Archives For peru

Entre a Luz e a Sombra (2009)
Genre: Documentary
Directed by:  Luciana Burlamaqui

Between Light and Shadow is a documentary that spans 7 years into the life of a Brazilian actress, who devotes herself to working with the prisoners in Carandiru — which was the largest penitentiary in South America [there’s even  a movie about the 1992 massacre there]– A couple of the prisoners, Rap duo 509-E members Dexter and Afro-X, who were there for different sentences, are encouraged to create music.

The documentary shows that even though the actress [whose name escapes me, and doesn’t show up anywhere] and the guys from 509-E were born in the same city, but where born in different parts of town and in different families, there’s a disconnect. This is why The Actress spends 20 years of her life working with prisoners on theater workshops, dancing, encouraging them to create music, or paint, while also supporting 509-E in their rap careers in and outside prison. The rap duo is granted permission to perform at events outside prison while still doing their sentences because the judge granting these permissions is convinced that this is a good way to give prisoners a second chance.

Of course politicians and police enforcement officers are against prisoners going out and commenting on political issues. And of course the duo, young at that time, was against “The Man” so they didn’t waste any time to speak up.

There are problems in Carandiru, the prisoners take over the prison with hostages — “We have women and kids” read one of the messages they hung — and the situation got out of control. The prison was closed down, the prisoners transfered, and Carandiru was demolished. With terrorist groups running rampant in and out of prison, government officials stopped letting prisoners do public events… even when 509-E was winning big in the Rap festivals and awards.

Finally, as time passed by, Dexter and Afro-X split after Dexter was transfered to another prison, and Afro-X was given probation because he was fathering a child with singer Simony.

In a telling ending, both Dexter and The Actress — who were a couple in the beginning of the documentary — tells us what we’ve known all along. Maybe it’s just better to put your best effort in keeping children out of the prisons. Because once people live “the life” and feel proud of it, there’s never going back.



Tuesday 10 @ 4pm in Centro Cultural Catolica – Sala Azul

La Yuma (2009)
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Starring: Alma Blanco
Directed by: Florence Jaugey

La Yuma — don’t ask me what Yuma means, but La Yuma is the boxing nickname of the character — tells the story of a girl from the poor neighborhoods of Managua, Nicaragua, who wants to become a professional boxer. One day she sees her brother mugging a young journalist who loses a disc with his work, so she decides to return it to him, and decides that she likes him. As she deals with her possible love life, as well as her family life with her younger siblings, good-for-nothing mother with her good-for-nothing boyfriend, she finally gets the chance to train under renown boxing trainer Polvorita.

La Yuma pretty much reminded everyone of Girlfight — which launched the career of now the familiar Michelle Rodriguez — for their “tough girl who wants to box” theme, but ultimately La Yuma distances itself from boxing, and focuses on what Alma Blanco’s character has to do for her and her siblings to survive.

Since the story starts out as a boxing film, and then distances itself from it… La Yuma seems a bit disjointed, as if you were watching 2 or 3 different films. However, the film’s protagonist is interesting — she’s tough and sassy with a sense of humor — she keeps bringing you back into the story. The acting is a bit uneven, especially from Ernesto (Gabriel Benavides) the “love interest” and you wonder why La Yuma feels attraction towards him, but characters like Doña Scarlett (María Esther López), or La Cubana (Juan Carlos García) are enjoyable and memorable enough.



Monday 9 @ 5.15pm in Cineplanet Alcazar  – Sala 1
Tuesday 10 @ 7.30pm in Centro Cultural Catolica – Sala Azul
Thursday 12 @ 9.45pm in Cineplanet Alcazar – Sala 1

It’s independence day in Peru! So I made you all a playlist again with old school Peruvian rock. Awww, man~~~ those where the days. Or maybe I have my stages… without the internet, I grew up with this music. With the internet, I moved on to music in English… and having Asian friends, I follow so much Asian music now. — Did you noticed the whole front page was filled with Asian music posts??? — And then people call me a music snob.

Anyway, Feliz 28!

