Archives For taiwan

I kinda like this music video xD and kinda like the song

Stylish – and I thought it was totally kinda gay until there was a guy. They’re totally fighting then, right? By the end of the video? Because it starts out playing it like they’re both against the guy, almost torturing him — you don’t wanna mess with girls like these — but then by the end, they’re pulling the ropes to get to him?

Also the beginning with the “Happy Birthday” message seemed totally threatening, in that ex-gf sending you hate mail with a message written on her hateful lipstick kind of way. You know? So… which one is it? ‘Coz then, they’re totally hugging. LOL

*brain turns off*

I haven’t watched CNN… for at least a month, since I’ve been focusing my news-watching on local news for politics, so I didn’t know A-Mei was going to be on Talk Asia… or I would have been flipping before.

I totally despise Anjali Rao, though.

Her face, her voice, the way she speaks irks me so much, it makes me want to punch her sometimes. Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. LOL It’s one of those things when the aura of people rub you the wrong way.


A-Mei on Talk Asia~~~

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I just finally burnt Zhong Ping Huang’s (黄­中平) name in my head.

Because of A-Mei’s latest MV.

Having realized that he’s made my favorite Faye Wong video, I just spent all night “curating” a list of 77 MVs of some of the music videos he’s directed since 1997… but only of the artists I follow… otherwise the list is just endless~

Most of the time, his style is described as just about style, emotion and composition. Though, I have seen a few of those that have something resembling a plot.

Faye Wong – Bu Liu/ Nothing Left

I think that video captures what I essentially love about Faye Wong.

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There’s this funny thing about fandom, they just don’t care about anything else that doesn’t directly affect fandom. So unless X-member of boy/girl group is directing a movie, you won’t hear who’s directing a film.

But then again, that’s what generally happens anywhere.

I just wished, at least, that labels would care to put this information down in their description fields… to make it easier. I know Chinese/Taiwanese music videos have the information — most of the times — of who wrote the music, the lyrics and who directed all in the video… but it makes it really REALLY SUPER REALLY hard for us, who don’t read character. For a two paragraph post, I have to spend 1hr (maybe) getting the character on paper, then using Japanese handwriting input or the Kanji dictionary to get the characters into a browser, and then search for it. And that’s just the bit where I get the names xD

Anyway, I feel illuminated because I have discovered 5 important names that I will highlight in this post. But since no one is more important than the other, it will be from most recent mentioned in the blog.

First, Bounce (比尔贾) of Bounce Visual Creative… the director of one of my latest fave music videos: Stefanie Sun’s The Kingdom of Fools, a song which bring me to… Francis Lee (李焯雄), a Taiwanese lyricist who wrote Sun’s lyrics for that song, as well as being in charge of many of the songs in BiBi’s NOW/WOW album… as well as the Canned Fish song.

Then theres’ COSMOS, aka. Yingzhi Chen (陳映之) who directed Elva Hsiao’s Let Love Fly, other artists… and has recently directed this new girl group called Dream Girls and their MV for Tears Should Also Be Beautiful… a song which was written by famous Taiwanese songwriter Yao Ruo Long (姚若龍), who is the one who wrote one of my 2010 faves- Broken by Jing Chang.

And finally, another video for Dream Girls (this time I’m Your Dreamgirl) directed me to Yi Ren Chen (陳奕仁), the MV director of such gems such as Incomparable Beauty and Little Love Song – all by Sodagreen ;D

I feel like I learned something important these past few days of posting CMusic MVs. LOL Too bad I still haven’t finished Chinese homework and it’s nearly 4am.

Top-Rated Songs of 2010

April 7, 2011 — 3 Comments

I know it’s pretty late, but I guess that I always put the list off because there was always that “haven’t listened to that yet” issue. I will be probably adding 2010 stuff later on, but it won’t hurt to put my top rated songs — according to iTunes and iPod numbers.

Surprisingly, or not surprisingly… the majority of top-rated songs that are equal or greater than 5 stars are Asian artists with their Asian songs and albums. LOL As you know, I’m trying to mix everything up with languages, so I’m also trying to pick one song per artist xD

I hope you like this compilation, there are links to preview the tracks… and also links to buy the albums via affiliate programs, so if you like anything – please support this blog (or YAM)

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MissTer 101

March 8, 2011 — 8 Comments

There’s a pretty personality-insightful making-of article in regards of Taiwan’s first and brand-new Boi-band, who in their second single Super Lover are urging a pretty lady to not give up on love.

