How didn’t I ever see this BackStreet Boys performance? OMG, I must’ve been very disconnected from fandom to never hunt down what was up with that Black&Blue video collection.
Though I’m a little tired of those BSB vs. Nsync fights online that I get to see from time to time when I browse through old videos on YouTube — seriously people, TEN freaking YEARS. Just… enough is enough. We don’t need more crazies on the net. [See my post on Gagaism].
I gotta admit that vocal arrangement was… pretty cool.
I had almost forgotten how good AJ used to sound, so soulful and raspy. They may not all harmonize because their voices are quite similar in range… but they sound tight.
There’s a particular quote I got from the interview that I thought exemplify what I’ve been trying to say for a while… and why I think YAM Magazine is important. I love that Nick says it plainly:
I think that’s what happens with people and music. They connect with certain songs, not necessarily the lyrics but sometimes with the way that they sound. They just connect and it can help them through things and it’s just… it’s their soul.
Any thoughts on this?