Archives For china

A new interview with Bibi came out… yesterday!
Or actually… two days ago considering they’re like 14hrs ahead of me~

Bibi Zhou @ Rong Chen Blog

Very cute interview, where they look back a bit on her singing…
Bibi’s mom is also there! And she’s got dimples!!! LOL
And Bibi doing celebrity impersonations~~~ xD – She is very good, if she weren’t singing, she’ll be doing that, I bet. Also pointing out the difference between herself singing, and doing impersonations.

Sorry, no subs… but still fun to watch.

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Woahhhh. She left my heart dokidoki~~~

It’s a very VERY old interview Cheung did for the New York Times while promoting Clean at the Toronto International Film Festival (for which she won Best actress at Cannes).

Maggie Cheung by Jean-Baptiste Mondino

In case the whole thing disappears, I’m gonna paste the whole thing here~~~
by the way, I do LURV the photo below the break, same photoshoot as the above…
want a bigger version of the one below!!!

Really, really do read this whole interview, even though it’s quite long. But it will make you adore Maggie Cheung~~~ it will make you love her, even though she doesn’t really want you to. LOL

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Time for Bibi

July 8, 2009 — 2 Comments


I didn’t know! I’m passing out~~~ When did that happen???

Bibi Chow - Zhou Bichang - Time

I’m actually just listening at the moment, so I cannot spazz out more than I already did by finding out. It’s time for it to sink in and simmer well… LOL –

After the news of change of management, she is now under Gold Typhoon (EMI) *le gasp*

in the meantime! Enjoy~~

Preview it via Xiami

Okay, my Chinese music has taken over my Asian music as of lately. So I felt I should make another playlist =D – I feel this is an interesting list, even though I couldn’t find a good video for Vae (is he that independent?), and was able to find only one video for Yuguo =’-(

[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=””]

  1. Yuguo – You Jian La Tian (Hello, Blue Sky)
  2. Mayday – Sheng Cun Yi Shang Sheng Huo Yi Xia
    (More than Surviving, Less than Living)
  3. Cheer Chen – Ji Ta Shou (Groupies)
  4. Crowd Lu – Wo Ai Ni (I Love You)
  5. LaLa – O Yi Xi (Oh, Easy)
  6. Vae – Ru Guo Dang Shi (In the Event that) – Not a video.
  7. Cheer Chen – Deng Dai (Waiting for You)
  8. Mayday – Bao Gan (Liver-busting)
  9. Milk@Coffee – Ran Shao Ba! Xiao Yu Zhou (Burn! Little Universe)
  10. Crowd Lu – Yi Bai Zhong Sheng Guo (100 Ways for Living)

I love how this list turned out, kinda like telling a story… right? Like just beginning your day with a certain energy, then chilling down a bit, until is not so easy xD and then bam! Liver-busting *laughs* – Combustion!!! Big Bang!!! And finally life goes on… xD

We’re almost about to finish up with June – still haven’t reached 20 films listed on 2009 @ IMDb… and I’m still way short on my quota to be legible on my own awards.

I thought it’d be interesting to see how this works, so I grabbed the IMDb Power Search Tool and looked for all films listed on IMDb following this criteria:

  • All films must have over 50 votes on the site (you know, just to make the list shorter)
  • I must have voted it over 6.

So I made my list of the regular categories – All acting categories, best animated feature, best director and best picture – without caring about the language they’re in. Just a reminder~~~ this year’s awards should include all categories except for Documentaries and shorts~~~

Here are the ones of the would’ve beens of films released on 2000 – Oscar 2001 –

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Does that say enough to you? Really, read the editor’s note. Lots of things on this new issue… new problems, new films, new music…

Reviews of films from the blockbuster season… Star Trek, Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, Up~~~ Brothers Bloom. Short film reviews, concert reviews… of Kiss in Lima. Music reviews of The Sounds, Green Day, Shiina Ringo… a bunch of K-pop courtesy of Julz~~~ off you go to Japan!!! WOOOOO – there’s Life on Mars, House M.D. and my more “professional” review of Yu Aoi’s Portugirl.


Head over here.

has been satisfied this weekend!!

I had just discovered the Chinese Music Blog~~~ while reading this post – on also one of my new Chinese entertainment stops. – I got interested on the term “Zhong Guo Feng” which is to be translated as Chinese Style, or Wind… Vibe… etc etc.  so I googled and ended up there~~~ I really like the term a lot more than the Chinked Out (nicked by Wang Lee Hom) though.

A lot of people seem to have a lot of different opinions on what music is what style, and so on~ I tend to think Chinked Out style is more of what LeeHom does, which is combining a lot of Hip Hop with very strong Beijing Opera elements (or other Chinese elements) … I really enjoyed that. *laughs* His latest album wasn’t so Chinked Out style, I thought, but I still liked it since I really also enjoy Rock N’ Roll and Elvis style *laughs*

Zhong Guo Feng… I dunno if the term was nicked by Jay, but I got introduced to it through him (and my friend Diana, of course *laughs*) – I really do enjoy his Chinese-oriented songs a lot more than his faster Hip Hop dancing tracks. The more piano he’s got in the album, the less he raps in them… the more I dig. xD

I do enjoy a whole lot more Zhong Guo Feng than any regular nasal dance pop.

