Archives For fandom

Once again, aoinohoho!

Not long ago Yu appeared on Fuji TV’s Our Music~
It’s very telling of me, but I only understand when Yu talks about food.
Daikon mochi??? xD Not my fave, but I think my mom likes it…
though they don’t make it like they used to, according to her xD


Found a new upload on Youku~

Part 1 & 2
subs request?

[iframe width=”480″ height=”400″ src=””]

To quote a Canadian filmmaker…

In typical Canadian fashion, [insert name of movie] doesn’t have a dvd distributor yet.

That was said 3 or 4 years ago… there still isn’t a DVD.

So in typical Canadian fashion… nearly 10 years after The Adventures of Shirley Holmes aired its last episode, after so many other shows have been released on DVD – there still isn’t a proper DVD release for the series.

What the fans have to go through? Well, some “savvy” people managed to digitally record the re-runs, and encode them to DVD format, but instead of sharing them, they decided to make some profit. Even if it’s small. Some other fans, get scammed… thinking they’re getting the real deal, to only find out that the episodes have been TV recorded – which I have to admit it’s just a bit silly to believe. – Some other fans just move on… some others end up on YouTube scavenging for clips and episodes… regardless of capture quality, and very appreciated.

Well, waiting is over… of sorts~ the Shirley Holmes Central is working on digital downloads.

Shirley Holmes Downloads

It really should have been an elementary exercise. TV shows on demand, new episodes of current tv shows available for streaming immediately after, and sometimes days and weeks before broadcast. This is the media world we now live in, and one in which there is much to admire.

So why has it taken so long to get episodes of Shirley Holmes online, in a streamable, and / or downloadable format ?

There are a few reasons, not least the relative obscurity of repeat airings, and the lack of any official DVD releases, even now, nearly a decade after the show wrapped in 2000. And then of course there was season 4, a somewhat mythical 13 episodes for many fans, because worldwide screening was very limited, with only the home Canadian market, and a few select international markets, including Australia and South America, seeing those episodes broadcast.

So while Forefront, Credo Entertainment (does it still exist?), and Chorus Entertainment… and YTV? Lose some money – seriously… if they decided to make Free Region DVDs, they could sell these in South America, the UK and Germany already.

Fan-made video! And new video posting testing!! LOL

First, a little about the video.

I began this… when this episode (Lucky Thirteen) aired back in Oct. 2008 – so it’s been sitting on my computer forever. I worked on it one weekend, and sort of left it there – until this weekend. I’ve begun working on another music video (on a less fan-made side) and thought I should at least finish this one.

I found Thirteen (I refuse to call her Dr. Hadley or Remy LOL) interesting from the beginning. It was a certain spark, and well… Olivia Wilde is pretty hot – which my friend Mob would be glad to agree on. And I also have to say that I’ve always found Foreman boring, so Foreteen makes me roll my eyes.

That aside… the song is by Hanson from The Walk, and it immediately brought images of Thirteen and her out-of-control behavior, so I just had to do it.

On a rant side… YouTube has removed already 2 of my fan-made videos, and I’m expecting them to remove the ones that are left, so I’m now forced to not use it. So please help out by linking back to this site =D

I’ve hated #4 this past weeks. That number is an unlucky number…

Anyway, this is my 4th contribution to the Japanese Cinema Blogathon, if you haven’t been reading… which I hope you have had~~~ because that’s the whole point of this blogathon, right? To promote J-Films…

Which brings me to today’s topic.

First, Your Friends~ Then the World!

How to Make People Watch Japanese Cinema

It’s all about compromise. God knows I’ve tried so hard to get my friends interested in it, because sometimes it can get boring talking to people about it just online… *sighs* I’m sure I come off as pushy, etc~ and many of them won’t budge. I even offer them films to watch for free… they only need to come over, and that’s that.

Last year I had a Foreign Film gathering (they chose the foreign theme, anyway), two of the nine films scheduled that day were Tetsuya Nakashima’s Memories of Matsuko – mainly because I’m crazy about that film, and I had just watched it a few weeks prior – and Shunji Iwai’s Hana & Alice, because Iwai-san and Yu Aoi is lurv. Sadly, no one came on time to watch Matsuko (only one friend arrived… halfway through the film), and I highly doubt they made any connection with Hana & Alice.

Needless to say, I’m setting up another film gathering, though I haven’t made them choose themes yet. I have a few lists I’ve made and they contain a couple of Japanese films. Let’s hope one of them stays this year! *crosses fingers*

Anyway… you don’t want to come off as pushy – and like I said above… it’s all about compromise.

  • You have a friend who wants to make you watch something of his own?? Maybe he wants to get you into Lost, Heroes… or Battlestar Gallactica? Give in, tell him you will watch a season (or maybe a few episodes, depending on your willingness to compromise) in exchange he should watch a film or two.