I think I’ve finally figured out who is who. Ha!

First, there’s leader Jin Tai (the one with the glasses). Then there’s Qiu Qiu the former dance instructor (top third on the left), Milk is the one with the blueish tones on her hair, Chris (? Zi Lun?) (the one with the humping face), and finally Chiao (Qiao) the one with the blond hair.

And I’ve already picked my favorite. LOL

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Ahh fandom… NSFW fandom.

Shane and Molly have Asian fans! It figures~ I wonder if some pairings are more popular in each region just because of cultural preferences. The fact that Shane wanted to become a better person… more studious, more knowledgeable for Molly is what sold me on the pairing. I also think it’s a very Asian thing xD

Plus, they’re hot… but Shane and Carmen was hot– but too much drama.

I liked they used a song by a Taiwanese singer called Joanna Wang. She reminds me of the style of those easy listening tracks by Kendal Payne, or those tracks used so often in Grey’s Anatomy xD And the ending of the video, so sad.

According to this Aiya They Didn’t post, Elva Hsiao’s latest single Rang Ai Fei Qi Lai (Let Love Fly) music video was deemed PG-12 in Taiwan, and banned in Singapore — understandable being a Muslim state and all — due to it’s gay “themes”.

The video comes in two versions, the Ice Version and the Rainbow Version – but no! The Rainbow Version is not the one deemed… er, inappropriate. It’s the Ice Version. Because it’s got the “gays” people holding hands! Eek! No, seriously guys… ironically, the gayest suggestive Rainbow version with tons of guys semi-nakedness frolicking in a pool filled with peen- er, I mean foam and some straight couple kissing just got passed Muslim censors.

If I were a censor, I would have gone with the hand-holding and avoid the gay pool with foam. But to each his own – that’s just me and my mind is in the gutter.

As for the song, and the actual Ice Version. I… don’t really like the song, but it’s so damn catchy – actually listened to it more than 5 times already. Plus, I guess it’s got a good message of love for everyone! And the video is kinda classy for a gay/lesbian pop music video.

I already pimped this to AfterEllen and AfterElton – I hope they pick up xD

I can feel it in the air. Award season is approaching. I think Indie Spirit Awards are also done with submissions, and their nominations should arrive come early December.

In the meantime, the Academy Awards has released the list of the 65 countries (or not-countries… Greenland?) that will be competing for 5 spots as “Best Foreign” nominees, as well as their 8 short documentaries.

Here are some of the reviews of the ones I’ve seen.

Let’s talk wild guess predictions in here. Which countries will be the 5 chosen ones?

Mexico’s Biutiful seems like an easy assumption.

China’s Aftershocks seems to be a good candidate for several reasons besides “film”. Whatever your thoughts on melodrama are, I mean… you really need to be a sour grape not to feel something for the family in that film. Either that, or you’ve never been in a natural disaster. Having said that, it is because it’s a melodrama that it’s perfect for Oscar. Moving family drama that deals with catastrophe with a really powerful and magnificently handled Earthquake scene that was a box office hit in China. It’s just good business.

Also, China being nominated is controversial. Anything to do with China since 2008 is controversial. Controversial always brings ratings. Also nominating China is just plain good business. If China gets nominated – I dunno, what are the chances of some state channel broadcasting the Oscar? Just imaging 2/3 of China’s internet population watches the Oscar that night. That’s 200 million viewers. Anything in China is big.

If there’s no China, it must be another cheese movie… like South Korea’s A Barefoot Dream. An underdog story of a kiddie football team and a coach. It shall make you feel happy xD

Canada’s Incendies?

and… I dunno what else. Peru’s chances? From what I have seen, and what I’ve heard. It could very well get into the nine before they select the final five. I’ll have a better grasp once the 9 are out xD

LOL it reached over 70 comments in just a few hours. It was crazy coming back home and seeing my inbox filled with LiveJournal replies. And here it is, the old article on YAM008 “Where is the CPop Scene Going?”

Check out the LJ discussion here.