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Goodies Support!

September 2, 2010 — Leave a comment

Wow, is this what they call a grovel post? xD

Let’s make it an update post. I just pre-ordered this book:

Yeah, by the same author of Let the Right One In. xD

Of course, I still haven’t finished reading the Millennium trilogy, even though my friend already read the first two books… but she’s been on holidays, so she really has the upper-hand, right?

If books are not your thing… how about some music?

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Sharing this on the YAM 2011 LGBT Blogathon~

I love complicated post titles.

AfterElton has just begun their voting for their 2010 poll of 50 Greatest Gay Movies. Plus, in honor of the first week run of Contracorriente (Undertow) on Peruvian cinemas, I’ve made a list of 10 LGBT related films that not many people may have heard about or seen… so these films need your voting. *cough*

And since AfterEllen is dropping the ball on this one — I was pretty sure they were doing polls on Lesbian movies, but oh well~

I am mixing it all up. Because I’m like that.

Look, I love Brokeback Mountain, I love Milk, and I certainly LOVED A Single Man last year. Some of my favorites are Were the World Mine, Show Me Love, Imagine Me & You, and I liked Love Songs as much as — or maybe even more — than you did, but this is about not so popular LGBT flare. There’s also a lot of foreign films because they certainly don’t get major distribution – so thank you, Internet.

Also, don’t forget to vote for Undertow! xD

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You’re probably tired of me talking about Hana & Alice. It feels like I have posted this before somewhere, but since I can’t find it with a simple google search… I’m posting xD

To quote myself;

Just for the sake of being consistent… I was in the mood for the music of Hana & Alice, which I have come to love after multiple views. I also got the urge to listen to the music for Hyakuman-en’s OST but can’t find anything, so if you know where I can listen to it… let me know.

Anyway, as I was saying~~~ Hana & Alice Soundtrack, it’s so quiet… yet wonderful. Wo Ai Ni breaks my heart. One of the best Yu Aoi film scenes you’ll EVER see~~~ Here are three tracks I found at IMEEM. The rest after the break.

Shunji Iwai is a SOB xD without knowing about music, he composes this score. How’s that for justice?? LOL Now, every time I hear or read Wo Ai Ni (I Love You in Mandarin), I’m reminded of the movie. The way she tells her dad “Papa, Wo Ai Ni” and her dad says “Zai Jian” – OMG, so so sad. Poor Alice. Don’t worry, let’s eat Tokoroten together xD I don’t think I’m into the taste of seaweed in my pudding, but I can eat something else… I’m sure. xD

Awww, just to remember Michael Jackson.

They Don’t Care About Us is one of my favorite MJ songs. HIStory was my first MJ album ever, which I got for my 10th birthday — but that’s a story you should know by now [1]. The choreography is killer.

I miss choreography like this. You know what dancing on a show is now? Butt-jiggles and booby-shaking. No one is moving their feet when they dance now! At least singers… I watch So You Think You Can Dance – *legasp!* Yes, I watch some reality tv shows, I’m afraid. xD

Now I understand why Undertow has been winning audience awards everywhere, it plays with your bobito (heart). And comparisons with Brokeback Mountain seem to be inevitable, since they are both dealing with a “gay” thematic in a setting not usually linked to “gay behavior” and they both have to deal with extramarital affairs, but they are little alike.

In Undertow, Miguel (Cristian Mercado) is a fisherman in the small town of Cabo Blanco, Peru, where he is having a baby with his wife Mariela (Tatiana Astengo). The model citizen, a good husband, and well-liked by everyone in town, no one knows that Miguel is having an extramarital affair with Santiago (Manolo Cardona), an artist who’s visited the place since he can remember.

As the melodrama unfolds, writer/director Javier Fuentes Leon doesn’t really take us nowhere we’ve never seen before — if you’ve seen many LGBT-themed films that is, except with that bit with Santiago’s destiny, where the Magic Realism finally kicks in. Ultimately, the film is just a love story, which on one side makes you wonder how well the story would be received if it didn’t have a gay relationship at its core, and on the other side you’re presented with a gay relationship that’s as normal as any heterosexual one.

Undertow will probably get placed next to other LGBT favorites in the following years — once more people get to watch it — right next to crowd’s faves like Brokeback Mountain, Shelter, Where the World Mine, Imagine Me & You, and Show Me Love.

The acting is strong by the three lead actors, being able to carry the whole film in its 100 minutes of running time. The strongest moment in the film was perhaps better condensed in the song by Celso Piña featuring Cafe Tacuba, Aunque No Sea Conmigo, used in the trailer and the film for the line of “Quiero que seas feliz, aunque no se conmigo” (I want you to be happy, even if it’s not with me).

Visually, the film delivers some hunting scenes — I still believe Ricardo de Montreuil (La Mujer de mi Hermano, Mancora) is visually better in his work with his advantage work on some very high profile music videos in Latin America… so how about a collaboration, guys?