This will make your friend feel like you are not pushing him to watch something, instead you’re just exchanging interests… and who knows, you might end up enjoying both those hobbies.

  • When you blog about it, mix things up a little. We blog about Japanese Cinema, but in the end people who already like Japanese Cinema read your posts.

The point of this blogathon is to promote Japanese Cinema, but we are the ones dealing and discussing. I mentioned this blogathon to a friend, and she had no idea why she should care. *doh!* – combine the idols with your favorite Japanese Directors, and get them at least skimming through your posts. Make a western comparison… got something to write about vampire films? psych ward films? I mean Clive Owen has said that he wants to work with Wong Kar Wai and Ang Lee again… that means some teenage Owen fans would be at least be interested in checking out some more work by both directors.

How about a crazy collaboration between Johnny Depp and Tetsuya Nakashima? Or Juliette Binoche and Shunji Iwai?

  • Make a fuzz about collaborations. No matter how good or bad you may think they are.

I made a fuzz about Tokyo! – I kind of really worship Michel Gondry’s visual style… then there was Ryo Kase, and Yu Aoi. – I’ve also been making a fuzz over New York, I Love You because it’s got Shunji Iwai’s short with Orlando Bloom. Now, I don’t like Orlando Bloom (I’ve only ever liked him as Legolas LOL), but if there are people who enjoy the short… there is a small chance that a teenage Bloom fan might check out Iwai’s past work.

  • Introduced them with what they like.

My dad likes comedies… and action films, but well~ he also happens to like Asian culture, LOL’ so maybe I’m being a little unfair here. Anyway, I’ve made him watch films like Linda Linda Linda, Matsuko, Swing Girls, Tekkon, Kamikaze Girls… then one day he brought me Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams. *laughs* I was surprised myself, but my dad had a newly-found interest in Japanese films (mostly the epic kind though… xD)

and to just not have FOUR bullet points here…

  • … just keep pushing~

Keep bugging people. Someone will need to budge, right? LOL

I dunno if my wallet is, though~~~ xD

I haven’t bought anything non-Asian for… I dunno how long. xP

Bjork - Voltaic

Wow, I still can’t believe I saw Bjork live, right in front hahaha for real. Nearly two years ago~~~ *sighs* – Anyway, here’s the link where you can see the video… it does get you pumping~ WEEEEEE

… you realize you spend all your time watching movies in your room with the lights off, while ignoring any form of communication, including real people.

You’re tears well up and hear heart jumps into your throat when you walk into a store with more than a hundred dollars ear marked for Criterion.

90% of your friends haven’t even heard of any of the films on your top ten, aside from you ranting about them. – Except the cool ones, of course ;P

you realize you like fictional people more than real ones.

everything in the world is seen as a film to you.

You spend more time on a certain film site any given day than you do talking to any member of your family.

you lecture people on what to watch and what not to. –  Of course!

you tell people about the inner working of film and they look at you like your a circus performer. With awe and confusion… and keep talking of how hot such and such looked.

You start to notice the names of directors… – You are lost. xD – *sighs* ever since I was a kid, even with music videos. what can you do, eh?

you come off like a pretentious jackass, even though you aren’t. when the subject of favorite films comes up.

You use your lunch break to buy movies instead of actually eating. – Oh man, I used to be that person when I began living alone hahaha.

you go to browse DVDs on a weekend night, and spent over 1hr just browsing through them even though you’re only picking three or four… a week. LOL – BAWWW I miss my friends.

the numbers of movies you own equals or surpasses the number of movies your entire other five family members own (combined). – SNAP! Guilty! I probably can put my whole family and friends “collections” and I would still have more.

you want to shoot yourself because you accidentally purchased a “full screen” version. DOH!

you would rather spend the evening sitting in front of the big screen with a good DVD than go out dancing with the significant other.

someone asks you what would you do if you had a million dollars, and you say “Buy every Criterion DVD” and an old drive-in theater to fix up and show nothing but the great films. – though I also want this sweet bike, but it turns out the bike is from a film… so~~~

your DVD collection suddenly has become too large for your set of shelves… – seriously~~~

everything on your Birthday list is a movie, or movie soundtracks~~~

LOL, many more reasons over at! Come and join me =D

Here’s the main post.

If you’re too lazy to read that, I said to be eligible to vote you’d have to at least watch 48 films a year. We are halfway May… almost halfway through 2009, and… according to IMDb’s, I’ve got only 14 films listed as 2009. And one of them is a straight-to-video and the other is a short film hahaha. So that leaves me with freaking 12 films in 2009!!! 12 films in half a year, WTF!!! At that rate *I* won’t even be legible for voting on my own awards hahahaha.

