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Top-Rated Songs of 2010

April 7, 2011 — 3 Comments

I know it’s pretty late, but I guess that I always put the list off because there was always that “haven’t listened to that yet” issue. I will be probably adding 2010 stuff later on, but it won’t hurt to put my top rated songs — according to iTunes and iPod numbers.

Surprisingly, or not surprisingly… the majority of top-rated songs that are equal or greater than 5 stars are Asian artists with their Asian songs and albums. LOL As you know, I’m trying to mix everything up with languages, so I’m also trying to pick one song per artist xD

I hope you like this compilation, there are links to preview the tracks… and also links to buy the albums via affiliate programs, so if you like anything – please support this blog (or YAM)

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You know I love this type of things… like Pythagoras Switch and the OK GO’s MV.

This Docomo CM for the Touch Wood (ew) model of their phones — which to be honest are kinda cute. If I were in Japan, I would probably own a phone, but since I’m not xD The commercial, however, is made of awesome~

I think this might turn into a new feature xD

So I was checking YouTube uploads as I do now to see what to post on YAM Magazine, and saw this new Avex upload of MinxZone, whom I’ve never heard of. The intro (after the text) is kinda cool with the literal Paper Piano (the song title is Kami PIANO 紙ピアノ), but I thought it sounded familiar. Funny to find that one of the comments in it was the same.

See for yourself~

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After DBSK pretty rocking dance tune of Keep your Head Down, the guys decided to release — alongside a repackaged version of their album — the single for Before U Go with a music video styled as a slick action crime drama. The regular 5min. version of the video is actually pretty interesting, because it’s packed with some fighting, and some sort of story that we can follow.

It’s like the teaser of a quality Korean drama. LOL

And then… they decided to release the long-form video. I like to talk about it when MVs get turned to short films. So we must talk about it. Yes, the long version is still pretty slick, but there’s one BIG problem.

The remaining DBSK guys Yunho and Changming end up the 16min run of the MV looking like lousy one-dimensional goodies, while the baddie is an anti-hero. I actually felt a lot worse for him than the “good” guys. What’s up with that?

Yu Aoi Twitter

March 15, 2011 — 5 Comments

At the moment of this post, there’s no link to a Yu Aoi Twitter account.

To be honest, I can’t remember how I ended up in this account @yuaoi85 – which you know, would make sense as a username. However, there are several things weird with the account.

The most obvious one is that is not a verified account, but very few outside Hollywood verify theirs… so I can pass that.

The second big one is that Yu doesn’t speak English. It is simple English, but out of 17 tweets – 6 are in English. – Plus, her latest tweet is a copy and paste of the message on her website.

Also, who is that account following. Docomo. Fine, she sponsors Docomo.

But why a Kardashian? Marie Claire? Elle?

It’s very random follows.

And the first tweet is about a football soccer match. LOL

Then again, if it is the actual account (you never know xD) – I need explanations. Why Kardashian!!??!?

Until her website is linked to a twitter account, we shall label all as fakes.

I might start with a trend.

I’ve always liked Japan… if you know me, you know I grew up singing Sukiyaki and my father had a Karaoke bar. I’ve always been more connected to Japanese culture than Chinese — I know/get/understand more Japanese than I do Mandarin.

I really respect them for their quiet nature, and the respect they have for everyone and everything around them.

I think over the past five days, a lot of people have been able to see a part of what is amazing about Japan and its people. As we watched the footage of the earthquake and the tsunami in action, they acted calmly when a majority of us would lose it. They didn’t scream, they didn’t fainted, it wasn’t chaos.

As the day went by, a lot of the people who didn’t know thought that the Japanese would break, that they would turn against one another for food, gas, and other things needed for survival.

Instead, things like this happened.

This experience taught us a renewed recognition of what we had and regained its real spirits. I didn’t see any crimes but those who helped each other. All were willing to do their duty gentlemanly. I had been felt that Japanese got cold attitude in a way but today I knew that they regain their bond. It made me cry…I was moved.

Despite the terrible weekend, you’ve showed many around the world how amazing you really are. Despite all that’s wrong with many governments around the world, you’ve showed us that we, as developing societies, should strive to be more like you.


Yu-chan is safe.

March 14, 2011 — 8 Comments

Hey, guys~

Just wanted to update for the people that have been leaving messages or sending me emails~ Yu-chan has just updated her website with a message as well as – what seems – cancelled or re-scheduled shows of Minami he.

Check the News section on her site for that info.

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Triple threat post!

Kate Winslet + Kate Winslet’s hair + Mario Testino x)

I gotta say I love that haircut, and my shortsightedness has never been able to imagine Kate Winslet would rock such a haircut. But wow, plus~ Mario Testino.

Always said I like his portraits more than his fashion photography, but then again I’m not into fashion. Unless it’s totally fierce, they look fake to me. I usually hate them.

But these? *swoon*

Pure fierce~

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Heh, heh.

You know I love hair. And I love The Sounds (not as much as I used to, but still like them). Plus, she looks very rocking, even if it’s the same coloring… I just like the emphasis on the hair xD

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I don’t recognize you.

I swear that if I ran into this video without knowing what your name is in characters, I wouldn’t know it’s you. I also have stated that when you released Time, and many people complained that it was boring, I said that it was a well-produced album expanding your vocal range.

I like your two last albums, but your performance of the songs is not up to par with what you’ve previously performed, and it’s because you’re letting the production overpower your talent. And I don’t mean it so you stick to R&B – I actually really REALLY love your duet with Priscilla Chan. One of the most quality presentations vocally you’ve ever done.

FYI, I’m aware this is a fan-shot video.

But even if production and video quality are better than the other between the examples, you have to admit that the big dress and big hair is overpowering her presence on that stage, and the song is too mellow to be presented like that.

I’ve said her album Time would be better suited for an acoustic.