Archives For Fun

I don’t know any of the winners, except for Coldplay’s Strawberry String which won Video of the Year… which is kinda bumming because video doesn’t seem to be released yet, so WTF. I did like some of the videos though… or sometimes just the songs, but I was expecting something else, I think.

Moray McLaren – We Got Time

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Well, I don’t seem to have seen many films this time.
Hmm… I wonder why. I still haven’t made a countdown
of the music I’ve been listening to, so maybe I’ve been
busy with that. xD You know me, if I listen to much music,
I don’t have the time to watch many films, and if I read too
much, I don’t have the time to do either. LOL

So let’s begin… Continue Reading…

Courtesy of Sue Sylvester again!

Glee - 1x06 - Procreation

I’ve always thought the desire to procreate was a sign of deep personal weakness. Me? Never wanted kids. Don’t have the time, don’t have the uterus.

And come on! That journal entry! xD

Early YAM006!

October 8, 2009 — 5 Comments

So I wanted to make some time to work on those subtitles I was supposed to work on, and today is October 8th! So it’s perfect to release YAMM006, even if we are a little ahead.


Thanks to Julz for working so hard on the cover story, and all those reviews. ^^

On this  issue we review a lot of stuff, including Inglourious Basterds, Honokaa Boy, Mother, Treeless Mountain, Big Bang, G-Dragon, Arashi, BackStreet Boys, Imogen Heap, Olafur Arnalds, Chang Shilei, Juri Ueno and the Five Bags, Mad Men… Cusco Bizarro – and we even talk a bit about Glee, Dexter and House~~~

So head over here~~~

Courtesy of Kurt~
the a-dork-able Chris Colfer~
But I was battling it out with that other line,
which I will also post, because it’s too funny.

Glee - 1x05 - Oh, Bambie!

Oh, Bambie! I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy.

*BARF*!!! xD

I don’t know yet where he [Kurt] got the booze, although I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a fake I.D. He looks like an 11-year-old milkmaid


Last post of the month! #75!!! xD

Dominoes - wwf

Animated for the WWF (the wildlife… wrestling is no more for a long time now) by Wyld Stallyons. I always have a thing for things dealing with domino. Like in V for Vendetta. xD I can’t help myself.

Check it out~

And is that Tempus Sans? I used to use that in school too. xD

Continuing with the warm-up!
Woohoo!! Movie count is up to 41!!
Only 7 more to go~~~ xD

First, some observations. I noticed that I’ve only listed about 70 films (counting with some really REALLY bad ones there), and I had to cut to half of those… the results are kind of very American. You agree?

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Love Lego Stuff

September 27, 2009 — Leave a comment

Can you imagine a house built entirely out of Lego?
you don’t need to imagine any longer~~~

Lego House by James May

and here is more nifty Lego stuff~
Vermeer’s Girl with the Pearl Earring,
DaVinci’s The Last Supper, and dear Mona Lisa
Warhol’s Marilyn, and also… there’s American Gothic~

There’s more here.

Courtesy of Sue Sylvester
played by the awesome Jane Lynch

Glee - 1x04 - Yes, We Cane!

You know caning has fallen out of fashion in the United States but ask anyone who’s safely walked the immaculate sidewalks of Singapore after winning an international cheerleading competition, and they’ll tell you one thing — caning WORKS! And I think it’s about time we did a little more of it right here.

And to all those naysayers out there who say “That’s illegal. You can’t strike children on their bare buttocks with razor-sharp bamboo sticks!” Well to them I say “Yes we CANE!” And that’s how Sue C’s it!

Why aren’t you freaking watching Glee?


That was the moment for me. LOL I was expecting my Dr. Horrible mention xD
Now if only someone could upload for embed a good version of the intro
I love it when he mentions Joan… Ms. Holloway xD