Archives For Rants

Couldn’t resist to use this image as the main film here xD

Can’t help myself, and I haven’t even seen The Tourist. Look, I love movie stars… I’m sure I’m going to go “oh, it isn’t THAT bad” but I can even say when things should be awarded or not. xD But then again… ratings~

I’m just glad Timberlake wasn’t nominated in anything.

And since we’re speaking about out of their league: Lea Michelle for Glee is completely out of her league in her category against Toni Collette, Edie Falco, Tina Fey and Laura Linney. Look, I love Glee – don’t really watch 30 Rock, didn’t warm up to Laura Linney in The Big C, don’t like Edie Falco’s Nurse Jackie character, didn’t completely loved Season 2 of United States of Tara – but Lea Michelle is out of her league. xD

Toni Collette FTW!

Because the list is oh so long, just posting film…

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My Fluevog Wishlist

December 11, 2010 — 1 Comment

See, it’s been over a year since my last shoes-talk.

I’ve been renewing my wardrobe because my uncle loves to pick on me for using jeans and tees… and I keep telling him that anyone can dress smartly if they want to spend money. So I’m retiring my Tripp pair of jeans with orange stitching that’s so torn because I’ve used it for over 3 years, and I’m changing it for expensive jeans.

I’m switching my tees, for shirts (long and short sleeves), as well as suits and over $100USD jackets. I’m wearing ties, and vests, and I just need more than one pair of boots.

And I’m picky with the boots. I don’t want delicate expensive boots, so muggers in the street look at me thinking they can mug me. I want tough looking boots, so they think I can kick their butts.

But mainly, I wanna say — see, uncle~ we can dress whatever we like if we pay for it.

But damn those Fluevog stuff are expensive. I’m still chicken shit to buy shoes online because shoes are so specific. I did buy shirts online, though. They fit perfect. But Korean (or I guess, Asian) size makes me feel fat. I bought everything medium or large. O_O

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Excuse as I say that I thought Grammy awards couldn’t get any lower than last years. This is me saying that I enjoyed Eminem, and Lady Gaga fine.

But it’s really effing sad that Katy Perry’s got a Grammy nod for Album of the Year.

Not really static about any of the main categories. However, one category did really jump out for me — Julieta Venegas got a nod for Latin Pop Album. She plays so many instruments… and she has her own sound. When you listen to Julieta Venegas, you know it’s Julieta Venegas.

Her album wasn’t even nominated for a Latin Grammy — instead, Nelly Furtado’s which I actually liked fine won. The saddest part was that when watching that I told my mother “You know what would be sad, if Nelly Furtado wins Best Female Pop at the Latin Grammys.” Let’s not pretend Nelly is not singing in Spanish for commercial purposes. If she were trying to connect with her roots, she’d be singing more in Portuguese.

Plus, they also nominated They Might Be Giants for their Children Album [Meet the Elements, I am a Paleontologist]. I think that’s pretty much it.

Here are the general categories nominees~

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Seriously… it’s 3 times this long.

IMDb needs to figure out a way to handle their forum activity. Either by a voting up comments system, and / or a way to gather points a la Intense Debate.


Gonna share this on the 2011 YAM Blogathon

Let’s see, I missed posting yesterday! Coding is such a mess~ Please, if you know anything about WordPress plugins, programing, and crazy coding talk – HELP ME!

Anyway, to clear my head from that problem, I was having a debate on whether or not The Kids Are All Right is anti-male or not. The participants? The Film Snob (snobbyfilmguy), Kevin Ketchum (KevinnK), Johnny Splash aka. filmcave, Benjamin Vargas aka. bensower, and MovieBungalow.

When the film first came out, a lot of the critics and bloggers were singing praise left and right. TKAAR is my flare, light drama with bits of comedy. Plus, it’s got Julianne Moore and Mark Ruffalo, of course I was going to watch it. However, with positive feedback, there’s also the few that can’t help but feel disappointed… or outraged.

While reading IMDb (battle zone!!), and some comments on, you could find lesbians saying the film is “anti-lesbian” because no way Julianne Moore’s character would sleep with a man, saying that it makes it seem like lesbians can’t live without c*ck – their words not mine.

That’s like saying Imagine Me & You is “anti-heterosexual” because no way Piper Perabo’s character would go for a woman. Hmmmmmkay.

