I am now part of LAMB (The Large Association of Movie Blogs).
Hi, China! You rock.
Right next to Haoting.com, there’s Xiami.com – whose name makes little sense to me… apparently it means Dried Shrimps. Huh, right? xD Anyway, seems like it has a pretty collection of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Western music…
No region restrictions!
Highlights? Which we reviewed and rated on the latest YAM~~~
Just hit the PLAY button there.
Also, big info!
Bibi’s soon-to-be released i.Light.Fish album contains a song written by Diane Warren. *Excited*
Hi, Glee Quote of the Week, Glee is over for the season O.o
I think last night’s (real) season finale was a good sappy episode. I had a problem with the whole Quinn giving birth, as she was not sweaty or red enough, in my opinion… but I have never been pregnant, let alone given birth, so I’m just saying. The scene was quite funny though… and after having Puck peeking to the forbidden lands of down there during the birth, I doubt he will be getting laid any time soon. Anyone who’s seen any documentary knows. LOL
My second pet-peeve was the crying during To Sir with Love. I know it’s hard to cry while singing, but even Will had to look away from the line of the camera.
Anyway! The blogosphere is abuzz with this quote~ at least part of it.
Announcer: She is fresh off her fifth consecutive National Cheerleading Title, and author of the soon-to-be-published memoir, I’m a Winner and You’re Fat, Ohio’s home-grown iconoclast, Coach Sue Sylvester!
I dunno if I would buy I’m a Winner, and You’re Fat… but I would totally read it.
As the name suggests, this 2003 drama is about a high school teacher who is dying of an inoperable brain tumor, then one night he meets Hina, a 16-year-old girl who is pretending to be a 20-year-old beautician. They end up in his apartment for the night, even though nothing happens. The next day, she discovers he is her new high school teacher.
Of course, she keeps trying to get with him, and he tries to keep his distance… after all, he is dying. Then, with those crazy Japanese-language misunderstandings, Hina believes she’s about to die. Suddenly, the teacher finds solace in her… and that’s when it just gets creepy and frustrating.
I understand hot-for-teacher.
But I spent 98% of the time watching this [I just finished episode 8] saying how inappropriate.
First, the male lead was just so… ugh, infuriating. I guess it’s not really him, it’s the character that annoys me. I could get it, the way he is for the first 2 episodes. He’s dying, he’s afraid of being forgotten, whatever. However, by episode 7, it just gets tiresome. Man up already! But instead of manning up, and telling Mina that she’s not dying, so she doesn’t need to find physical pleasure to feel alive… because, well… she’s got time.
He goes and diddles the student.
Is that supposed to be romantic?
And then people go on and tell him he looks different, more relaxed. Of course! He’s diddling the student! whom he lied to by saying she’s got an inoperable brain tumor. And the doctor plays along? Lying to her?
Mina should totally sue their asses.
Okay, having said that. Reason why I watched this? Of course, Yu Aoi. I wasn’t gonna watch it because the title is so bland, and I don’t normally do jdramas. However, while looking for the latest Anan photoshoot, I ran into a post that talked about a “rape scene” [on ep08] in the series, so I went all “OMG, I need to check this out.” So I did.
Besides the dragging storyline of the dying teacher who diddles the student who thinks is dying, the series talks about suicide, depression, prostitution, and bullying. The big bad of the series is Yuki, played by Hiroki Narimiya — whom I had already eyed on Tiger & Dragon, and Nana LOL — but his crazy antics get tiring by episode 7 too. I mean, he’s just bad because he’s bad, unlike Koike on Love Exposure who is bad for being bad with a background.
Continue Reading…
Forget the Film, Watch the Titles just posted the opening titles for Splice, that film by Vicenzo Natali with Adrien Brody and Sarah Poley… which I am dying to see.
While watching the titles [you can WATCH IT HERE], was anyone else reminded of Ang Lee’s Hulk? You know the whole genetic experimentation business… and it’s green. LOL I am one of the few people that actually liked that movie, aren’t I?
I have a slight suspicion that this will get a Best Visual Effects nomination this year, definitely a candidate. It looks fresher than Iron Man 2, you know since it’s not a sequel. Like I said, dying to see.
Taking the advice of “other Amy“. [ps. you’re welcomed to refer to me as “other Amy” in your blog, LOL]
Funk felt so… SO inappropriate to watch. I wanna say I loved it, but I will need a second view. I mean… I always knew Finn and Will were alike… and that the way for love is PURE HATE. Also, watching pregnant un-wedded mothers shaking their money-makers to It’s a Man’s World, I just kept waiting for a baby to fly towards the camera.
Anyway~~~ next week is the season finale!
Here is my quote of the week~
Sue: You know, for me trophies are like herpes, you can try to get rid off them, but they just keep coming. You know why? Sue Sylvester has hourly flare-ups and burning, itchy, highly-contagious talent.
Obviously, this is a pimp post.
Fashion (as in clothing) is not my forte — I could fight you on photography, though — but Yu Aoi is the crowned Mori Girl, it seems. And Mori Girl: fashion and lifestyle of girls in the forest is just dedicated to it, I knew about it… but I’m not necessarily what you call Mori~~~ Hmmkay. But Yu is on the site’s header, and she’s been featured on the site a number of times, so I think it’s nice to feature it here for the Yu-chan fans interested in her fashion.
These are some of the posts:
– Yu Aoi on Spoon Magazine Oct.2009
– Featured Mori Nov.2009
– Yu Aoi in Pretty Style May.2010 <- check the last 3 photos. LOVE. Want bigger scans.
– Yu Aoi in Anan May.2010
=D Happy pic spam~
Or should I say scene? or situation?
Because, oh Principal Figgins! You do believe vampires are real!
Principal Figgins: It has come to my attention that the look you [talking to Tina] sport is what is known as “Goth”. American teens are coming down with a serious case of Twilight Fever, transformed from normal children into vampires obssessed with the occult, and only yesterday this dark specter reared its head at McKinley High.
Last night was the Whedon episode, featuring Neil Patrick Harris.
Can I just say I love NPH even more?
Glee didn’t quite feel like Glee with Whedon directing. Maybe it was because the episode wasn’t really over-the-top like other times, but it wasn’t overly sappy, either. Whedon’s style seems to just flow… or maybe it was the storyline.
Anyway… did you miss the irony of this one scene?
Bryan Ryan: Sue, you’re an impressive woman. I can’t tell you how much you turn me on right now. You ever heard of the term “anger sex”.