Archives For Films

Imagine Me & You

December 2, 2007 — 9 Comments

I watched Imagine Me & You about a week ago, and they are re-broadcasting it at the moment. It was quite cute, anyway… my friend thinks the last kiss was so awwwwwwwwwwwww so romantic.

I think there are about three instances… one where they’re about~~~~ to kiss. One where they finally kiss, but get all “there’s a thorn in my bum”, and the final moment in the middle of the street and the “you’re a wanker #9!!” kiss, which my friend loves~~~

I give my vote to the “there’s a thorn in my bum” kiss, but here’s a couple of graphics:
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Satellite Awards nominations are in… Sarah Polley and Away from Her are kicking in~~

Julie Christie, “Away From Her” (Lionsgate)

“Away From Her” (Lionsgate)

Sarah Polley, “Away From Her” (Lionsgate)

Sarah Polley,”Away From Her” (Lionsgate)

But not as much as La Vie en Rose, which has 7 nods~~ (more here)

Oh, yeah. Amy first saw La Môme, aka La Vie en Rose, back in her trip to Sweden with dear Julyssa. Movie was in French, with Swedish subtitles… Amy speaks neither. LOL’ – so you can imagine. Anyway, that was a sweet little anecdote with the film, but I just got my DVD today, and re-watched it with proper subtitling that I could understood. ^^ xD

Ever since I saw Cotillard in this role, I’ve felt that she’s got Academy Award written all over her face… I mean, come on! She became Piaf!! She, at least! deserves a nomination for Best Actress. Coming award season, she will need a strong campaign so people don’t push her performance to the back of their heads coming the time of nominations… so Amy decides to campaign for her.

The film came out in the first half of the year, and just recently became available on DVD… usually, studios will release heavy awarded films during November and December to stay fresh in the mind of the ones nominating… this is not the case. Most importantly, the film is in French… it’s a powerful performance yes, but apparently languages are a pretty quite no-no for Academy Awards, lol.

I also found this blog with how the race to the Oscar is going… good read. This person mentions Cotillard, and also another fave of mine, Julie Christie for Away from Her.

But to stay on topic, Amy is campaigning for Marion Cotillard. I first saw her,briefly, on the Tim Burton film Big Fish back in early 2000s – Then, I got the amazing chance to see Jeux d’Enfants (aka. Love Me If You Dare) at the cinemas in Vancouver… which is now one of my favorite films, and then she was on The Good Year, starring Russel Crowe. Marion Cotillard does great in this film, she becomes Piaf and gives her audience a powerful wonderful performance.

For Your Consideration: Marion Cotillard for Best Actress

For Your Consideration: Marion Cotillard for Best Actress

You can find, use, and help campaigning by posting and using this banners I made. For Your Consideration: Marion Cotillard for Best Actress.

So… people knowing me would know a while back I saw The Greta Garbo Collection, which I loved! Especially watching Queen Christina and Camille! Though my surprise came when I saw Grand Hotel, and was taken away from Garbo’s famous line of “I want to be alone” by the sharply-delivered-lines of Joan Crawford. Now, I’m done watching my Joan Crawford Collection.

I loved watching it, especially The Women and Mildred Pierce… and Possessed… and yeah, most of it, really! On the side, I also saw Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? – Man! That film is freaky~~~ All recommended!

So, yeah~ back on the topic. Why am I fascinated by these two seemingly different actresses? One gave up almost everything in her life for her much wanted privacy… and never really got it because paparazzi still followed her around. The other lived to be a star, and took it as it came… even the bad publicity, and still held her head high!

My respect to both of them. Nowadays, it is so hard to find stars like them. Most of them just complain about the paparazzi, and talk about their wanting privacy… but never really truly wanting it. Nights of wild partying, drugs and fights… and don’t forget the crotch shots! You’ve never seen Hollywood so unglamorous… such a shame.

I am of the opinion that we should get rid of Hollywood Ebola soon before it’s too late.

This post has nothing to do with Body Odor. HAHA.

I just recently found out Guillermo del Toro was interested in directing HP7 (a.k.a Deathly Hallows) – which would be nice… and a smart move by The WB. I mean, Yates… bah. Buhumbug! HP5 was one of my favorite books on the series, but the film was just annoying. Watch it as clips, it’s great… watch it as a whole, it’s utter trash. Why they hired him for HP6, which is also a crappy book, it’s because HP5 made more money $$ for The WB than HP4 and HP3, but the master of money-making has been HP1, so this is my theory.