Anyway, besides from those films… I have 9 other films that I want to see, and have already (seems like) been released somewhere in the world. Starting with… Precious (aka, Push), The Soloist, Los Abrazos Rotos, Blood: The Last Vampire, Coco avant Chanel, Up, The Young Victoria, New York I Love You… and the soon to be Terminator Salvation.

That makes it… 21. Will I make it?

If you wanna know how well you’re doing, head over to IMDb’s Power Search,

  1. select the 2009 films,
  2. exclude tv series, tv movies, direct to video and episodes…
  3. with a minimun of 50 votes (well distribute films usually have over that number of votes),
  4. sort results based on my vote rating (if you have an IMDb account)
  5. search!

Other interesting films not-yet-released here.

WOOOOOO!! A freakin’ year~~~~

Yu Aoi - Year One

Today a year ago, I was introduced to Yu Aoi’s work on Shunji Iwai’s All About Lily Chou Chou, and the Shunji Iwai-related Rainbow Song. Little did I know that the characters that interested me the most in the films were played by the same actress. Nine days later, I watched Hula Girls, and a month later I was completely hooked with Yu Aoi, and yet another Shunji Iwai film… Hana & Alice.

Continue Reading…

Hey, people!! For those of you just beginning to read this blog, the 6-Month-Mark refers to how long my interest seems to last.

I’m sooooo happy to say that it’s almost a year since I first saw All About Lily Chou Chou, and Rainbow Song. In fact, I’ve got my timeline all figured out (thank you, FB hahaha) – It will be a year on the 16th… since I got Asian (Japanese) cinemaphiled… a year of complete Yu Aoi also.

I’m preparing a ‘special’ post for that day, hahaha ‘coz it’s been a long time since I had found a subject to last this long… 3 years, give or take of fluttering fandoms. And because Yu Aoi fandom seems scattered, or very idol-craze sometimes… I have taken as my ‘job’ to create a place where we focus a lot on projects, and work less on icons, banners and graphic making. A place to discuss films, the seldom ‘crazy good’ photoshoots and NOT focus on personal life. LOL

As much as I love reading Lainey every weekday… I will not be blogging about Yu’s personal life. I have decided~~~ Now, you can blame that on two websites I visit (two actresses… one I’m a frequent visitor, and the other I’m even ghost staff almost hahaha). I’ve been taught to respect their privacy, and so I will. *sighs*

I will not be re-branding my site… this will still be my blog, and I will post about any other subjects that I want (specially during Award Season)… but hopefully I will have a good amount of Yu Aoi postings monthly. You may have also noticed that some links to Yu Aoi films are not working anymore, and I doubt I will be posting any film on my own… they are quite easy to find through Google.

I’m not against downloading stuff for distribution sake, I’m also in favor of fansubs… but if you love one of the films, and a release with the subtitles of your liking is officially available, go ahead and buy it. Buy photobooks… and other merchandise you feel like getting as long as it is to support an actor and their work. Don’t go around saying you support someone if you haven’t ever bought one of their films (in any region), or haven’t even gone to the theater to watch their films (in case the film is distribute theatrically), or even spent $20 to buy their ‘official’ calendar.

Yes, I know. Photobooks are pricey, so are Japanese region DVDs (and some don’t even have subtitles!!), but there are other ways you can support someone. American fans can go watch Tokyo! in theaters… they can buy Hana & Alice, or All About Lily Chou Chou, they can also buy Hula Girls. They can also support Yu projects by buying TekkonKinkreet on DVD and Blu-ray… or buying Honey & Clover which seems a pretty popular Yu Aoi film, or the Tetsujin 28 which I haven’t even dared to watch.

As a final note, you can pre-order Tokyo! (if you liked it, I’m not making anyone buy anything against their will) on DVD and Blu-ray discs, which will be released on June 30th.

Hmm… debating on what movie I should write about next. Need some time to ponder~~

In the meantime…

I’ll leave you with this cute CM for Shueisha, with the little kiddo with the bunny ears!!! Wahhhhhh, bunnies!!! I want those bunny ears hahaha. Oh yeah, also… Yu dances. I love it when she dances~~~ xD

Hana & Alice – Arabesque
Hula Girls
Hana & Alice – Not exactly dancing… but Relaxation method!!! LOL

kotoba, kotoba koto no ha
tada kotoba ga narande iru dake nanoni
sore wa namida o kobosaseru
sore wa ikite ikoukanatte kimochi ni saseru
sore wa atataka katari suru tada kotoba ga
narande iru dake nanda kedo
kotoba, kotoba koto no ha
natsu no owari ni sabishiku naru ryuu ga wakatta
kanashi sugite warattari suru ryuu ga wakatta
natsu ichiban, natsuichi
natsu ichiban, natsuichi
watashi wa sekai o tabisuru
kotoba o tsurete
watashi wa watashi o tabisuru
kotoba o tsurete
itsuka deau anata ni
itsuka deau sono toki
anata ni ageru kotoba o sagasou