Archives For Celebrity

So I have a complaint… I always get crappy detergent commercials — the Sapolio detergent Principe commercial suck, and it sucks even harder that women aren’t offended by them, as if women’s only thought in their heads was just to get a man after they’re done with laundry.

But then a couple of weeks ago, I saw Camucha Negrete’s face on a Twitter Ace promoted tweet. Then my mother came to me saying she’s seen the funniest detergent commercial since Ariel’s Chaca Chaca [clip] in the late 70s, which according to a comment on YouTube [1]:

el concepto se creo en México, en los años sesentas, fue Noble y Asociados con la primer Vicepresidenta Creativa, la publicista mexicana Cristina Gutiérrez de la Sierra quien inventó la frase y la hizo fuerte, después, la misma agencia de publicidad llevo el concepto a otros países de latinoamérica. De hecho dicen que ella escribía de una sentada las ideas y frases y es creadora de decenas de conceptos arraigados a la cultura latinoamericana.

Was a concept created in Mexico.

So it’s really no surprise at all that Ace, in all its region in Latin America, has employed the help of the Leo Burnett agency [1] to develop the concept of O Mistério Ace (The Ace Mystery) — for Brazil — or El Misterio del Sostén (The Bra Mystery), which stems from the fact that all Latin American countries have strong Telenovela roots. According to my search, the Brazilian version seems to have come by first with an array of different Portuguese Brazilian accent dubs [1] [2] [3] [4] [5], and the concept has now just made their debuts in different Spanish Latino versions from Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru.

Note: The Chile version seems to be the same to the Argentina according to the uploads on the Ace Chile YouTube Channel.

In the commercial, the “mother-in-law” (played in the Peruvian version by Camucha Negrete, and different actresses in the others) finds a tarnished bra in her son’s room. Thinking it belongs to her son’s girl, she storms into a restaurant telling her son off, as well as suggesting her “daughter-in-law” to use Ace because it keeps whites clear.

Things then get complicated.

I don’t know how “viral” a detergent commercial can get considering the core of Telenovela audiences aren’t usually hooked online. But it’s a good commercial, nonetheless.

Harper’s Bazaar China loves to celebrate with Faye Wong and photographer Chen Man, this is why both of them grace the cover of this year’s anniversary Harper’s Bazaar edition celebrating their 26th year. They celebrated their 25th year the same way.

So being the lover of photography that I am, I went around and look them all up — including last years photos. You can also check this Faye/HB photoshoot.

And as you can see, I have instantly fallen deeply in love with photographer Chen Man’s work. And I’ve already ordered her book Chen Man: Works 2003-2010, and added her tag xD so you can maybe expect more Chen Man postings in the future.

I dunno what this is… but Leehom, I totally believe you’re not gay. xD Jackie, on the other hand, is a natural!

Weibo Misses You, Shu Qi

September 15, 2012 — Leave a comment

Netizens, you are ruining my fun way too often for my liking. It’s not enough that you’re bullying Tony Leung out of a possible dream project with Kiyoshi Kurosawa~ I’m still super sour that you bullied away Shu Qi from her usual activities on Weibo.

You know, I used to didn’t like Shu Qi. I actually tried using a nice photoshoot photo of her, but I couldn’t pick one that I liked enough. It turns out, though, that I love Shu Qi when she’s acting- like, I can’t get enough of her. I think what made me turn around and start liking her was following her on Weibo, when she used to post things like this.

Now she doesn’t post anything this fun and personal. Her posts are limited (since she’s been back after her Weibo pull out) to Buddha related posts. And she’s no longer receiving comments, except from people she follows.

Okay, fine. I miss you on Weibo, Shu Qi. xD

Yu Meets Right On~

September 14, 2012 — 1 Comment

So Yu-chan has short hair for reals! She sports her new look in the new commercial for Right On and everyone is tweeting the hashtag #yumeetsrighton (if you’re interested in checking it out).

Yu is also all over the 2012 Fall/Winter catalog for the company xD, and she’ll also be sporting this new look in the cover issue of November 2012 of Mina Magazine.

The Right On YouTube channel also has a brief “interview” with Yu, as well as a short Making Of the CM. You can also browse their website~

Soooooo, story of my life. The Shunji Iwai Vampire interview was supposed to begin at 9pm, which means I decided to stay up all the way into 7am my timezone to catch the interview… the problem was I fell asleep well into the 30min. mark with Iwai-san arriving  just a few minutes later.

So I missed the whole thing. LOL

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You know you’re fucking awesome when you lipsync through a whole show and nobody gives a shit, because it’s still awesome. Though, I would argue that MJ should’ve stopped his performance in Dangerous.

Not since Michael Jackson began dazzling the pop music stage has there been any other pop act that has been able to define dancing the way Michael did. To this day and age, when dance pop music (in America) is stale, and Korea gives me pretty choreographed skill [1] — there’s still no one bringing anything new to the pop table.

You’re still missed MJ.

Oh mah gosh. So cute. Ashida Mana-chan you’d still be so cute.

I want to protect you from all the evilness in the world. T_T


Oh, does anyone know where this is from?

So I’m just picking up things whenever people mention Yu-chan on the blogosphere, especially when they are as funny as this variety segment. I mean, it contains this sequence! xD

Cheap GIF, I know. But it can persuade you to watch the Tudou clip, right? Btw, if any of you have trouble watching things from Tudou, it seems that using and actually downloading the video works faster than their player for some reason.
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