Archives For Celebrity

I don’t know how this didn’t come to me before this photo.


After her collaboration with Bong Joon-ho, and that she so wanted to work with Wong Kar-wai — it only makes sense that she wouldn’t mind working with Ang Lee, after all~ he’s won two Oscars for director. He hasn’t actually made his actors win anything, even though Heath Ledger should’ve won for Brokeback Mountain as Best Actor instead of Supporting for Batman.

Kidman has a great selection of director’s on her filmography. One of the very few with really REALLY interesting choices [1].

I have created a brand new tag specifically for S.H.E ~

Rainbows & Puppies.

Because, well~ this music video and the song are self-explanatory.

Despite being completely different, this brought memories of Viva Forever [MV] by the Spice Girls. I guess… I can see a tree in The Tree at that Time (那時候的樹)? Oh, and I guess… stop-motion mixed in live-action? xD

It’s a five-year fandom anniversary!

and I’ve just gotten EXTRA lazy now. These are the links to Yu’s previous Wiki entries [1][2].

I know that over the years (especially the last two), I have been lazying around not stalking enough news and being always late. Though some fans have disappeared from the internet, I still appreciate some of you lurkers.

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When I was in Canada, I spent some of those Sunday nights watching Sunday Night Sex Show with Sue Johanson, and then my mind was blown. With her as-a-matter-of-fact tone, and some of the most bizarre requests [raw meat, anyone? Somebody said Athlete’s Foot?], Sue delivered sex knowledge and opinion like I have never had heard or seen before. It also happened that Sue wasn’t like how the media had made me imagine sexologists were like.

WARNING: This Hot Mix is both HILARIOUS and NSFW!

All the while, coming over down here, I saw the birth of Alessandra Rampolla and her show, which has in part revolutionized Latin America, I suppose. The difference with the both of them is, I suppose, culturally. While Sue’s show was set for call-answering ANY question, Rampolla’s show is set more like a talk show… which is more like a familiar format for the region, but doesn’t allow the same topic freedom that the other format offers.

I like that Rampolla’s way of talking is a lot like a kinder or primary school teacher explaining — still — the finer points of being bisexual to her audience with ease and humor. Rampolla’s style is more like Sexologist 101, while Sue is more Advanced Studies.

I didn’t find any cool YouTube mix of her, so this interview with her by Magaly Medina will have to do. Medina isn’t a sexologist or all that serious when she does her entertainment show, so some of her comments are a bit eye-roll worthy, but Rampolla really is that lovely.

Fandom crossover… of sorts. Obviously, otherwise I would have known about this sooner rather than later- if I were a hardcore f(x) or Anna Kendrick fan. But the Kpop humor nearly kills me. Kkkkkkk xD

My favorite detail about the clip, though, is when Kendrick is choreography-failing and she goes “Amber, if you could just teach me…” because you know what could happen when that happens. I see what you did there, Anna.

I think she deserves her tag now.

I’m not particularly fond of Girls Generation, but I like them THEM – they’re funny. I ran into this compilation of everyone’s pointing out at each others’ sleeping habits… which, you know, they’re always interesting to find. That’s one of the reasons I strongly believe in cohabitation before marriage; it’s always good to know other people’s sleeping (and living) habits.

My family’s habits are probably a lot closer to Taeyeon’s. My mother and I speak in our sleep — my cousin told us that there was once we were all on the same room sleeping, my mother sneezed in her sleep, I told her “bless you” and she responded with a “thank you” without ever waking up. LOL

Then of course there’s the infamous time when I was visiting my cousin in Hawaii, and I was sleeping in her room. At that time I was surrounded by a lot of Korean friends in my daily life who would speak a lot of Korean among themselves. There was a point that it was so much Korean, that I started understanding words out of nowhere. Apparently, that night in my cousin’s house, I was speaking something unintelligible. That day I told her I had dreamed about my Korean friends. So what say you? Did I speak unintelligible Korean in my sleep?

What language do you guys dream in?

I usually dream in both Spanish and English — sometimes it gets wacky because friends that I would normally speak in English to start speaking Spanish in my dream. Then it all gets a little fuzzy. I’ve never had that happen backwards, though.

I was watching La Maison de Himiko the other day and my heart was struck once again by how beautiful Odagiri Joe is. I don’t think it translates too well in photographs, but his face on a movie screen while he’s doing his acting magic. It’s so alluring.

Here he is in some photoshoot for Korean 1st Look.



After many many MANY years, Yu Aoi’s Itoh Company web page will be redesigned. At the moment, you are greeted by the message excusing themselves for the blank page, and given a pop-up link to her Itoh profile.


I wonder what they will come up with.

And no, Itoh Company didn’t contact me. xD

My Teenhood Crushes

April 16, 2013 — 1 Comment

I ran into this after a series of related links on websites.


“I never took the fame too seriously, it was a great period in my life, but it doesn’t define me.”

So I went down a bit on memory lane to think about my favorite guys.

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Look at that flawless hair on Michelle Williams. I adore it.