I put together my lists of Top15 Movies, Bottom15 Movies, as well as my Top15 Albums from 2011.
Archives For Graphics
You know I have to do it… LOL
I wanted to add one more panel, but I thought it would be too spoilerific of the episode. I really really REALLY hope and wish someone subs Shokuzai because it’s only five episodes, and buzz seems to label it as “the drama” of the season because of the amount of talent involved [1].
You know you spend too much checking out the Cpop music scene when you look at this and think it’s the funniest thing ever because it’s so true.
I wasn’t/still not a big fan of S.H.E but I gotta admit I’ve warmed up to them, and I guess that comes from my liking of Hebe’s solo albums, which I gotta admit surprised me a lot more.
I used to — still — find Ella the most entertaining. I’ve never seen her acting, but when I catch S.H.E MVs or clips, she always cracks me up. Her face just crack me up, looking at these pictures cracks me up. That girl is hilarious.
Then there was Hebe~~~ hahahahahaha.
Usagi! The Asian Peace Sign~
Yu Aoi has been caught! Several times!! LOL
There’s just… no denying it, Yu.
I tried sharing this on YinYueTai, where it goes through an approval process. Finally, it didn’t make it… because it didn’t adhere to YinYueTai content policies, which can only means that the music video it’s too dirty. LOL
The Vimeo version has subtitles.
Aug 7
Are you feeling the new theme?
It has been a long time since I last did anything important to my blog… maybe a little over two years. I really didn’t know what to do while the WordPress coding has changed over the years. It seemed I needed a new theme with new capabilities… though I do think WordPress has begun acting a little too much like Tumblr~~~
There had been some very beautiful new WP themes (some you need to pay for), when I saw Matala I immediately thought “this is the one.” But I needed to change the graphics, as much as the original theme looked nice… I didn’t want to look like all the other blogs that might be using this theme.
So I was playing around Photoshop… without knowing exactly what I wanted, and ended up with this Dogville, Dancer in the Dark, and Memories of Matsuko mash-up — I call it “Suffering Heroines of Cinema” o “Heroinas Sufridas del Cine” in Spanish~ I almost added Amelie in it instead of Matsuko, but felt she was too off against these two Von Trier characters. LOL
I’m not completely feeling this theme, though. How about you?
Jul 15
The Harmony Evil Kiss
I know this is wrong.
SOOOOOO wrong, but all this Harry Potter talk has stirred my Shipper brain which had been laying dormant since… the better part of the Order of the Phoenix movie and the release of the last book.
I suffered so much with the last book, it felt like being mocked. Especially in the Evil Kiss part, it felt like tainting all those hours reading those long and thought out essays. It was like all those who supported Harry/Hermione were… well, evil. LOL We were like the Horcrux, tainting a pure friendship with those dark bits in the Evil Kiss.
I’ve made peace with that, in my own way.
Still deciding a few more films and tv shows I should review and talk about.
I don’t think I have enough time~
In the meantime, follow all the posts that will be added during the week.
I thought I’d pimp this here too.
YAM Magazine is hosting an LGBT Blogathon starting June 1st.
Hope you join us~
You can talk about ANYTHING related to LGBT worldwide entertainment. If you’re a filmmaker that’s looking to promote your LGBT related short/film, or an out musician, or have an LGBT web series… you can all go promote it that week ;D
You can check the details, download graphics, etc on the YAM Magazine 2011 – LGBT Blogathon post. Don’t forget to leave a comment and/or link back to the post. Let all your friends know.
Yay! And I can re-use the photo too~ LOL
Yoji Yamada was working on a new project based on the re-telling of beloved film Tokyo Story, which will be called Tokyo Kazoku (Tokyo Family). The cast has been announced as Bunta Sugawara, Etsuko Ichihara, Masashiko Nishimura, Yui Natsukawa, Shigeru Muroi, Shozo Hayashiya, Satoshi Tsumabuki and Yu Aoi.
Satoshi Tsumabuki (30) will play the younger son, with Yu Aoi (25) playing his girlfriend.
via Nippon Cinema
I know the reviews for About Her Brother, aka. Otouto, weren’t glowing, but I’m still giddy over the fact that Yoji Yamada decided to call Yu-chan once again. That must mean she’s a professional, and that people want to work with her more than once, right?
Shooting of Tokyo Kazoku starts on April 1st until late June, with a possible release (in Japan) by the end of the year… most likely early next year.