Archives For reality tv/variety

In the latest edition of Super Boy — the show like American Idol in China but only for guys — had contestant Liu Zhu, who’s now shot to popularity in Baidu searches after appearing on the show dressed like a girl.

His feminine look and delicate voice made guest-judge Annie Meigui turn on the interrogation hat with questions regarding gender-testing, and even asking for Liu Zhu’s address (so that people could harass?). In the end, judge Ding Wei intervened by saying they were not there to judge his gender identity, but his talent.

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From what I could gather, Kim Shinyoung is one of the MC (host) in KBS’s Invicible Youth, which I’ve never ever seen. However, I ran into a clip online, and I couldn’t help but keep on searching…

Not long ago… on December last year, Kim Shinyoung was awarded Female Variety MC Newcomer.


Not only does she stands out in a room full of celebrities… she also does pretty great dancing parodies. Just check her out as Kim Tae Woo… full on drag [she actually has the same jawline as Justin Timberlake], or doing her version of Bi’s Rainism… HUNGRISM. xD And don’t miss out her rocking version of Wonder Girls’ So Hot.
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Recover your Sense of Wonder

February 20, 2010 — 1 Comment

When I was a little kid, my parents once gave me a chemistry set. It had the little microscope, and test tubes, with different chemical components… until one day, I mixed something that turned black and it blew up. LOL Later, my parents gave me a magic set that came with a magic wand and a bunch of other stuff.

It was around that time that Frecuencia Latina used to show the David Copperfield shows, and I remember him flying out of whatever venue he was performing at. “WOW!” I thought, “he really can fly!”

Ever since those days, I haven’t experience magic with that innocent sense of wonder. Sure, David Blane was pretty good when he started out — he’s rubbish since he started that surviving in the tank act — and Criss Angel is okay, but I’ve never really warmed up to him or his show.

Now I’ve finally found out about Lu Chen (Liu Qian), a Taiwanese magician that has given me back the “Wow, how did he do that?” factor that comes with having an innocent sense of wonder. It’s not his big tricks, like escaping from a box that explodes in 60sec. while a truck is about to run over it. Lu Chen’s strength relies on his street magic with common goods like buying Tapioca Milk Tea, buying a T-shirt, or eating Baos on the street.

Thanks for giving me back my sense of wonder.

check out the playlist here.

Best of 2009: Television

December 19, 2009 — 4 Comments

I am most certainly rubbish with this. Mainly because television requires a lot of hours of your time, which just doesn’t help if you need to watch everything. While votes on award shows are only required to watch 2 episodes, I try watching all the episodes on a season (of good shows). The bad ones never make it pass the 2nd week. LOL

So this year, I don’t think I watched too many shows. And I don’t watch reality any longer, maybe an episode a month of things like Iron Chef, or Project Runway, or So You Think You Can Dance, and/or Ramsay’s The F Word. I like Ramsay. He reminds me of my uncle. Hahahaha.

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Sometimes SNL comes through with some pretty photos of their celebrity hosts, and their musical guests… some of them by Mary Ellen Matthews and Jed Root. One of my favorite ones of Natalie Portman. xD


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Full Cycle YAM – 007

December 15, 2009 — 1 Comment

Congrats, Amy! You’ve made it a year!
Now please, get to work on that website you’ve been talking about all this time.

Yeah, where is Nate? Yeah, that. Nate and I are working on something else, which is nothing at the moment… just a random gig, which will hopefully fuel our bank accounts a bit and let us work on YAM fully for a month or two…


This is Julz 2nd straight cover. Hooray! Omedetou!!!

In it she covered the Stockholm Film Festival… met Susan Sarandon xD, there’s a Q&A with Sin Nombre director Cary Fukunaga, reviews for Precious, Up in the Air, Koreeda’s Air Doll, Map of the Sounds of Tokyo, The Cove, Thirst, Dexter Season 4, Sasameki Koto, Family Outing, Les Amants Papillons, 2pm, Shinee, Rihanna, The Swell Seasons, Crowd Lu and more! Oh yeah! There’s also a Julz BSB concert review of their Worldwide This Is Us tour, and some Eva Ayllon. Coz we love variety…

check it out over here.

Hahaha, it’s hard to resist Family Outing Hyori.
So irresistibly a-dork-able Hyori. xD
And man, that fake Afro. Totally kills me.

And yes, I’m sad Jaesuk is leaving. No more FO. U.u

– edit –

Since the video was deleted from YouTube, I wonder if this new version can load. If not, you can try to check it out at

Yeah, yeah. Didn’t post anything substantial today. I know.

Watched Precious last night. *sighs* It was sad.
Like, “want to hug you” sadness.

— EDIT —

Seems the video is gone from the net. :(

Here’s something to get you by.

— EDIT 2 —

Lo and behold!

Dear Yu-chan~

November 10, 2009 — 4 Comments

It’s been like year and a half since I started fawning over you and the work you do. I feel like we’re on -chan terms by now (joking, joking). But please, PLEASE announce a good project for next year already. And I mean it like a good substantial (not like Honokaa Boy) role, and not a magazine batch. xD

I love your Photobooks, but you’re making me broke. LOL But if you’re working on a new PB, please PLEASE work with Yoko-san because you two work your magic together.

If you want to work on some series, I would also be happy. xD

There’s only one place for fandom in my life (if there were more, I wouldn’t work… sleep, eat or do other stuff) – and right now, Family Outing is pulling my strings hahaha, so hurry up! xD You are lucky I’m not particularly too fond of Hyori-unnie’s music. LOL

KFood Does Taste Better…

November 7, 2009 — 2 Comments

After an episode of Family Outing.

I mean, a bowl of white rice with dried-spicy-caramelized squid can’t taste much better than it did, after watching sexy (or Bingu?) TOP – Hahahahaha. Also, trying to get my other friend to watch too. I think she will be hooked soon. More on that later~~~ So are we one people at a time now?

Hyori-unnie, you’re so awesome.

Yejin-unnie, I miss you!

*does Grasshopper dance* Hahahaha.

Dear Hyori-unnie~

November 6, 2009 — 5 Comments

I love how you mean-girl people.

I just finished trying to catch up on Family Outing because Diana and I are meeting to watch the latest episode, and I hope to get together for some KFood as well, because every time I finish watching the show I get hungry. No matter if it’s 2am and I’m supposed to go to bed.

I saw the Farewell episodes, and the two episodes welcoming the Park Siblings. I miss Savage and Lovable Ye-jin-unnie, and Chunderella. Ye-jin is so efficient, right? How can they fill up those shoes?

Please, Hyori-unnie, keep on mean-girling people. You remind me of someone I haven’t talked in over a year, and I don’t even know where this person is to send an “analog” letter, because apparently my Digital Design friends are mostly analog now. Ironic.

Hyori-unnie, keep wearing those glasses. They suit you, and not everyone can wear them. Keep wearing sweats and slacks, and be sporty… also, keep picking on Jaesuk-oppa ‘coz it’s just too funny to watch.

Also, piece of friendly advice. Don’t mess around with scandal… or, to borrow from you “You Die”.