The blog C’est la Gene had an article posted a while back during the release of Nine, titled La Plus Grande Actrice du Monde. That’s a big name to uphold… but you know, in honor of the positives reviews that Kidman’s Rabbit Hole has received, and for getting picked up by Lionsgate for distribution and entering the Award race, I decided to take some time to “translate” and dust off on my French.
Archives For actress
You know I love Joan Crawford, I said the same thing when this project was announced, and even if I can girlcrush on Kate Winslet, and I’m an Evan Rachel Wood enthusiast — not as fervent as a few years back — I’m still holding on judgement because HBO does good.
First of all, I don’t remember any subtext from the mother/daughter relation from the movie. And also… is it only a little weird Winslet is like just a couple of years older than Rachel McAdams, and that Evan Rachel Wood is just a few years younger than McAdams, are playing Mother/Daughter? xD Just a tiny bit Mexican Telenovela? Actually, no – Mexican Telenovelas are out of control. The actress playing a mother can be 35 and the actress playing the daughter can be 25, and you’re supposed to buy it. Even worse, you’re 50 and you’re supposed to have a 25-year-old granddaughter. xD
At least Winslet looks like she’s been not been madeup for glamor or a party.
not tagging this as trailer yet xD
Ahh… this still makes me laughs. Specially the 180/360 degree shot of Juri’s frozen-falling snot and the face of Shihori Kanjiya as she sees the impending snot falling on her. LOL
Where are they now?
Juri was in S.Korea promoting Nodame Cantabile, of course. However, I’m getting excited for her turn on her first NHK Taiga drama — I thought about it today as I watched Ryomaden xD which brings me to… Shihori Kanjiya who was also on Ryomaden… and Yuta Hiraoka who still can be seen on Ryomaden xD
Bam! I’m into making lists now. xD
To push distributors, and tickle their curiosity, as well as showing them it can also be good business to bring Asian flicks. Plus, cinephiles would love a little more variety in their local theaters, and I bet regular moviegoers wouldn’t mind one or two non-Hollywood blockbusters… after all, we already watch everything subtitled! We don’t have an issue with them like some… other… people.
If Americans (and Canadians) complain about the little variety of Asian films outside martial arts, or auteur cinema – well, really. Stop complaining. It’s even worse down here. If you got 5 releases a year (just an assumption), then we get one… if we’re lucky. Sorry, I’m not so campy with J-horror… I’m a little tired. I must be too old for it now. LOL
Beautiful photoshoot on China’s Oct2010 edition of Harper’s Bazaar featuring actress Li Bingbing, who was in Venice to support the film Detective Dee, the only Chinese film at the festival.
You’re probably tired of me talking about Hana & Alice. It feels like I have posted this before somewhere, but since I can’t find it with a simple google search… I’m posting xD
To quote myself;
Just for the sake of being consistent… I was in the mood for the music of Hana & Alice, which I have come to love after multiple views. I also got the urge to listen to the music for Hyakuman-en’s OST but can’t find anything, so if you know where I can listen to it… let me know.
Anyway, as I was saying~~~ Hana & Alice Soundtrack, it’s so quiet… yet wonderful. Wo Ai Ni breaks my heart. One of the best Yu Aoi film scenes you’ll EVER see~~~ Here are three tracks I found at IMEEM. The rest after the break.
Shunji Iwai is a SOB xD without knowing about music, he composes this score. How’s that for justice?? LOL Now, every time I hear or read Wo Ai Ni (I Love You in Mandarin), I’m reminded of the movie. The way she tells her dad “Papa, Wo Ai Ni” and her dad says “Zai Jian” – OMG, so so sad. Poor Alice. Don’t worry, let’s eat Tokoroten together xD I don’t think I’m into the taste of seaweed in my pudding, but I can eat something else… I’m sure. xD
The CM was taped using a high speed camera and only used 2 seconds of it to produce the whole CM. The CM shows Aoi Yu eating the chips with her mouth opened wide and gnawing it in very slow motion.
