Archives For Chinese

I don’t watch as much i.Sat as I used to, but this is my favorite commercial I’ve seen from them.

I’m so glad they have it on their YouTube account. xD

I decided to create another feature in here~ The Wannabe Distributor feature!!! Combining my love for film and design, I’m gonna pick films as if I could afford the rights to distribute them, and imagining I really am going to be showing these films at a theater near me, I’m going to pick suitable titles and “create” a campaign to promote it. LOL

My first pick! China’s little movie that could, Love Is Not Blind (失恋33天).

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I don’t think I’ve been this excited about an animated short for a while~~~ it’s got great style, flow, pizzazz — great for those who love animation, those who love Star Wars… and it’s also very relatable for those people who are familiar with riding on a subway (or any public transportation!).

This short animation, besides being super entertaining with its stylish violence, it’s also part PSA~ teaching you to always give your seat to the elderly!

I can’t believe Ella got married. I mean, I can believe that Selina would — I had a whole year to realize that — but, YOU KNOW, it was Ella. Did you think Ella would be getting married? In any case, did you think Ella wouldn’t be the last one getting married?

The more you know~

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I love happy Taiwanese music.

This time around comes from Come On! Bay Bay! (來吧! 焙焙!) and this 2009 song, All I Like Is You (But You Don’t Know) (全世界我最喜歡你 (可是你都不知道)). Super cute love song!

Alright~ Bibi taking on My Heart Will Go On kinda took me by surprise — have no idea who’s on the guitar — but I like the arrangement they did to the song kinda straying from the actual song, because very few can give Celine Dion a fresh spin.

Bibi oversang a bit, coz I have the inkling that she was trying to cover up for something~~~

DUDE, his English. I don’t mind that you mispronounce one or two words, but all the lyrics sound like gibberish. It’s completely distracting, and a pity that had to turn out this way because it’s a really refreshing arrangement.

Then there’s BiBi taking on Whitney.

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2011 Tops and Bottoms~

April 15, 2012 — 1 Comment

I put together my lists of Top15 Movies, Bottom15 Movies, as well as my Top15 Albums from 2011.

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So I was trying out some of Da Mouth’s music — some electro-ish hip-pop music quartet from Taiwan — and like I always do, I began listening to their official discography from their first album. It was all fine until I reached the song I Just Like You (我就是喜歡你), which began bothering me. A LOT.

My brain immediately connected it to Namie Amuro’s Girl Talk. And I don’t even like Namie Amuro — but at least I don’t hate her any longer. I had previously said that Girl Talk, released in 2004, reminded me a LOT of Janet Jackson’s Doesn’t Really Matter, released in 2000 [1]. However, this Da Mouth single, released after 2007, reminds me too much of Namie Amuro.

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When I was in Taiwan… in one of those nights I used to watch the news, I remember watching one note where they were talking (or, I guess… complaining) about how some “people” of the communist party where loaded with money, so MUCH money that women were able to showcase their Marc Jacob bags (priced at $20k USD apparently). The guilty parties? Gong Li and Song Zuying.

Bitch, please. Those two can afford their own Marc Jacob purses. They’re divas. They may be part of the party… because — come on, who DOESN’T belong to the party? You gotta be part of it to be a working actor or musician.

And if those two don’t buy their own purses, they get them as gifts. That’s how life is for this kind of people. No need to make it news-worthy complaining about the loaded communists. LOL

ANYWAY. I “met” Song Zuying when she performed at the Beijing Olympics (like ALL the other artists I met in that event — 谢谢,北京~). She sang with Placido Domingo and I totally heard her name, thinking she was Korean — come on, it totally sounds Korean when you sound it out~ xD Afterwards, I’ve seen her in several CCTV events and eventually got accustomed to her voice. She’s one of those people you just gotta WATCH when she performs live.

One of my favorite songs of hers is Love my China (爱我中华) — which some translate as (I’m looking at you CCTV) Our Love for China or I Love China — don’t be fooled. It’s Love my China and it’s about the 56 ethnicities in China and how they all sing their love for the country. It’s a VERY patriotic song, like… too much. But it’s so freaking catchy. Specially in the CCTV broadcast where I first heard it.

Her performance is the quality of Madonna LOL — it’s a big performance, almost unlimited budget coz it’s for the party… and Song Zuying may lack the sex quality Madonna has (because, COME ONE~), but she totally has that air of a magnificent diva. You may not like her political option, but my gosh~ she’s fantastically classy.

She even does it with regular versions of the song with a western chorus and a western audience [1]. Her voice has a magnificent quality once you get accustomed to its tone. However, I like her the best when she goes full-on Chinese with me. LOL Like in this crazy big performance of Good Days (好日子) [1] she did for the 60th anniversary of China. It’s incredibly… sentiment rousing. Them Chinese patriotic songs are good. LOL


On our way to Seoul~