Archives For Motion

Worldwide Anthems~

May 1, 2011

This post took a really long time… it’s been on my to-do post-it for a while~ I even have a post-it with the songs that I wanted to include, and the ones I could ask people about.

So check out the list on YAM Magazine ;D

The 40min. segment from FujiTV’s Tunnels Thanks to Everybody that aired the day before the opening of Raiou… is actually pretty fun. Plus, Yu Aoi talking about food.

A popular segment in which Tunnels and guests take turns trying to guess the food the opponent hates the most.

We need translation for this one xD

Loads of interesting facts, it seems… like Yu owning a shaved-ice machine.

And Yu tearing up when laughing. Does anyone get that when they laugh?

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How did I not know about this MV until today? LOL It was released in 2003!

I was going through some of the posts that had lost its YouTube video links, and one of them was this Yu Aoi and MVs posts, and I ended up seeing this video on Tudou, which took forever to load. I wasn’t sure it was a real MV, so I looked it up, and voila! Seems legit~

Song is okay too! LOL

I just finally burnt Zhong Ping Huang’s (黄­中平) name in my head.

Because of A-Mei’s latest MV.

Having realized that he’s made my favorite Faye Wong video, I just spent all night “curating” a list of 77 MVs of some of the music videos he’s directed since 1997… but only of the artists I follow… otherwise the list is just endless~

Most of the time, his style is described as just about style, emotion and composition. Though, I have seen a few of those that have something resembling a plot.

Faye Wong – Bu Liu/ Nothing Left

I think that video captures what I essentially love about Faye Wong.

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Let’s start off by saying that my Chinese/Hong Kong film viewing… isn’t, just isn’t. LOL Of all the nominees, I have only seen two. Hahaha, I’m a little ashamed of that considering I’ve seen over 120 movies last year. Though, there were 3 other films I wanted to watch before the nominations were announced: Love in a Puff, Gallants, Under The Hawthorn Tree, and Detective Dee ;D

And I’ve decided I should watch Reign of Assassins with my dad, and Hot Summer Days with my mom. LOL

Also, Tetsuya Nakashima’s Kokuhaku was crowned as Best Asian Film, beating the likes of Aftershocks and Monga.

Anyway, we’re here because of the Best Song category, which had the most artists I was familiar with, and we’re going to be looking at each of them and their respective songs~ First, the winner:

Jun Kung’s Here to Stay from Merry-Go Round

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The first edition of the Global Chinese Golden Chart was held recently in Taipei, Taiwan.

Besides Leehom performing All the Things You Never Knew, Bibi was also there performing a medley of her i.Fish.Light.Mirror singles, including a bit of Canned Fish (like… the intro LOL), Single Mirror, and finally closing with I Miss U Missing Me.

I’m happy that BiBi performs her best when there’s important people. LOL Like… she sounds pitch perfect when musician, producers, and actors are in the room. She doesn’t even need fireworks, outrageous clothing or flashy stuff, just her singing.

Dear, Bang Bang Tang members~

I stalk your douban page from time to time, even if I don’t really read Chinese characters. I heard your music once featuring on CNN’s CNNGo programming, and I was hooked.

Anyway… enough with the fan message. xD

I am aware Bang Bang Tang — not the Taiwan boyband — just get together when they feel like playing, and actually study… or I guess already have jobs. I know the indie music scene is really tough… imagine such a huge market like China.

I wish someone who sign them already. Anyone, even an international indie label. Sighs. You know, instead of debuting a new girl group a week, they should fund BBT’s album.

Suffering fan,
amy xD

Here. I leave you with the video for  Bang Bang Tang (棒棒糖) – 我最爱缺陷男 (Wo Zui Ai Que Xian Nan) – My Favorite Male Defects, which was included in my Top-Rated Songs of 2010, even though it’s not a 2010 song. Only one exception to that rule. xD

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You know I love this type of things… like Pythagoras Switch and the OK GO’s MV.

This Docomo CM for the Touch Wood (ew) model of their phones — which to be honest are kinda cute. If I were in Japan, I would probably own a phone, but since I’m not xD The commercial, however, is made of awesome~

I think this might turn into a new feature xD

So I was checking YouTube uploads as I do now to see what to post on YAM Magazine, and saw this new Avex upload of MinxZone, whom I’ve never heard of. The intro (after the text) is kinda cool with the literal Paper Piano (the song title is Kami PIANO 紙ピアノ), but I thought it sounded familiar. Funny to find that one of the comments in it was the same.

See for yourself~

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I am obsessed with this music video… as you can see since I’m posting it here AND posting it in YAM Magazine. And especially now that I found that BOUNCE has a newly opened YouTube account that I hope doesn’t go POOF because of some wonk copyright issue.

I mean, this video is beauuuuuutiful in HD. And the song has rapidly grown on me — haven’t heard the album yet, but from all the singles released… it feels like this is one of the few songs that I can truly say WOW.

I know about Stefanie Sun, but I had never been actively interested in listening to her music. Like many of the Asian artists I followed, I saw her in the Beijing Welcomes You MV that came out for the Olympics… but then, I was more taken by that little girl in kind of a tux and glasses with the deep voice. Stephanie Sun is there — so young and cute, that it just never registered.

Call it a surprise to know that she’s got 12 albums, and that she’s 32. Amazing. I have become so cliché that whenever I ask my mom “guess how old this and that is” She just knows now. She knows when to add age, and when to subtract it. No fun anymore. xD

Here you go, watch the video – glorious HD.

Also, as a side note. You wouldn’t believe how LONG it took me to get the director’s name in characters and then figure out it’s BOUNCE who also directed MISSTER‘s Super Lover video. I was so crazy about this video, that I went name-hunting instead of doing my Chinese homework. LOL