And I love LOVE these new additions to my library. ^^

Milk@Coffee – Don’t let the name fool you (I foudn a lot of Starbucks related sites on my search) , after all… who can resist good Pop music?? Pop with an Umph! That electronic-y, quirky vibe. I love!!! Some of the songs remind me of Clazziquai in a way, which I also enjoy xD – They’ve got a bunch of great songs like Yi Qi Lai (Together), Space Cake or Lunar Garden~~~

Yuguo – I think this is by far the most “rock” band [MySpace] I’ve heard in Chinese. You know? We often hear of soooo many Pop acts, it gets a little bit boring. Their 2nd album, Babel, has just been released. It’s a great rock album with bits of electronic… and I think it’s a “themed” album~~ at least, it seems that way from the titles of the tracks. xD

Cheer Chen – *shrieks* How in the name of insert-God-name-here did I not hear about her before? She’s just recently released her fifth studio album Immortal (Tai Yang, as in Sun), and it’s pretty great… so I’m looking forward to her previous work.

[Simply Said][Floral Posture][Shou de Yu Yan]

If I ever go to Taiwan to study, she’s got a brand new stalker. *laughs*

Add to that debut albums by Vae (linked above) – before there’s any complaints~~~ he’s a doctor. ’nuff said. LOL

[You He Bu Ke (Why Not?)][Ru Guo Dang Shi (In the Event that)][Duo Yu De Jie Shi (Superfluous Explanation)]

and LaLa (Xu Jia Ying) – like I said~~~ I enjoy my Zhong Guo Feng, and also good guitar driven songs.

[Export (Chu Kou)][Oh, Easy (O Yi Xi)]

Hmm… I seem to be listening to a lot of chick music lately O.o

and Chinese in general.

Taking example of Julz’ K-pop YouTube list – But then MTV Iggy is not as cool, LOL – I decided to make a 12-song playlist in YouTube… mainly because I didn’t wanna upload anything here. Plus, as much as I love my cassette playlists via MixWit~~~ watching videos is way cooler.

The thing is, you gotta watch ALL the videos, and watch them in order because there’s a reason for me putting the songs in that order. LOL’ It’s the vibe. The videos I chose are cool to watch, music is great.

Hope that you enjoy them. And I am looking for more Chinese musicians and groups… out of this world music. Not simply pop. That’s a reason I didn’t name it MandoPop or Cpop list. ;P – Music like Faye Wong who is still not back, though Fayenatics are abuzz~~~

[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=””]

  1. Faye Wong – Jiang Ai (To Love)
  2. Lee-hom Wang – Gai Bian Zi Ji (Change Me)
  3. Bibi Chow (Zhou Bichang) – WOW
  4. David Tao – Hei Se Liu Ding (Black Tangerine)
  5. Jay Chou – Fa Ru Xue (Hair-like Snow)
  6. Chris Lee (Li Yuchun) – Shao Nian Zhong Guo (Youth of China)
  7. Jay Chou – Dao Xiang (Rice Aroma)
  8. Chris Lee (Li Yuchun) – Cha Sheng (Poor Student)
  9. Bibi Chow (Zhou Bichang) – Wei Le Ren Shi Ni (Just to Meet You)
  10. Lee-hom Wang – Zai Mei Bian (Beside the Plum Blossoms)
  11. David Tao – Gui (Ghost)
  12. Faye Wong – Bu Liu – No Staying

Or Li Yuchun, whatever’s your pick on names. She was China’s Supergirl winner… she was the one who beat Bibi.
*le gasp*

I digs… I think she’s got style *points at Shane* – She’s also funny on stage… can’t beat doing the Cha Cha Cha, right? Or singing Corazon de Melao. LOL’ She does magic tricks, and she apparently directed some of her MVs.

that’s a pretty cool video, but still… Bibi >>> Chris – sorry, Chris fans. Just check that link.

I just posted YAM 003 over at my portfolio~~

There’s a lot of international flavor in it… all by chance actually. It really wasn’t planned, it all just came together like that. There’s a couple of rant articles on movies and music, loads of reviews including complete non-fanatical reviews of Ao Akua, Utada Hikaru, DBSK, Hathaways, U2, Madeleine Peyroux, and Michel Gondry/Bong Joon-ho’s Yu Aoi’s Tokyo!

ALSO! A special on the Peruvian film winning the Berlinale’s Golden Bear top prize~~ The Milk of Sorrow, and some of the discussion regarding the original name “La Teta Asustada”.

YAM - Issue 3

Head over there now!