Everyone wanted to see Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone (HP1) because it’s a novelty… all fans go, all curious go… that equals a lot of cash into WB’s pockets, they think they have a success thanks to Chris Columbus. But let’s face it, HP1 wasn’t so good looking back, so people kinda lost some interest in it, people lost the novelty… there’s no curiosity factor anymore, so Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (HP2) comes out, and surprise! It doesn’t do better than HP1, probably something The WB didn’t expect. Critics and the public are not very surprised, and Chris Columbus is gone! Ciao!

By this time, people have lost interest… and critics are not attracted… yet here comes Alfonso Cuaron, a decision that sparks a bit of interests in movie buffs and critics, but not your average movie goers. People have already lost interest over HP1, and the horrible HP2… so they are not expecting to see HP3. Results? Only hard-core fans and movie fans go see it. Results again? Hard-core HATE it, movie fans LOVE it! Critics praise the film, yet Hard-core fans are the one who go to the film over and over to watch it, but since Hard-core HATES HP3, it makes even less money. Cuaron is dropped! Ciao!

Mike Newell comes on board for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (HP4)… critics want more Potter now, but fans are skeptical. Hard-core fans think it can’t be worse than Cuaron… HP4 results in a summer flick full of action, but no meat. Results? Critics are divided over the fact that it was entertaining, yet lacked growth… but the average movie maker finds it fun, and the hard-core fans are in peace. In the end, HP4 is more successful commercially than HP3, but not even close to HP1. Oh, well… Newell! Ciao!

So The WB goes and picks David Yates… most people go WTF – but this decision sparks interests from movie buffs and critics. People enjoyed HP4, it was fun! Such a great summer flick… yeah, yeah. We should so totally see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (HP5) – then the keywords here were, Clips & Trailers. Everyone wanted to see, oh! the trailer looks amazing, the clips are so good! A rebellion you say? Voldemort’s back? Results? Everyone flocks to the theater to catch HP5. Results? Critics aren’t so sure, new fans from HP3 hated the choppiness of HP5, and they would’ve preferred watching separate clips, than watching all as a whole. But hard-core fans don’t care… they have their precious book… it’s the last book, oh yeah~ we should all go see the movie, because it’s the last book. Results again? Best commercial success, but still not as good to push HP1 of the #1 spot. Meaning, Yates is back for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (HP6).

M y B.O predictions are, people who didn’t like HP5 will not go watch HP6… they will probably catch it on TV, or find a digital copy. Book 6 is a bad book, meaning there’s a slim chance it will make more money $$ than HP5, meaning… Yates! Ciao! What will happen with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (HP7)? That will depend on how HP6 does in Box Office, how the critics treat HP6, and who they will choose for directing HP7.

If HP6 does as crappy as I think it will do, and critics aren’t as excited about it, as they were with HP5… The WB will need to choose some high-profile director… be it Peter Jackson, or Guillermo del Toro or someone critic-friendly to create a new buzz for the last film… because HP7 was a pretty crappy book, and The WB will only cash in more money $$ because of the director.

November’s Begun

November 2, 2007 — Leave a comment

Wow, hard to imagine the year is almost over, eh? What a waste it was… mostly, really. I feel like I’ve achieved very little to nothing, and such small pleasures in my meaningless life have been stripped from me maliciously in a year.

I’m still looking forward to seeing Bjork in Lima, though still my hopes are not up. Anything can happen in 11 days… – I went to see The Invasion, much to my displeasure. I was supposed to watch The Brave One for free, but like I said… anything can happen – and we got a change of plans the same day of the show. The film wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, I truly enjoy watching Nicole Kidman on screen. Though I can’t help compare her face in the film, which was flawless to the one she’s got on red carpet events.

The Invasion was predictable, and wasn’t really suspenseful… kinda gross when all those people/aliens were spitting and puking that stuff in the coffees and teas… yuck! And I guess I must be sick or something, since I was the only one laughing when Nicole grabbed her on-screen son’s friend and shoved him inside to trap him. If you’re expecting a night of goof around with the friends, watch it for the few laughs. 2/5

Another Nicole/Daniel Craig film I’m anxiously awaiting is The Golden Compass (real title: Northern Lights) – though the boards seem to be bombarded by reports of New Line Cinema butchering the books… which if they are doing due to religious/marketable reasons – well, they would suck. I really dislike Christians who complain about fictional books that touch religious subjects, and more so when such people attack verbally to people that work in a project. I mean, what does Nicole Kidman have to do with promoting atheism? If you are only too stupid and lack the gray matter to compensate for the white in your brain to do something because a fictional character does it, then too bad.

