Archives For Fun

Finally got the chance to watch the second chapter of Camouflage fully translated. Why? One, because I didn’t have the time, and when I had the time ViiKii wasn’t letting me stream.

So… anyway! I’m pimping subscribers! I want more people to subscribe, and I guess most of the visitors are coming here for their Yu Aoi fix, so please. Add this blog to your Google, or your Yahoo…. or just add the blog’s Feed to any reader you use, that way you can keep up with your Yu Aoi reading. ;P

Okay, pimp time is done.

BARAIRO NO HIBI, or Rose-colored Days is the 2nd 3-episode chapter of Yu Aoi’s Camouflage, which aired a LONG time ago. The title seems to be a play on words on “rose-colored g lasses” (aka. pink-colored glasses) which refers to seeing something nicer than it normally is. A common word that is often used (and I often read about 5 years ago) was delusion. Delusional people aren’t really crazy per se, but they are living in an illusion that they’ve created.

In this case, Yu’s character, Makoto.

Continue Reading…

NHK will begin airing their new Taiga (historical) drama on January 3rd 2010, titled Ryoman den (龍馬伝), and Yu has been announced as a cast member.

NHK’s 49h taiga drama centers around Ryoma Sakamoto (January 3, 1836 – December 10, 1867) a leader of the movement to overthrow the feudal regime of Tokugawa shogunate. Ryoma Sakmoto is thought to have been a visionary who helped spur Japan to modernization.

Yu Aoi will be playing Omoto, and we don’t know anything else. So those rumors weren’t so far off~~~ LOL We have no idea how long she will play Omoto… maybe 4 episodes? When? If you can read Jap, please let me know.

Best announcement for Xmas ever~ xD

I just need to wait for subs hahaha

Best of 2009: Songs

December 23, 2009 — 1 Comment

Well I don’t think I have listened to much 2009 music, and I know there are a couple of albums that are still on my list of “want to listen” but I figured if I wasn’t rushing to get them, I wasn’t gonna fall madly in love with them.

So here is my provisional list of best 2009 songs. I’m also planning a Best Songs of 2000-2009, but that’s gonna take wayyyyyyyy longer. At the moment I have pre-selected the songs from 2000-2006 which are nearly 500 songs. I need to listen to all of them and begin taking songs out. I’m pushing for a 100 songs list.

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Another Crowd Lu song to make you smile =D

That version makes me smile so much, with the hugging yourself dance LOL. However, if you wanna know what the song says in English you should check out this video here.

Full Cycle YAM – 007

December 15, 2009 — 1 Comment

Congrats, Amy! You’ve made it a year!
Now please, get to work on that website you’ve been talking about all this time.

Yeah, where is Nate? Yeah, that. Nate and I are working on something else, which is nothing at the moment… just a random gig, which will hopefully fuel our bank accounts a bit and let us work on YAM fully for a month or two…


This is Julz 2nd straight cover. Hooray! Omedetou!!!

In it she covered the Stockholm Film Festival… met Susan Sarandon xD, there’s a Q&A with Sin Nombre director Cary Fukunaga, reviews for Precious, Up in the Air, Koreeda’s Air Doll, Map of the Sounds of Tokyo, The Cove, Thirst, Dexter Season 4, Sasameki Koto, Family Outing, Les Amants Papillons, 2pm, Shinee, Rihanna, The Swell Seasons, Crowd Lu and more! Oh yeah! There’s also a Julz BSB concert review of their Worldwide This Is Us tour, and some Eva Ayllon. Coz we love variety…

check it out over here.

I actually had read about this before, and wasn’t gonna make a big deal about it, but CM is kinda funny especially listening to Tarantino speak Japanese. xD “Tara-chan desu!” – the concept is easy to follow.

He’s all I’m Tara-chan, and then goes all gibberish. Then his wife calls and tells him to come back home. LOL

I dunno what to do about the Glee Quote of the Week now that Glee is off until April. APRIL! For the love of God!!! What am I supposed to do until then, uh? Tell me.

Glee - 1x13 - Sex is not dating.

Santana: Sex is not dating.
Brittany: If it was, Santana and I would be dating.

*awkward silence*

LOL. That was so awkward, and so phunny. But the whole episode was soooo funny, especially the part about the judges. Oh but you gotta watch the whole scene play out. And I’m so totally convinced Rachel has a little Mary Cherry in her too. She also has (psychic) powers! LOL

Late quote, anyway~
I was listening to the Glee OST *sings*
I’m having trouble accepting there won’t be Glee for months.

Glee - 1x12 - Break into the Business

I can cry on demand. It’s one of my many talents. I am very versatile, and aside from nudity and the explotation of animals, I’d pretty much do anything to break into the business.

so true, Rachel. so true. LOL

Sorry for the late post on Glee.

This week’s quote has also to do with the screencap~~~


“How to Raise a Baby on Five Dollars a Day”

Saw it at the bookstore. Figured I’d steal it for you.
You know, in case you change your mind and decide you wanna keep it.

thank you Puck and Quinn…

Hahaha, it’s hard to resist Family Outing Hyori.
So irresistibly a-dork-able Hyori. xD
And man, that fake Afro. Totally kills me.

And yes, I’m sad Jaesuk is leaving. No more FO. U.u

– edit –

Since the video was deleted from YouTube, I wonder if this new version can load. If not, you can try to check it out at

Yeah, yeah. Didn’t post anything substantial today. I know.

Watched Precious last night. *sighs* It was sad.
Like, “want to hug you” sadness.

— EDIT —

Seems the video is gone from the net. :(

Here’s something to get you by.

— EDIT 2 —

Lo and behold!