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  1. Tierra Sur – Llaman a la Puerte [They’re Calling at the Door]
  2. Yvonne y los Mercantiles – Sin Parar [Without Stopping] – the chorus goes “I want to dance all night long without stopping” though it would translate better to “I want to dance all night long, all night long, all night long”.
  3. Miki Gonzales – Akundun
  4. Sangre Purpura – Que te Pasa Javier [What’s Going On Javier] – which goes “What’s going on, Javier? You look like a woman”
  5. Fragil – Avenida Larco [Larco Avenue]
  6. Los Mojarras – Triciclo Peru [Peru Tricycle]
  7. Los Nosequien y los Nosecuantos (NSQ y NSC) – Las Torres [The Towers]
  8. Autocontrol – Por tu Amor (For your Love) – This one sounds straight out of Saint Seiya.
  9. Arena Hash – Cuando la Cama me Da Vueltas [When the Bed Spins Around]
  10. Los Nosequien y los Nosecuantos (NSQ y NSC) – Magdalena — referring to a Lima district, so the song goes “I live by/for Magdalena, but I’d die for Susana”

Beginning August 6th until August 14th, exhibiting 4 local pieces — Contracorriente (Undertow), Octubre (October), Paraiso, and Chungui Horror Sin Lágrimas — as well as hundreds of other films from across Latin America.

Highlights not in competition? The Cove (ok, no… not really), A Single Man (!!), Ghost Writer (!!), and okay… The Young Victoria.

Director Mikael Windstrom will be giving lectures in the Festival’s workshops.

More info at the Festival de Lima Website.

Guilty Pleasure Songs

July 7, 2010 — 1 Comment

Extra! Extra! According to this Yahoo Music News~

Lady Gaga sings You Belong With Me at the top of her lungs. Which I think it’s super funny… and admittedly, kinda cute… in a “Wow, I didn’t expect this” kind of way.

So the women at AfterEllen decided to tell the whole wide world what were their guilty pleasure songs… or sometimes, not really such guilty, but the songs they always sang at the top of their lungs. First, let me say WHAT?

I understand Hanson’s Mmmbop 1997 being your guilty pleasure, considering I can’t really listen to Middle of Nowhere the same way after so many years. It’s the high-pitched voices, but the songs were actually kind of good. I mean, have you seen the Hanson guys lately? They’re actually pretty good.

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Early YAM 010!

June 12, 2010 — 5 Comments

MY85 made me realize that tomorrow is the 13th, so I decided to release this today.

Thanks to Julz, who’s always a diligent writer.
and MY85… and well, Maca who keeps tracks of her films.

I just want you to head over here.

A while ago Mario Testino opened his show Portraits for the first time here in Lima, Peru to re-open the Art Museum in town. Even Kate Moss showed up for the opening of the show – color me surprised.

As Lainey would say, I would cut a bitch to get my Mario Testino book Portrait — which I bought years ago, FYI — signed. But you know… things like that are hard to do. But my mom keeps telling me if Mario Testino shows up, she so totally will get my book for signing.

And, well,  since no cameras are allowed inside, I couldn’t take any pictures of show… even worse with a Nikon big-ass lens camera. So this will have to do~~~

Since I already (and only) own Portraits — which was 3 times the price I paid for my copy — I ended up buying the Diana, Princess of Wales book, because I’m a sucker for those photographs. The natural light, it gets me. I’m pretty much sure I also overpaid for it, but oh well~

And then comes the news that Kate Moss (the book) by Mario Testino, in limited edition of 1500 signed copies of a little over 120 pages, will be 350 Euros and/or $472 USD. I mean, F*ck me twice on a Sunday~ You know I’ve been dishing a bit too much dough purchasing Photobooks, but 350 Euros? Damn.

Anyway, exhibit was… well, what I expected. There was a funny moment in which I saw a portrait of Jennifer Aniston almost facing Angelina’s portrait which was next to the Brad portrait.
Coincidence or conspiracy? xD


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What the title says~

From the 65 eligible foreign films, the top9 have been chosen~ I’m being positive here, instead of saying films have been cut. xD Anyway, as a surprise (to many?) Claudia Llosa’s The Milk of Sorrow (aka. La Teta Asustada) made the Top9, alongside:

  • Argentina’s El Secreto de sus Ojos
  • Australia’s Samson & Delilah
  • Bulgaria’s The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner
  • France’s Un Prophete
  • Germany’s The White Ribbon
  • Israel’s Ajami
  • Kazakhstan’s Kelin
  • The Netherlands’ Winter in Wartime.

At the moment, The White Ribbon and Un Prophete are lock-ins… it seems, so that leaves 3 more spots to fill. Which films will they be? I’ve seen The Milk of Sorrow and commented on them a year ago when the film won the top prize at the Berlinale. For a short review, and an article about the original title of the film plus other Peruvian films check out YAM003.

at Cinencuentro again!

This time around pointing out some experiences while watching those films, which doesn’t necessarily reflect what I consider the best… keyword, necessary.

Sorry, only in Spanish.

check it out here.