Instead of this people bitching about why Nicole Kidman chooses to make a movie that touches on religious themes and maybe makes you question the world we live in, why not complain over the fact that the Paris Hiltons, Lindsay Lohans, Britney Spears are the role models of today… because oh yeah, that’s like hot. Totally.

Like I said a few hours ago, I blame it all on Disney… All Disney new stars are doomed to get their crotch shots, or nudie pictures in their late teens or early twenties. Britney, Lohan… that girl from High School Musical that I don’t even know her name.

Look at me, starting from a simple review to end with a rant. LOL’ – Amazing.

On other news, kinda… have you guys heard Britney Spears’ new album? I was decided not to download, but reports of it being #1 this week, as well as rumored ‘good reviews’ made me curious. I just think it’s funny how Gimme More it’s on like #1 or something, yet when I ask anyone on my MSN list their thoughts on it, they tell me they hate the freaking song. LOL’ – Me thinks there’s too many closeted Britney fans out there. So, I downloaded the thing to listen to it and judge myself… which makes me think all of you out there are freaking retarded. I hated it. It’s not even danceable, I couldn’t find a single catchy tune… Britney sounds more robotic than ever, and every freaking song sounded the same. Oh, I also thought the song Piece of Me reminded me of the bomb that was Madonna doing her rap song in whichever year she did that.

Who’s new album was enjoyable? Juanes’ new album – La Vida Es un Ratico – was pretty enjoyable as was the newest Backstreet Boys album, Unbreakable. Though I bet neither will show on charts…

Britney Spears is like weed, she’s not as dangerous as cocaine… but you can get curious and it gets you hooked to other more dangerous stuff.


October 13, 2007 — Leave a comment

Witches is on Boomerang right now! And it’s official, Angelica Houston has to be the most wicked and most horrifying witch there ever was in the history of witches on screen.

I remember when I was a little kiddo and caught a glimpse of this film on Panamericana Television, and I got like major nightmares with that one scene of all the women turning into bald scary looking witches with long fingers. Freaks me out still. I just saw that bit again, and it looks so freaky… even when I have it on mute haha.

I haven’t gotten around to reading the book, which I have researched for the sake of getting a decent-sized picture of WitchAngelica Houston, but no such luck. I remember the film had a happy ending, though the book doesn’t… this caused like a breach between the author and the production – I thought that was worth mentioning.

I miss the good old days of puppets and animatronics.


I thought it was worth to mention Michelle Pfeiffer in Stardust. She was pretty freaky in that movie too, but doesn’t come close to Angelica Houston. Michelle Pfeiffer plays an evil very very old witch – but Houston plays an evil old and deformed monster… lol – I tell you, freaks me out.

Check out these pieces:

Aha… long time no writing nothing, eh? It’s been mainly because Internet has been really really REALLY slow. Nothing really loads, and I have to reload pages at least 10 times sometimes to open them… it’s all Telefonica’s fault. There’s a rumor around that one of their DNS servers crashed, which explains why EVERYONE’S connection has been crappy. BUT HEY! They would NEVER EVER admit it’s their fault. One day before I found out, they came over to check the connection and failed to mention this, and blamed one of my computers instead.

Anyway, this weekend’s been full of films… nothing in the theaters because Peru sucks at releasing films I want to watch, so I’ve been watching DVDs and downloads. Here are the films I watched: Continue Reading…

So I guess I’m not the only one who happens to say “my favorite actress is…” and then I get a big “WHO?” because people just don’t have any idea who I’m talking about. It happens to me quite a lot recently… not so much with Mr. Finnegan, who happens to know every goddamn name in the film industry, lol – actually, in his case, it happens the other way around. My big excuse is “I’m in Peru, we haven’t heard about it yet.” lol

Anyway, so I just thought I would share some of the actresses I’m watching on the big/small screen… or mainly the ones that come to mind right away. So let’s begin! Continue Reading…