Archives For Fun

Why do we love musicals??

Why do I love it so much?
What kind of magic is this?
How come I can’t help adore it?
It’s just another musical

I don’t watch as much i.Sat as I used to, but this is my favorite commercial I’ve seen from them.

I’m so glad they have it on their YouTube account. xD

I don’t think I’ve been this excited about an animated short for a while~~~ it’s got great style, flow, pizzazz — great for those who love animation, those who love Star Wars… and it’s also very relatable for those people who are familiar with riding on a subway (or any public transportation!).

This short animation, besides being super entertaining with its stylish violence, it’s also part PSA~ teaching you to always give your seat to the elderly!

Oh, gosh~ JeA.


you are really priceless~~~

I love happy Taiwanese music.

This time around comes from Come On! Bay Bay! (來吧! 焙焙!) and this 2009 song, All I Like Is You (But You Don’t Know) (全世界我最喜歡你 (可是你都不知道)). Super cute love song!

2011 Tops and Bottoms~

April 15, 2012 — 1 Comment

I put together my lists of Top15 Movies, Bottom15 Movies, as well as my Top15 Albums from 2011.

Continue Reading…

Sh*t just got dirty. Sorry, I had been reading Japanese “news” that I missed during my trip. ANYWAY, I’m not here to talk about such things. If we’ve discussed such things, you probably have a way to email me or PM me in some forum or Facebook — if you wanna talk about this, you know what to do~

Here’s a very super cute commercial Yu-chan released on early March sponsoring these glasses [1]. She looks positively glowing, and the reports say she was a natural during these shots. Of course. She excels at this type of things. Her facial expressions are perfection. Always. All the time.

Best way to begin the week!


I gotta admit… with the cars, the scooters (the scooters!!!!!) the people, the noise, the smell of food and all the signs in Chinese… my first Night Market experience was a little overwhelming.

I think this is… Taichung. Not really sure what the name of the market was, though. Got some really exciting pictures with the Nikon camera… can’t wait for them.

You know I have to do it… LOL

I wanted to add one more panel, but I thought it would be too spoilerific of the episode. I really really REALLY hope and wish someone subs Shokuzai because it’s only five episodes, and buzz seems to label it as “the drama” of the season because of the amount of talent involved [1].

Happy 2012!

January 2, 2012 — Leave a comment

How was the new year celebration?

Most importantly~ did you catch adorable Mana-chan performing? If you didn’t, the Maru Maru Mori Mori performance blended with the Arashi/Disney performance and anything with Disney is full of win for me. I found you this link on of the Disney performance.

Mana-chan also had the most graceful fall on stage, that I swear it’s going to last all year and be name Most Graceful On-Stage Fall of 2012~~~ which wasn’t even 2012, but just for the sake of upload times, it was.

[iframe src=”″ width=”580″ height=”326″ /]

You can read my “review” of this years show over in: NHK scouts the web for clips, but we can’t help by talk about the Kouhaku~ blog post.