Archives For online shopping

Acabo de recibir un correo de uno de los servicios de envío que he usado informándome que ahora tengo un límite de 3 envíos (o un equivalente de $1000USD) como persona natural gracias a nuevas regulaciones implementadas por la eficaz institución de Aduanas que tenemos en el Perú. Gracias, SUNAT, por hacerme la vida más fácil.


Ustedes siempre tan eficaces! Haciéndole la vida tan sencilla a las compañías que dan servicio de envíos por internet.

Express Mail Service FTW! $20USD no es nada si evito tener que lidiar con todos ustedes.

Yu Aoi is a Taiwan Girl!

December 8, 2012 — 3 Comments

yu aoi kaiten teburu mutsukashii taiwan de nv hai

Look what I found! It turns out that Yu’s photobook Kaiten TEBURU ha Mutsukashii, which had her followed by photographer Ivy Chen in Taiwan doing their Taiwan Cafe rounds, will be translated to traditional Chinese in a new release simply titled Taiwan’s Girl (台灣的女孩), to be out on December 27th this year. I doubt this will show up on any other online websites~

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I have been looking… for years and years for that perfect beanie [1] I saw Yu Aoi wearing on her Travel Sand book. I’ve looked at thousands and thousands of knitted hats of all types, but none has ever struck me the way that beanie had on those beautifully printed pages. The colors, the material… the amount of the openness of the weave, it was perfect.

knitted beanies polyvore

Slouchy, with ears, pompoms, tails, tails with ears and pompoms… the ones with scarfs knitted out of the beanies… my collection might not be vast, but it’s certainly varied. I’m also terribly cheap, so I really can’t see myself paying $45USD for the Mango Knit Beanie with beads or worse… £216 for this Inverni Monnier Freres cashmere beanie — as awesome as they are.

This search for the perfect beanie is becoming an OCD of mine. I need help.

Urgent help.

Yup. I finally bought Kyou, Konogoro (今日、このごろ。) — roughly translated to Nowadays, Lately. — which I had put off getting for years AND YEARS because… there’s a lot of text. But, damn. I was seriously missing out. There’s not many photos for the book, but there’s TONS of goodies for Yu-chan fans. A LOT of information (movie facts about Yu’s shooting projects, dates, movie suggestions, books she’s given or received, a sorta detailed work around to some of the magazine work she’s done, etc.) — In short, loads of great information for her Wikipedia page. xD

Having to tell you that my Chinese Mandarin classes are paying off for the Japanese reading. Ha! I’m just gonna have to go through all the text bit by bit. Coz seriously, there’s a lot.

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I know I have been a very bad Yu Aoi fan. First off, I had only a faint idea she was going to release a new photobook via HMV Japan, but since her website didn’t mention a thing, I didn’t think it was such a big deal. In any case, I ran into some of the photographs in my daily runs through Weibo — and voila!

I thought I should buy it. xD

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Modernist Cuisine

December 7, 2011 — 2 Comments

This trailer is disgustingly beautiful.

And oh-they know it~

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Julz is trying to make this happen, while I pull my non-existent hair waiting for the album by the end of the year thanks to Amazon delaying the expected date O_O

The first time I imported Under the Surface, which cost me like $40CND LOL, then Julz sent me The Chase. I think this is the first time I’m actually gonna wait for the album. I’m still debating that though…

I gotta admit. I got a little choked up with this music video, and I’m totally pumped for Sodagreen’s upcoming new album… also titled What is Troubling You (你在煩惱什麼) — which, I have to admit~~~ comes at a bad time when Bibi is coming up with her new album and the Brown Eyed Girls are coming up with her nifty-licious repackaged Sixth Sense.

Did I tell you? I pre-ordered Sixth Sense and I ate it up like a sucker.

What makes me even more of a sucker, however, is that I had just pre-ordered the repackaged version too. Alongside Bibi’s new album.

Anyway, this new wonderfully sad and strangely uplifting music video comes from the brilliant mind of Muh Chen Yi Ren, from GrassJelly Studio — who also worked on my favorite Sodagreen MV… Incomparable Beauty [MV]. When these two get together, they make magic.

The lyrics seem… simple. I mean there’s not much lyrics… but I’m having issues with the double negative hahaha. I guess this is going to be my next Chinese class then!

Pinyin will do until then!

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Paypal in China?

December 29, 2010 — Leave a comment

I is very excited about this news? I don’t know, all this business talk at this time of night gets me confused, but I seem to understand that Paypal is opening business in Chongqing. Did you know my grandpa was from Chonqing? Dumb-dumb gave away — gave away!!! — his properties. Ahhh… my grandpa.

Anyway, I digress.

I’m very excited about this bit of news because Modern Sky‘s online store, or I guess online catalog we could only ordered with a money order because… obviously, there was no Paypal in China — but now there will? Too bad Milk@Coffee is no longer with Modern Sky xD

You guys~~~ your music makes me really silly-grin happy

Anyone know where I can buy their albums? I know you can buy their debut over at the Modern Sky website, but buying through it is a hassle because they don’t have other payment method than wire transfer… which sucks, but understandble since there’s no Paypal~