“I feel a little embarrassed,” said Aoi Yu with a smile. She also said that she loved Calbee’s Pizza flavoured potato chips and has been eating it as a child.
via Japan Now.
Well, that is embarrassing, to be honest. Imagine someone taking a photo of you as you close your eyes to chew on your food — I’ve done that, to my mom buahahahaha — now imagine someone shooting you on high-speed camera for just 2 seconds to probably make a 15sec commercial. Embarrassing! xD
– updated Aug 31st –
Aug 30
Anomalous Material’s Top25s
Anomalous Material is taking some time to list their Top25 Actors and Top25 Actresses under 35. We don’t know how often they will make the postings, so you’ll have to keep an eye on them ;P
In the meantime~~~
and as a bonus, Top 35 Acting Performances of the Decade ;P
And just to refresh your memory, I also did my lists… but since I’m so picky on being precise~~~ my lists have unconventional long names like 20 Actors Between 20-25 to Watch until They’re 30, and 20 Actors Between 25-30 to Watch until They’re 35.
Let’s hope we have cross-over picks xD we already do.
Well, we already know that Fincher chose Rooney Mara to be his American/Swedish — really? the accents? — Lisbeth Salander, but I’m still convinced Olivia Thirlby should have been chosen. Why? I just got cracking with the series, which I bought a few months ago… so mind, the Spanish translation.
[…]su investigadora estrella era una chica pálida de una delgadez anoréxica […] Lisbeth era pelirroja, pero se había teñido de negro azabache. Solía dar la impresión de que se acababa de levantar tras haber pasado una semana de orgía con una banda de heavy metal.
En realidad, no tenía problemas de anorexia; […] Simplemente había nacido delgada, con una delicada estructura ósea que le daba aspecto de niña esbelta de manos finas, tobillos delgados y unos pechos que apenas se adivinaban bajo su ropa. Tenía veinticuatro años, pero aparentaba catorce.
Una boca ancha, una nariz pequeña y unos prominentes pómulos le daban cierto aire oriental. […] Su cuerpo no era el más indicado para triunfar en los desfiles de moda, pero, bien maquillada, un primer plano de su cara podría haberse colocado en cualquier anuncio publicitario […] resultaba … humm… atractiva, de una manera absolutamente incomprensible.
Los hombres que no amaban a las mujeres
8va edición
pg. 50– on the go translation –
his most important investigator was a pale girl with an anorexic skinniness […] Lisbeth was a redhead, but she had died her hair pitch black. She seemed to have just woken up after a week-long orgy with a heavy metal band.
Truth be told, she didn’t have anorexia problems […] she was simply born skinny, with a delicate bone structure that made her look like a slim girl with fine hands, skinny ankles and breasts you could barely see through her clothing. She was twenty-four years old, but seemed to be fourteen.
A wide mouth, tiny nose and prominent cheekbones gave her an asian/oriental air. […] Her body wasn’t exactly made to triumph in the catwalks, but with good makeup, a close-up of her face could have been used for any ad […] she was… hmmm… attractive, in an absolute incomprehensible way.
This is what I’m currently watching… on the air. Nothing to do with keeping up with any programs, though I should really find some time to watch Lost, True Blood, and still need to catch up on Mad Men S3. But alas, my Dead Like Me box-set just arrived – I didn’t know it came with the tv movie xD – so I guess I will be watching that the whole month.
– The Big C – for Laura Linney… and I love anything Showtime, most the times.
Didn’t love the pilot, the commercial I posted had pretty much all the funny parts… but I liked the interactions. My favorite line was that one with Gabby Sidibe. About being skinny and a bitch, or fat and jolly. Coz it’s so true. LOL
Laura Linney plays a woman diagnosed with… what appears to be final stages of some cancer. She is considered boring by her son and husband, but wants to be the one staining her sofa with juice/wine. She also wants to eat onions, LOL Plus, her brother needs to take a shower. xD