My Current 2012 Albums Heard

June 22, 2012 — Leave a comment

I haven’t done one in a very long while, huh?

Since the demise of the LivingSocial application on Facebook — TuneSocial — and my shift from downloads to streaming… it’s been hard to keep track of the music I listen to and rate. I tried, but I’m thinking of dropping it because they’re such an uptight community. Every time you add an album that doesn’t adhere to their guidelines of barcodes, catalog numbers, and milimetric genres, you get voted down.

I don’t buy or sell anything there, and I find myself adding more than I’m actually just searching for… and still there’s people who vote me down and are bitchy about it, instead of helping out and finding the lacking info themselves.

I rather keep my own database without hassle. I’ve added about 350 albums tonight… in the time it took me to add just a few albums at Discogs.

These are the albums I’ve heard this year. There aren’t TOO MANY amazing ones yet, but there are a few very good singles that shall be contenders for the Top50 list this year~

This year I’m doing better with my music than with my movies. LOL I’ve only seen like new movies this year, hahaha. If I don’t work harder on that, I’m not going to be able to pick my Best Movies this year.

Light blue highlight only points out a “special edition” xD

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