Archives For mamamoo

I know it’s horrible to say this, but I’ve been wasting a lot of time watching (and re-watching) Mamamoo clips on YouTube — thank you, Mamamoo Trans, Mamamoo Comedy and Rara Dish. You’ve reduced my productivity hours. You guys are awesome and hilarious.

I’ve just re-watched this re-upload of MMMTV from 2014 near Xmas. It’s glorious, I could watch Mamamoo rehearse all those two hours without editing.

My dream is that Marca Peru, who has -for a number of failed years- tried to lure Asian tourist into the marvelous sights of our country, will get in touch with Mamamoo, pay them their sponsor fees on top of 3 months to tour the WHOLE country. Eat (weird things, among others)… because turns out Mamamoo girls love choncholi~ though they say they love “intestine soup” (it sounds to me like ‘desang tang’ but I couldn’t find the actual name of the dish) and we eat intestines more like their Gopchang Gui (곱창구이) counterpart.

Imagine three months of Mamamoo travel adventures sailing the Amazon river, sand-boarding, visiting the sea lions of Paracas, visiting Machu Picchu; eating anticuchos, choncholi, picarones, all our varieties of ceviche (conchas negras ‘black conch,’ paiche), Arequipa soups, Juanes, Tacacho with cecina, high on sugar of perfect manjar blanco, suspiro a la limeña, and enchant them with a their daily dose of Queso Helado (‘frozen cheese’ that is not literally frozen cheese, but just milk and cinnamon ice cream). Just feed Mamamoo and let them be hyperactive, record it and present it as a 15-episode variety program of cross-cultural integration between Marca Peru and the Visit Korea program.

End the thing with a small unplugged concert. Ta-da! Broadcast tourism program~

Or we can just get Donnie Yen.

So there’s been some rumors around, I’m not going to discuss… but they did turn out this super duper cute kiddie picture of Solar, and after I went all lady-like saying “omygoshshessocuuuuuuute,


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So I started watching We Got Married for the first time. I had previously just watched clips when GaIn used to be on it, but never got into it full on. But since I’m in my complete Mamamoo fan mood, I just couldn’t miss Solar (my bias, though… this keeps changing) in all her dork splendor!

I was not disappoint~ xD


I mean, when has Mamamoo failed to make me crack up? I wonder how this went when editing the episode, they probably laughed their butts off because…

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… at this rate, I’ll add their tag before I travel xD

GIFs after the break~

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It’s been just a few months since I seriously started listening to MAMAMOO, and they’ve just won me completely over with the release of Melting, their personalities, talent and just pure swag. Oh gosh, these girls are hilarious, just the fact that they’ve released a sped-up version of one of their singles for the giggles. It’s super cute. AND THOSE VOICES.

Funny fact, I was checking my Facebook post history to see when I started posting about them… and it turns out I did post about their debut back in June 2014 when it first showed up on my YouTube timeline because I used to call my friend (who’s older than me) Mamamoo. LOL


So I’m psyched they won their first Inkigayo, and they really really had the feels because it means something when an artist/group signed to NOT one of the big labels win a popularity contest against others who are part of big labels.

It’s out, it’s out! You know what to do~
