Archives For china

Happy Chinese New Year - Kong Hee Fatt Choy!
Happy Chinese New Year – Kong Hee Fatt Choy! by khairilfz
Happy Earth Ox Year!!!

I tend to say I’m an Oxger, well… because people always used to say “1986 – Tiger” so I always thought I was a tiger until the day I was writing a small write-up on it, and went “wha? WAIT! wait a minute… I’m not a tiger?”

And with the couple of years of reading, I always noticed I’ve got both of their traits. So I decided… Amy’s an Oxger xD

Other cool Oxes? Well, Yu’s an Ox – It’s Yu’s year!!

I know not to trust everything I read online, but Ox year is supposed to be good for Oxes (Yay for Yu, Yay for me) – but then again, if the horoscope I read is right… I rather it NOT be. It’s a pretty horrible year for BOTH my parents who are Monkey and Horse. So I’d rather they have a better year, than me having an extraordinary year. I’m happy with the ordinary, if it means better for other people.

Please, Sample some Bibi Chow

November 25, 2008 — 4 Comments

I know some *coughjulyssacough* tried to sample some Bibi Chow [aka. Zhou Bichang] but couldn’t. I just found out… you can sample all of Bibi’s music (sans download, I think) on her website. But ALAS! If you google Bibi Chow you won’t find her website… so I will make it easy. Bibi’s website is – call me CRUISE, but I thought that was kinda NOT obvious… but oh well, okay.

It’s Flash-based, so can’t give you a direct URL to the music, but follow  this:

  1. enter and wait for it to load.
  2. on the green menu [commonly known as the main navigation], click the first option
  3. you are on bibi’s desk now. there are 4 items on the sub-navigation.
  4. click on the 3rd item of the sub-navigation. this item will open the stereo on bibi’s desk.
  5. the stereo has its own navigation to go through bibi’s music [misc., EP, NOW/WOW + other stuff, and Who Touch my Violin String]
  6. listen away…


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Bibi Chow – WOW

October 5, 2008 — 3 Comments

So I was looking around the web for lyrics of WOW, the 2nd part of the 2-disc album by Bibi Chow, because I was listening to it last night, and on my search for it I ended up finding my own posts wondering about Bibi’s music. How lame is that? So I’ve decided to put that finding to good use and work on the lyrics of the album~ and if people seem to be interested in it, I might work on NOW (the 1st part of the 2-disc album) and her other lyrics…

Okay, so because I don’t speak or understand Chinese, please don’t ask for a translation… it takes enough time (20min if it’s easy) to figure out the right pinyin. Also, no automated-web translation postings… if you think of posting a translation in the comments, I hope it’s a translation job done by a person, otherwise it won’t get approved.

If you are posting the lyrics, please proper credit is appreciated, as well as a link back.

And if you’ve got corrections, please point them out… some of the songs are too fast for my ear… Here’s the link to the CHINESE lyrics.

  1. WOW [added Oct. 5th 2008 – credit]
  2. Quan Nian Wu Xiu – No Rest for the Whole Year [added Oct. 8th 2008 – credit]
  3. Fan Fu – Repeat [added Oct. 8th 2008 – credit]
  4. Wei Le Ren Shi Ni – Just to Meet You [added Oct. 12th 2008 – credit]
  5. Sha Mo Ye Zhao Dao Bali – The Desert Can Also Find Paris [added Oct. 12th 2008 – credit]
  6. Sha Gua de Tian Cai – Silly Genius [added Oct. 13th 2008 – credit]
  7. Mao de Mao Xian – Cat’s Adventure [added Oct. 13th 2008 – credit]
  8. Zen Yang – How [added Oct. 13th 2008 – credit]
  9. Oh Yes!! [added Oct. 13th 2008 – credit]
  10. Han – Sweat [added Oct. 13th 2008 – credit]

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Once again… imcomplete internet data makes me keep track of films in here~ xD Sept. 4 –

WOW, it’s the end of the month O_o, geez Time flies by~~~ The following were on my list of latest buys of Region 3 from Hong Kong:

  • Kiraware Matsuko no Issho
  • Love Letter
  • Hoshi ni Natta Shounen
  • Swing Girls
  • Niji no Megami
  • RIRI SHUSHU (Lily Chou Chou) no Subete

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OMG, are you watching?? I can hear millions of Asian girls swooning~~~ Wang Lee-Hom and Bi singing Beijing Beijing Wo Ai Beijing!!!! Poor Kelly Chen… who? Where was Guan Zhe, though??

Wo Ai Beijing - Lee Hom Wang and Bi Rain

American-Chinese musician Wang Lee-Hom, and Korean musician Bi (Rain) perform together Beijing Beijing Wo Ai Beijing in the Closing Ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics

Are you waiting for London? Eh, No~ What the heck was that, London? That looked more like a Superbowl half-time entertainment than an Olympic closing performance. We all love some Beckham… and some people love themselves some Leona Lewis and then some Led Zeppelin… but that was just so anticlimactic.

Anyway, going back. Closing ceremony was not as HOLY-CRAP-CAN’T-BELIEVE-THAT-I’M-SEEING-THIS, but it was pretty good. LOL’ I am still swooning over Wang Lee-Hom and Bi together….

I think one of my favorite parts was when the performers made the Olympic logo, because I’m so-oh-in-love with Dancing Beijing… unlike the ‘unnamed’??? 2012 London Logo. While watching the whole London Olympic sequence, I couldn’t help but think about school Motion Graphics. Yes, sure… aim at young people, but don’t alienate the older viewers. My mother sure didn’t appreciate that~~

Dancing Beijing - Memory Tower

Performers make the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics logo, Dancing Beijing, on the Memory Tower.

Moving on… again! Placido Domingo made an apperance! He sang alongside Song Zuying (which the dude on TV made sound like ‘Son Su Jin,’ which made me think she was Korean).

Hmm… will look for photos. Photos are everything… or at least a video clip. Did you swoon? Lee-Hom Wang and Bi deserve my swooning~~~ I hope you swooned!! xD

**EDIT** 8.54pm – Found some photos!
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Chinese stories? Yah, in the Western Media.

Last week or so, my mother woke up to some news reporter, what else, talking about the Olympics. Such news report, title Cuento Chino (Chinese Story, as in Tall Tales?), broadcast sometime on Sunday (probably Reportajes) in Canal 2 (Frecuencia Latina).

Furious, my mother wrote a letter to one of those so-called opinion columns, for Somos magazine that is part of El Comercio newspaper.

Here is the copy of her email to them.

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More New Clothing

August 20, 2008 — Leave a comment

*smashes head into wall*

xD I just made a dangerous clothing discovery~~~ damn you YesAsia!!! xD Yes, because they had to spam me with a little print on YesStyle~~ And Amy wants some of those, especially those beanies… I am almost sure now that the search for that knitted beanie/toque/tuque that I’m on can end with – Word. But NO! I’m not only eyeing those beanies… Amy cannot possibly stop looking there!

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And here you are! xD More lyrics for your singing enjoyment~~~

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So continuing with Olympic spirit! You know that song each time they go to commercial break??? At least that’s what happens on ATV xD~ Here’s an IMEEM Link + Pinyin Lyrics! Woo!!!

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Enough, I’m tired of the western media nitpicking.

Rant ahead~~~~~

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