Here’s some reading material ;P

Ahhhh, Failte!! – sorry, too lazy to type accents.

You know, before I started posting so much about Asian stuffs~~~ I was pretty obsessed with Celtic Woman and Meav – coinciding with my 6-month mark. I left “fandom” and began my Asian ramblings. But you know, I always complain there’s so many idols in my Asian radar… not enough vocalists, or dancers. When I thought of vocalists, I often think about Celtic Woman, because… man, those women could sing.

I don’t think many people would actually look at me and say, ahhh see… Amy is a Celtic Woman fan. I don’t look the part, and I certainly don’t follow other Celtic music groups. I was in old downtown Lima, where they sell a lot of fake goods from clothing to music and films – don’t worry, I went there for Chinese food, not buying fake goods – and in one of the music stands, they had Celtic Woman music. I told my dad, because I thought it was surprising. He told me that a local channel had been broadcasting Celtic Woman concerts, and that my dad’s friend had taken a liking for the women. In the end, I gave him a copy of Meav’s Silver Sea album. LOL

I wouldn’t mind Meav coming for a concert xD

Ahhh… that Dulaman performance has so much sex appeal. LOL

This is what I’m currently watching… on the air. Nothing to do with keeping up with any programs, though I should really find some time to watch Lost, True Blood, and still need to catch up on Mad Men S3. But alas, my Dead Like Me box-set just arrived – I didn’t know it came with the tv movie xD – so I guess I will be watching that the whole month.

– The Big C – for Laura Linney… and I love anything Showtime, most the times.

Didn’t love the pilot, the commercial I posted had pretty much all the funny parts… but I liked the interactions. My favorite line was that one with Gabby Sidibe. About being skinny and a bitch, or fat and jolly. Coz it’s so true. LOL

Laura Linney plays a woman diagnosed with… what appears to be final stages of some cancer. She is considered boring by her son and husband, but wants to be the one staining her sofa with juice/wine. She also wants to eat onions, LOL Plus, her brother needs to take a shower. xD

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CinemaCafe has an interview [jp] with Yu Aoi about Otouto — recently released on DVD and Blu-Ray. If someone could give a proper translation of it, that would rock. In the meantime… some of what I think are interesting bits.

Title of the piece is Kotoba ni Dekinai “Kankaku” ga Kanojyo o Tsukiugokasu, which seems to be something like “It isn’t the words, it’s the emotions that motivates her”.

First sub-title, Ii Deai no Renki ni Megumaremashita, which is something like “Blessed with good encounters,” referring to the people she worked with in Otouto [Yoji Yamada, Sayuri Yoshinaga, Tsurube Shofukutei, Ryo Kase], plus I see mentions of Kyoko Koizumi [from Gakuya].

GAH! I really can’t translate more, but the following paragraphs seem interesting. Like the last one about balancing work and free time. My head hurts.

Here’s some more Yu photos =D Like the intro said something about her gentle smile.

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Yay! I’m done with the Garbo films that come on the TCM Garbo Signature Collection. On this batch there’s Queen Christina — my favorite just because of the line about being a bachelor xD — then there’s Anna Karenina, Camille and Ninotchka.

My favorite of this batch turned out to be Anna Karenina, even though it was the trickiest one to do. I wanted to use the train as the symbol of the film, but I couldn’t find a perfect train with the perfect smoke/steam. In the end, I ended up looking for smoke/steam alone… and I almost just use that by itself, but I thought it would look too much like the cover for Devil and the Flesh… so I made a composite image. LOL

Fake Criterion Collection: Greta Garbo Collection - Anna Karenina

I also sort of liked how Ninotchka turned out. It’s completely different to the other covers, except for the Criterion logo and titles, but like I told my friend JK when he asked why Anna Christie was the only one in color – besides whiskey not being whiskey without the color… Anna Christie was Garbo’s first Talkie, so to make it different in a “Garbo Talks” sort of way, there’s color. LOL, but you know… that may be total bull.

Fake Criterion Collection: Greta Garbo Collection - Ninotchka

Same with Ninotchka – “Garbo Laughs” and so the cover is completely different to the others. It’s got more color, the titles and signature are in black. You can check the whole Fake Criterion set on Flickr.

5th single already? If you paid attention, I posted Jing Chang’s 4th single just a week ago.

Otherwise known as 義氣 (Yi Qi), referring to the spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice. Aiya They Didn’t is reporting Jing Chang will be releasing a re-packaged album by the end of the week (Aug. 13th), which will include:

  • 6 music videos [4 singles + Loyalty + 不再聯絡 (Bu Zai Lian Luo) – Lose Contact]
  • a Loyalty commemoration poster
  • a Mending card [is this Hao Le?]
  • and a birthday party invitation (????) xD

Not sure why this is a 5th single, since it’s not included in the copy I’ve listened of The Opposite Me, but it’s kind of a nice rock/dance song. Kinda weird… but I could dig.

I’m considering purchasing this re-packaged album. Seems like a good deal.