Let’s start with the basics. The Kids Are All Right is the story of a lesbian couple that’s going through a rough patch. Nic (Bening) is a doctor that’s spending more time tending to her patients, than her wife Jules (Moore) who’s a stay-at-home mom, whose string of career switches fill her with insecurities.

After years of marriage (ten?), they’ve got two kids, almost-18-year-old Joni (Wasikowska) mothered by Nic, and 15-year-old (16?) Laser (Hutcherson) mothered by Jules. They seem you’re average white upper-middle class family with no kids problems, no money issues. Since Joni is about to turn 18, her brother asks her to contact their sperm-donor father — Enters Paul (Ruffalo), and all hell breaks loose.


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Not really the best of captures, but we’ll take what we can with YouTube removing stuff. Once again, YouTube users~~~ contact me in order to figure out how to keep the videos online. Your upload credits will be kept.

Thanks hirokisakurajima for the upload~

OMG, Yu-chan plays the piano!!!

I had read about that, but never actually believed it… you know, it is the internet.

I think it might be time for a Wikipedia update, right?

By the way, her last Ongaku appearance… which was uploaded by rocking user aoinohoho is gone because YouTube deleted the account – understandable. Aoinohoho, if you still visit the site would love to get hold of those videos.

Which leads me to a rant. Seriously Japan broadcasters, REALLY? As if you’re going to release interviews for sale. Even the likes of Letterman, and all those night shows have clips online. What’s up with that!?

Fuji TV, you fail at worldwide distribution.

It is common knowledge that I’m not really partial to un-scripted television. I grew up with things like MTV’s The Real World in the background of my mind, sometimes watching it quietly when I was a teen. But then it just exploded, and it’s not like I’m bothered by the actual programs… what bothers me is that contestants later become “celebrities”. It’s like being a celebrity means nothing. You can eat crap (literally) for money, win and become a “celebrity”. That’s sad.

Having said that, I have a few shows that I do watch. It doesn’t have to do with who’s in it, or who’s going to be in it… who says it’s what, or if it’s hot or not to watch it.

It’s simply 3 things I would like to be able to do.

First, dancing.

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Considering I didn’t think the Latin Grammy was anything special, I thought I’d give the search for my favorite performance of the Video Music Awards.

The initial shot works perfect, despite some problems with the camera zooming out. Moreover, the cuts when everyone shows up dancing work to show the whole stage, and closer shots for all the jumping.

The song is catchy, and the performance is different enough from the rest of the performances of the night to be memorable, and perfect to stand out. I hope Vimeo doesn’t delete it because it’s the only good version I’ve found.

[iframe width=”580″ height=”334″ src=”″]

Why Kurt Hummel is Important

November 11, 2010 — 5 Comments

This week’s episode of Glee created a bit of a ripple. Some of my friends said “intense” because people were surprised that the football (?) – let’s just call him jock – that he smack one on Kurt. At first I was like Kurt, kinda quiet, but then thought to myself “Oh, okay… I’m not really surprised.”

I went to the ever present IMDb boards to read some of the things people were saying, and was surprised at the amount of people that have begun to hate Kurt… or should I say Kurt’s gay storyline. Okay, I’ll concede in that Glee’s not doing a great balance of the funny, the cheesy and the drama — Popular had a bit of that plus more — but I don’t have a problem with that. I usually like Glee’s cheese, I can handle my drama fine, and I like the funny. But I know what you mean when you guys talk about Glee not being the same.

However, some of the comments left me perplexed with things like “I don’t have a problem with Kurt being gay, but why does his story need to revolve around him being gay?” People saying that Will & Grace was a better representation of homosexuals, and other programs that do the “gay thing” much better.

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Hi, VEVO… and Sony Music Entertainment – like I’ve said time and time again… You Suck.

What’s the point of a “video premiere” online if you’re gonna be blocking content by region? And it’s not like we can’t view the video from Pink’s official website, right? I mean, to put it in words~~~

Pretty much anyone outside the US, can’t see Pink’s Raise Your Glass video. Not helping with view counts, let me tell you. And it’s not like it’s Pink’s fault. I’ts not the artists fault… it’s the record company… and VEVO for teasing — making us belief that when clicking the link, we will be able to see, but giving us that “blocked content” message instead.

Sony, stop sucking the fun of the internet.

Anyway… about the video? I like Dave Meyers, he’s fun. He works fun times with Pink, but I don’t love the video. Sure, I’ve replayed it more than five times already since it premiered, but that’s mainly because I want to sing along to the song.

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