Archives For Screencaps

Dear Sony Japan,

I really want to love you, but I understand our complicated relationship. Every time I pull closer to you, you pull away, retreating to your closed existence where there is only fans of your music in Japan and you forget about me, who just like a person who can’t get enough of this mistreatment keeps coming back to you.

I know I need therapy for this one-sided relationship we got going on.

I am hoping that one day (soon, rather than later) you allow me to love you the way I want to. I don’t want ALL of you, I’d be just happy with short PVs… the one or two-minute clips other companies upload. I can deal with that, but not being able to even BROWSE your content while being able to see it uploaded on my timeline seems like an awfully unfair affair.

Yours faithfully,

your unwilling mistress.

I’m not even talking about online trolls, it’s regular people you run into your daily life. Someone does something stupid, and as a response this other person spits at this other person. Why?

You’re online answering a question, that you might get or not exactly right, and there’s someone out there who replies back calling you names instead of just stating the right answer.

People say something and there’s people making death threats.

Why are people so angry?

Someone needs a little Piñata therapy. ;P

“Police baffled by string of arsons”

“Cody staffer christian arsonists”

YouTube captioning is a great idea, but I guess it’s hard to do when taking into consideration sometimes people slur their words and there’s background music~~~ but getting there…

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I think it’s time for me to give back to Shirley Holmes fandom.

After years and years of Damon, the webmaster of Shirley Holmes Central, giving to the fandom… and even uploading the episodes (I’m mad excited about this!), I have decided to take on the subtitling cap. I’ve just began testing subtitling software, but I think I’m settling for Easy Subtitles. They seem to be easy enough to use.

I actually would kill to be able to get my Shirley tapes with Spanish Latino dubs and get the audio on Damon’s videos to have dual audio, but I’m apparently technologically impaired to do that.

So I’m settling for subtitles.

I’ve just begun, and I need some time to get used to the software, so I have no idea how long this is going to take.

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Everyone loves to hate Jetpack. I actually hated the fact that… 1. I was forced to switch WP-Stats for it, and 2. How long it took them to address the fact that Jetpack had a YouTube embed conflict. It took them so long, that I had to choose between proper YouTube sizing or web stats.

A few days ago, I got a new Jetpack update that told me I had two new features. The first one was… COMMENTS. I could finally have the same commenting features that WordPress-hosted blogs had.

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I generally don’t talk about celebrities’ personal lives — oh, who am I kidding? I love gossip. I used to spend hours reading gossip blogs until I realized how much time I wasted. LOL

It started over the course of these few days when Yu Aoi searches spiked — once again — so I went on my customary search when that happens. And voila~

I don’t think I’ve ever stuck to a specific individual fandom long enough to actually see this kind of thing happen before, so since this is a first of a confirmed relationship from Yu-chan [blog] [1] [screencap], I guess I gotta sorta document it for my future Wiki update [1]. LOL

Yu-chan is in a relationship with actor Suzuki Kosuke. Omedetou! Throw the confetti!

Sorry for the really bad graphic. But I didn’t wanna put one picture next tot he other coz then I would mistake it for a collaboration graphic. xD

After a couple of strongly-rumored-but-ultimately-never-bluntly-confirmed guys, Yu-chan and Suzuki-san have both announced it on their blogs. Nah-huh, can’t get more confirmation than that one. It beats the sneaking around, huh? Good for her.

Weibo just rolled its latest feature… Kandian integration.

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No Nokaze link to Miki is a deal-breaker for me.

Okay, maybe not a deal-breaker, but I was astounded when the Memories of Matsuko banner with Nakatani-san showed up all Happy Wednesday on me when discussing the Korean re-adaptation of JIN.

Sure, we only have like 50 banners… but still, 1/50 chance xD

I haven’t done one in a very long while, huh?

Since the demise of the LivingSocial application on Facebook — TuneSocial — and my shift from downloads to streaming… it’s been hard to keep track of the music I listen to and rate. I tried, but I’m thinking of dropping it because they’re such an uptight community. Every time you add an album that doesn’t adhere to their guidelines of barcodes, catalog numbers, and milimetric genres, you get voted down.

I don’t buy or sell anything there, and I find myself adding more than I’m actually just searching for… and still there’s people who vote me down and are bitchy about it, instead of helping out and finding the lacking info themselves.

I rather keep my own database without hassle. I’ve added about 350 albums tonight… in the time it took me to add just a few albums at Discogs.

These are the albums I’ve heard this year. There aren’t TOO MANY amazing ones yet, but there are a few very good singles that shall be contenders for the Top50 list this year~

This year I’m doing better with my music than with my movies. LOL I’ve only seen like new movies this year, hahaha. If I don’t work harder on that, I’m not going to be able to pick my Best Movies this year.

Light blue highlight only points out a “special edition” xD

They had a Will&Grace re-run a few days or weeks ago, and even though I haven’t enjoyed the show since I was a teen… Karen still manages to make me laugh.

Here’s the clip, but be careful if it gets deleted.