Archives For Motion

I haven’t seen you in so long, and yes… what is it about you?

It is what it is…

After some flame from their compilation of 135 Shots That Will Restore Your Faith in Cinema [1], Flavorwire is back with a new compilation~~~ this time around focusing on faces, their emotions and their beauty… to relative success. I don’t think I could fault them… I had enough with Wong Kar Wai (included multiple times), multiple Zhang Yimou shots (and a double appearance of Gong Li to boot!), there was Park Chan Wook, Guillermo del Toro, Leslie Cheung’s face.

It was a thing of beauty.

The only face I could possibly suggest would have been Greta Garbo’s last shot on Queen Christina, but I’m content.

I haven’t actively looked for Yu Aoi fan-made videos in a long time, but here we go~ I hope this one doesn’t get deleted, coz we’ve been suffering from that a lot lately. Regular Yu Aoi film footage applies, with nice additions of Tamatama, and Otouto… though, Raiou would have been nice to have.

Title: 2012 Brown Eyed Girls Tonight 37.2°C Concert – in Seoul
Date: 9PM, December 24th & 25th, 2012
Venue: Millennium Hall, Central City
Ticket Price: \110,000 (VAT included) / All standing
Age rate: 19 and older
Ticket Open: 6th November, 2012

I am mad excited about this concert, and mad jealous about it, because 1. Dude, it’s in Korea. I don’t do that type of tourism. xD 2. Chances of BEG actually stopping by Peru are close to null.

There are a number of reasons I’m excited for this… the main one being: it’s Brown Eyed Girls. Now, they’re all grown up and comfortable with themselves and this whole concert concept centers on the temperature of 37.2C which is the temperature the body reaches during the loveeeeee motion. I’m glad for them, that they get to play around with that.

The next best thing to actually being there for the Seoul concert, other than a concert in Lima of course ;P, would be a Blu-ray release (preferably) but I would settle for a DVD if they must.

I’m on my way to watch Tokyo Monogatari as I type this, and I was surprised by this upload on my YouTube timeline. Opening on January 19 (note on the Yu Aoi event calendar below), Yoji Yamada has finally release a meatier look to his version of Ozu’s critically-lauded film. It’s nothing much (visually), and there’s so much crying… and Yu’s going to cry — it seems — a lot. I wanna watch it. I wonder if I watch the Ozu version, if I would need less subtitles to understand Tokyo Kazoku when it’s out. xD

You gotta think of these things nowadays~

The language seems fairly simple. xD Let’s try. Here you go:

Halloween love!

My Body’s a Zombie for You by Dead Man’s Bones~~~
in a project by James Duffy and photographer Lucy Nuzum.

Hmph! Have you seen this video of the international poster for Park Chan-wook’s English-debut, Stoker? I mean, it’s not enough that it’s Park Chan-wook, but it’s also got Nicole Kidman and Mia Wasikowska, with a bunch of other good people. There’s this poster~~~

With the trailer edited with the making of the poster, weaving in and giving links to bits and pieces of the story, all layered on top with Emily Wells’ Becomes the Color. Any ideas on who designed/illustrated this?

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Look at this cheese commercial shot for CNIEL -Centre National Interprofessionnel de l’Economie Laitière by the EURO RSCG Agency. It’s like a cute combination of The Host and… you know, Cheese. In Paris. xD

Client: CNIEL -Centre National Interprofessionnel de l’Economie Laitière
Agency: EURO RSCG – Creative Director : Christophe Coffre
Director: Ruairi Robinson
Production: Henry de Czar
Creature design: Jordu Schell
Cinematography: Macgregor
Music: The Moon is Shining for You de Kouz Productions
Post-producer: Nathalie Delvigne

Recently, I’ve noticed that Kpop YouTube channels have been uploading their content with English subtitles!! That makes them official English subtitles — for some major groups like Brown Eyed Girls’ GaIn’s Bloom [MV] and Miss A’s I Don’t Need a Man [MV] (they’ve even added Simplified Chinese!) are recent examples — rendering in my opinion most (if not all) Kpop fansub groups useless.

There’s now no reason to upload an extra video with subtitles… at least in English [1].

Having said that… the quality of subtitles are very important when choosing your fansub group. It is, of course, the content and subtlety of the translation that matters the most, but in terms of hardsubs- it’s also about type-setting. It needs to be readable, and personal comments kept away out of the subtitles [1]. Matters should be as professional as possible… that also means language should be as neutral as possible.

You know I don’t really mind my songs not being translated… but it’s nice to find your favorite songs done the right way.

So thank you, JyariKpop, for your quality subs.

My favorite is, of course, SunnyHill’s Pray [1].

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When did this become NOT the norm for American pop music videos?

I know music video’s budgets have skyrocketed [1] — as of 2012 MJ and Janet’s Scream [MV] directed by Mark Romanek was still the most expensive music video ever made at $7M USD~~~ adjusted to nearly $11M USD nowadays. In fact, 8 of the Top10 Most Expensive Music Videos are of the 90s, lead by Madonna and Michael Jackson. Though, I still find it unbelievable that Mariah Carey’s Heartbreaker [MV] cost $2.5M USD. That’s just gotta be money not well spent.

Instead, Dominic Sena made this… fairly simple quite rocking and powerful music video.

Also, overreaching here since this MV is from 1989, but did the award circles in 1990 ;P