Archives For Films

I’m not watching… I dunno where to watch, and I think they’re still going on. ITG did a quickie prediction, and said Avatar was gonna win a many few.

So I’m posting winners, as I find them.

Done! Yay! There’s was a little love for District 9… not AS much, but at least. Too much love for Avatar in my opinion… and no love for Red Cliff. Of course, I’m biased.

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Like I’ve said before, my GG predictions are kinda rubbish~ So what I’ll do is list the films in the order of their chances of winning, as well as the one I want to win.

I’ve actually seen most of the films, except for 13 (3 of which are foreign), so I think that’s pretty good.

# of likeliness of winning – movie
* I want this one to win

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Happy Belated Xmas, Amy!
it’s here, it’s here!

After ages on my Amazon Wishlist, my dad made it happen. *laughs*

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Yu Aoi for FLOWERS

January 13, 2010 — 3 Comments

Is this a movie announcement?

Certainly feels like it, and turns out it’s just been published a few hours ago in a few blogs. According to this blog, and My First Gossip Blog. We’ve got info! YAY!

“Flowers” featuring Aoi Yuu (24), Suzuki Kyoka (41) , Takeuchi Yuko (29), Tanaka Rena (29), Nakama Yukie (30), Hirosue Ryoko (29) will be released on the 12th of June of this year. This star-studded cast will present a tale that will span 3 generations.

Wait… wait for it~~~ Continue Reading…

Yes, this is a romantic comedy post.

Entertainment Weekly has a new post titled What Hollywood Gets Wrong about Women and Marriage, in light of the recent release of Amy Adams’ Leap Year.

Obviously, Rom-Coms are a branch of Chick Flicks, and Chick Flicks are doomed. Especially in the West, where Chick Flick is a super negative tag on a film. Whip Ip (which I enjoyed a lot) is a Chick Flick, and it’s fun. My dad enjoyed it a lot. We should totally watch Roller Derby together.

But Rom-Coms, where they specifically want a female character to find love/get together/get married with someone, they are doomed on a different level. American (as a continent) Romantic Comedies forget that it’s not about people getting together or marrying, and completely forget the characters. In the end, we just don’t care enough for the character to care if she is or not getting the guy.

Do you recall any good romantic comedies of the past 10 years?

I remember I liked Imagine Me & You, My Sassy Girl (Korean version), Saving Face, Love Actually, Were the World Mine, Love me if You Dare~~~ well, that’s a pretty gay selection. LOL


Nominations are done!!

It’s actually kind of exciting, even if not that many people sent nominations. However, it’s actually a really great way to hear about all these many other films that people mentioned so many times, and I knew nothing about.

Of course, if more people had actually sent nominations, the experiment would’ve worked better. Maybe next time… so watch many more films this 2010, so you can participate next time around.

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Best of 2009: Films

January 8, 2010 — 2 Comments

I’ve seen a lot of films, but somehow it still feels I haven’t seen enough.

This is the last day for everyone to send me their nominations for the Experiment Awards.

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If Only… Miao Miao

January 8, 2010 — 8 Comments

Posting one by one my 5 picks mixed with Acerk’s so he doesn’t get bored re-reading his entries.

Anyway, I invite all Yu fans to participate… you know, if you’re interested.

Please, no “I wish Yu could be in Avatar” – I beg you. LOL

Also… please, subscribe subscribe and take notice of the ad pimps.

5. Miao Miao

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If Only… April Story

January 7, 2010 — 4 Comments

by Acerk.

In my opinion, Yu’s had a pretty decent 10-year career. She’s been a supporting character more than I would prefer, but who cares, she’s still young and has a long way to go. Here are 5 movies that I wish she could have been in. I believe each film selected would have helped her career in one way or another.

5. April Story

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Independent Film has a new post by Heidi Van Lier talking about her hopes for Indies this year, which I found interesting… considering last night’s People’s Choice gave Favorite Indie Film to Inglourious Basterds. If you do a quick google, it turns out that Inglourious Basterds cost about $70M USD to make. That’s indie in America for you.

Small studios to actually give out, en masse, small amounts of funding to indie filmmakers to make films under $500,000, and not just talk about doing it. Hell, even $250,000. (Do you know the fab film I could make with $250,000?)

I’m all for more distribution of indie films and foreign.

I’m still trying to find someone to pick up my idea.