention = awesome~~~ xD If you haven’t seen Linda Linda Linda, you must. Gets better in time~~ And just the idea that Yu was supposed to be involved, but had to back out. Oh the Linda Linda singing along possibilities of singing Yu. xD

BTW, my dad also LUVed Linda Linda, and Bae Doona’s character was his fave++ Another reason why my dad’s cool~

Feb 4

TOKYO! – in a City Near You!

Just a few months after some Hawaiian residents had a chance to catch TOKYO at the Hawaii International Film Festival, Liberation Entertainment brings TOKYO! to a city near… or at least nearer you this March. Below the break for more info~~

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Gosh, February Already!

February 1, 2009 — 4 Comments

Short days away from turning 23… O.o


*sighs* After that? At least on this blog… Grammy Awards, BAFTAs, Independent Spirits and Oscar! This is the first year I will be watching Independent Spirit Awards on television~~~ thanks to i-SAT who is now part of my cable provider! This is also the first year I get to vote for Indie Spirits~~~ I feel somewhat special… xD just for that.

Also, Coraline opens this week in the US, and next week here in Peru (even though it’s dubbed) – AND +++++ This month brings a new issue (2nd issue, in fact~) of YAM – if you haven’t read our first issue, do so here – this same week (same day as the Coraline opening day, in fact) Guu-Guu Datte Neko de Aru is out on DVD R2 wiht English subs~ My first Juri, first Japanese DVD ever. *excited*

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Happy Chinese New Year - Kong Hee Fatt Choy!
Happy Chinese New Year – Kong Hee Fatt Choy! by khairilfz
Happy Earth Ox Year!!!

I tend to say I’m an Oxger, well… because people always used to say “1986 – Tiger” so I always thought I was a tiger until the day I was writing a small write-up on it, and went “wha? WAIT! wait a minute… I’m not a tiger?”

And with the couple of years of reading, I always noticed I’ve got both of their traits. So I decided… Amy’s an Oxger xD

Other cool Oxes? Well, Yu’s an Ox – It’s Yu’s year!!

I know not to trust everything I read online, but Ox year is supposed to be good for Oxes (Yay for Yu, Yay for me) – but then again, if the horoscope I read is right… I rather it NOT be. It’s a pretty horrible year for BOTH my parents who are Monkey and Horse. So I’d rather they have a better year, than me having an extraordinary year. I’m happy with the ordinary, if it means better for other people.

As always, a little about the film:
This 2005 film stars Yuya Yagira (Tetsumu), of Dare mo Shiranai (Nobody Knows) fame – a role that earned him the Best Actor award at the Cannes Film Festival – as a young man who wants to become the first Japanese elephant trainer.

Genre: Drama
Starring: Yuya Yagira, Takako Tokiwa, Yu Aoi
Based on the novel by: Sayuri Sakamoto
Duration: +1:30hr

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Travel Sand Scanlation~

January 8, 2009 — 3 Comments

Well, not exactly a scanlation because I’m not thinking about scanning my book. But I was thinking of translatings… or trying to translate Travel Sand to practice my Japanese. Writing, and all… I’ve been transcribing the first chapter, which includes a Hollywood postcard, the letter, and then a bunch of captions on scattered photos.

Of course, with the help of Google Translate (and its funny translations), Rikaichan and the damn Kanji dictionary. This is helping me with my writing as well, because I can’t read all the kanji, so I write them with handwriting input… though sometimes I get it wrong, it’s quite effective.

I was wondering, if any of you… (I know you’re out there because that Travel Sand post has quite a few views) were interested in me posting that. Leave a message.

Wow wow wow~~

December 30, 2008 — 1 Comment

Can’t believe it’s almost like >this< to the end of the year on this side of the world… and even less time on the other side of the world. Actually, by the time I wake up again, it will be 2009 on that side of the world most likely.

Oh, the memories… how time flies by. What have I done? I feel I’ve done so very little…

One oft he few things I feel I’ve done is YAM [help yourself to some leftover YAM] – and I would like to continue with that. As a special something, this is a little of what we talked on the issue.

Let the Right One In, the Swedish film… which is probably MY favorite film of the year. Though, I saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button last night and WHOA. Blew me away… but that’s not on YAM. LOL – What’s on YAM? There are also reviews on Blindness, Slumdog Millionaire, and Twilight. Yes, Julyssa decided to review Twilight for us… how brave of her! xD – And yes, please? Go watch Slumdog Millionaire (or Benjamin Button) at least once, instead of watching Twilight for the 20th time… just like Lainey says.

I also reviewed music… Britney’s comeback Circus, Marit Larsen, Guns N’ Roses, Taylor Swift and DBSK. There are music, film and tv news… also a review on Season 3 of Dexter. PLUS! There’s more! Book reviews!! One of them features Yu!

Yeah! For Frak’s sake~~ I’m doing what others are ‘afraid’ to do. I’m mixing West and Asian entertainment. LOL’ Not ONLY the stuff that makes it here… but also the stuff that doesn’t, but should~~ So be sure to know that I’ll be reviewing music from all sides of the world, films from everywhere… and maybe even series~~

So please do! DO READ YAM! And link a post there so more people can read YAM.

Happy New 2009. Much success to everyone!

Film starring Juri Ueno as Suzume Katagura an ordinary housewife (despite how only being 23), whose husband goes overseas on business leaving behind his pet turtle at her care. She lives her days monotonously, wondering if she will ever be noticed, until the day she spots a tricky ad sticker searching for spies.

Genre: Comedy
Starring: Juri Ueno, Yu Aoi, Ryo Iwamatsu, Eri Fuse
Duration: 1:30hr

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, but need to share this. LOL’


Thank you, Nate… for poking my eyes on the voodoo dolls you’ve got stash away. Yes, we’ve done YAM. Please, help yourself to some YAM for Xmas over here

Hope you enjoy.

In the “Lost World,” of course~ LOL

About 2 months ago (a few days later, give or take) I blogged (and try translating) this msg. Now we (I) know why…

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