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Okay, other than BBC (and every other channel) showing the Royal Wedding all freaking day long, it was pretty impossible not to know about it. Whether you love them or hate them.

It was pretty horrible with even CNN, which made me wonder if they were going to talk about the flavor of the wedding cake.


I dunno what the flavor was, though.

The Royal Wedding Cake

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Worldwide Anthems~

May 1, 2011

This post took a really long time… it’s been on my to-do post-it for a while~ I even have a post-it with the songs that I wanted to include, and the ones I could ask people about.

So check out the list on YAM Magazine ;D

Thoughts on Ooku?

You know I really really love Kou Shibasaki’s acting (not so much her music), and she was easily the best part in that movie. And it’s not even that scene in which the chambers opened to a sight of pretty men bowing to her, and she tells them they’re a bunch of useless and pretty men. LOL

Is not even that scene.

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The 40min. segment from FujiTV’s Tunnels Thanks to Everybody that aired the day before the opening of Raiou… is actually pretty fun. Plus, Yu Aoi talking about food.

A popular segment in which Tunnels and guests take turns trying to guess the food the opponent hates the most.

We need translation for this one xD

Loads of interesting facts, it seems… like Yu owning a shaved-ice machine.

And Yu tearing up when laughing. Does anyone get that when they laugh?

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How did I not know about this MV until today? LOL It was released in 2003!

I was going through some of the posts that had lost its YouTube video links, and one of them was this Yu Aoi and MVs posts, and I ended up seeing this video on Tudou, which took forever to load. I wasn’t sure it was a real MV, so I looked it up, and voila! Seems legit~

Song is okay too! LOL

I have been ruined by Jdrama xD

Can you believe it’s been three years since?

It’s probably the longest fictitious relationship I’ve ever had with anything. LOL

You can read all about it on YAM Magazine.

Re-pimping this old list~ xD

It’s always been tough to be a working actress on the big screen, as you turn a little older, offers often seem to be linked to “being someone else’s mother,” but cable television seems to be becoming more and more attractive to not only writers – because they get to write more challenging stories and skip censors – but also to women who were movie actresses and have found new complex roles to take on.

you can read the whole thing on YAM Magazine~

I just finally burnt Zhong Ping Huang’s (黄­中平) name in my head.

Because of A-Mei’s latest MV.

Having realized that he’s made my favorite Faye Wong video, I just spent all night “curating” a list of 77 MVs of some of the music videos he’s directed since 1997… but only of the artists I follow… otherwise the list is just endless~

Most of the time, his style is described as just about style, emotion and composition. Though, I have seen a few of those that have something resembling a plot.

Faye Wong – Bu Liu/ Nothing Left

I think that video captures what I essentially love about Faye Wong.

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My purty iTunes Library~

April 22, 2011 — 4 Comments

I’m a dork, you can’t deny it.

I’m a dork, and I’m proud of my -mostly- tidied up iTunes library.

As with my CDs, and my DVDs… a little bit of books, and mostly with computer files, I like to know where my things are. Of course, iTunes makes it way easy to keep things organized with their “copy to folder” and “keep things organized” options, but then we’ve got album covers, song names, artists names… and music can get a little messy.

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Can we agree that Hanna looks like she could be on our list of Top5 Little Girls on Film?

You can head over here to read the interview.

By the way, first time doing an interview via email. Interesting experience.