Archives For actress

WOOOOOO!! A freakin’ year~~~~

Yu Aoi - Year One

Today a year ago, I was introduced to Yu Aoi’s work on Shunji Iwai’s All About Lily Chou Chou, and the Shunji Iwai-related Rainbow Song. Little did I know that the characters that interested me the most in the films were played by the same actress. Nine days later, I watched Hula Girls, and a month later I was completely hooked with Yu Aoi, and yet another Shunji Iwai film… Hana & Alice.

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I found a pretty cool list of photos of actresses ranging from Emily Blunt to Keri Russell, to Scarlett, to Amy Adams… from Evan Rachel Wood to Freida Pinto doing pin-up shoots. Not especifically one shoot, but a collection of different shoots~~

My favorite? Alexis Bledel… tough and badass in this classic~~~

Alexis Bledel - Pin-up

A few other pictures after the break

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Hmm… debating on what movie I should write about next. Need some time to ponder~~

In the meantime…

I’ll leave you with this cute CM for Shueisha, with the little kiddo with the bunny ears!!! Wahhhhhh, bunnies!!! I want those bunny ears hahaha. Oh yeah, also… Yu dances. I love it when she dances~~~ xD

Hana & Alice – Arabesque
Hula Girls
Hana & Alice – Not exactly dancing… but Relaxation method!!! LOL

kotoba, kotoba koto no ha
tada kotoba ga narande iru dake nanoni
sore wa namida o kobosaseru
sore wa ikite ikoukanatte kimochi ni saseru
sore wa atataka katari suru tada kotoba ga
narande iru dake nanda kedo
kotoba, kotoba koto no ha
natsu no owari ni sabishiku naru ryuu ga wakatta
kanashi sugite warattari suru ryuu ga wakatta
natsu ichiban, natsuichi
natsu ichiban, natsuichi
watashi wa sekai o tabisuru
kotoba o tsurete
watashi wa watashi o tabisuru
kotoba o tsurete
itsuka deau anata ni
itsuka deau sono toki
anata ni ageru kotoba o sagasou

Mia Wasikowska

Mia Wasikowska is also Australian (like Tim Pocock, the first Actor Spotting), and is 19 going on 20. You might have seen her on HBO’s In Treatment with Gabriel Byrne, and you can also see her on I Love Sarah Jane (after the post break) directed by Spencer Susser who is set to direct Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Natalie Portman (who is also producing) on the film Hesher.

You will next see her as Elinor Smith on the Hilary Swank Amelia Earhart bio-film Amelia, and next year as Alice on the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland.

She was also named one of Top10 Actors to Watch in 2008 by Variety.

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Okay, last time Marcia totally blew up in my face – but that’s hardly my fault, right? But nothing to lose on supporting Toni Collette now…

Toni Collette - For Your Consideration

No one could play 4 characters like Toni does. xD From crazy obnoxious T, to proper but scary Stepford wife Alice, to weeny-less Vietnam vet Buck – LOL, I love Buck. Oh, and don’t forget ‘it’. Toni can play “it” too.

It’s early for award season, yada yada yada~~ I know, but these turned out pretty nice, no? Free to post out and about if you are a fan of the show, or Toni, and feel she should be Best Actress next. Here’s the complete set~~ INCLUDING, one more of Tara and the alters group, one of T, one of Alice, and one Buck. Oh, how I wish there was a picture of Gimme or whatever ‘its’ name is spelled.

Toni Collette - For Your Consideration Toni Collette - For Your Consideration - T Toni Collette - For Your Consideration - Alice Toni Collette - For Your Consideration - Buck has ranked Natalie as one of their best Sesame Street appearances xD Yes, the one with the elephant… cute as a button. I always thought Sesame Street (aka. Plaza Sesamo) was a pretty good kid’s show… and I always thought Elmo was cute, plus! he doesn’t speak like a stupid Teletubbie. “nuff said.

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First… I will let Mary Cherry do her own introduction.

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Roh-rock me Amadeus!

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… on a NYLON Korea photoshoot.


Yu + Bae Doona + a Linda Linda Linda mention = awesome~~~ xD If you haven’t seen Linda Linda Linda, you must. Gets better in time~~ And just the idea that Yu was supposed to be involved, but had to back out. Oh the Linda Linda singing along possibilities of singing Yu. xD

BTW, my dad also LUVed Linda Linda, and Bae Doona’s character was his fave++ Another reason why my dad’s cool~

SAG 2009 Winners

January 25, 2009 — Leave a comment

Red Carpet on E! began a while ago… and decided to begin this post. Check back here for ceremony and winners live blogging. xD

And I just had to mention… Lisa Edelstein… hot. xD

— Ceremony just begun —

blah, blah… and I’m an actor~~ xD LOL’ Will Arnett ~~ “I’m Will Arnett and I’m an alcoho- am an actor~” xD

Sorry, not much love for television from me~~

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Jinseitte Uso Mitai, or Life is like a Lie, is the first 3-episode-chapter of the Yu Aoi WOWOW drama Camouflage (previously known as Aoi Yu x 4 Lies) which aired at the beginning of the year, and it’s already on DVD. Finally saw! WEEEE – I waited… what, 6 months??? And still haven’t finished ‘coz no one is translating, and my translator bailed on me… dunno where he is.

So I re-watched the three episodes last night, though the 3rd episode only had subs in the story and not on the introductions (in which the director and writer explain a bit), and the ending (where the photographer shows and explains the photos taken), so kinda missed some of the episode.


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