Archives For actress

I ran into this video, which is a fan-made video without label that made me think it was almost a real video, if I hadn’t seen the original video from which the Yu Aoi footage comes from. LOL

Ikimono-gakari‘s Sakura ~2007 version~ (single was released in 2006).

[iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”405″]

I really like the song, so I will check out their discography~

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So we freaking made it! #1 on the List of Actresses~~~
None other than Ellen Page!


Wait, I know. I’m very well aware that many people hate her. Whatever. You know why? Because I’m being quite objective here, and Page has made it to the top with merit. She was pretty freaking scary as Hayley on Hard Candy — my friend told me her now X was scared to his balls in fear. LOL — Anyway, she was also part of a franchise, though a very small role, she was Kitty Pryde on X3.

She later left me scared to death with American Crime, and Tracey Fragments proved to be a very interesting and bizarre film choice. She was later Juno with all her Junoness, won a bunch of awards and was nominated for an Oscar. Next up will be Peacock with Susan Sarandon and Cillian Murphy… and there’s freaking Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Michael Caine, and again Cillian Murphy — directed by the one and only Christopher Nolan~~~

That’s a crew to die for!

Plus, if you ask my father, he’ll tell you she’s the one. LOL

If Inception proves to be successful, there will probably be more role choices… more interesting projects. Unless Page gets bored with acting, I don’t see her boring us with some crazy films…

So~~~ we are very close to actually reveal who will be on the #1 spots of the Actors and Actresses to keep watching until they turn 30. I haven’t had much feedback on it, but the posts seem popular.

When I first started the list, I felt like I was effing it up with the guys. I know there are a lot of great young actors out there, but I’ve never truly felt a connection the way I kind of fuzz over with some of the actresses on my list. However, now that we are almost over, I feel like both lists are pretty good — I would really want your opinion though.

Another part of this interesting process was coming up with The Ten 20 to Watch that Didn’t Make it. I think working on it also proved how difficult it was for me to come up with actors names. While I had actresses names to spare for that list, I thought it was difficult to come up with just 5 names.

During the making of these many posts, I also noticed how complicated it was to find any real GOOD photo of the young actors. Are we so obsessed with the photos of the young and beautiful ladies that we don’t bother photographing guys? It’s so easy to come across a photoshoot of almost all the girls on my list (except Ines Efron and Sandrine Pinna — whose picture I, by the way, confused wtih some other actress. LOL) but it’s nearly impossible to come across an unwatermarked good photograph in good resolution of at least 50% of the guys.

Also, did you notice that I added actors that I don’t like? It was such a bizarre experience to talk about them without wanting to talk about them. Emile Hirsch I could deal with, because at least I watch his films… but Shia? I was shocked that I couldn’t find someone I really liked to take his place.

Maybe that should mean that I should stop watching so much television, and listen less music to focus a little more on films. I should be able to find someone, right? Talented and charismatic? Someone whom you actually feel like supporting through and through?

Only ONE spot missing! On the #4 spot is Evan Rachel Wood~~~


Back in 2002 and 2003… and maybe half of 2004, I was the hugest Evan Rachel Wood fan on this side of the world. I mean, I used to watch every weekend Sony’s reruns of Once & Again, so when I moved to Canada and saw that I would be able to watch Thirteen at the cinemas, I was thrilled. I probably should still have my used ticket somewhere.

Anyway, after Thirteen came and went, Wood began to be cast oftentimes as the Lolita of the films she chose to make. They weren’t bad films, but her choice of roles seemed to be getting boring. Down in the Valley (with Edward Norton) wasn’t a bad film, but it was a pretty average role of the young girl that sleeps with the older guy and stuff happens. Then came Running with Scissors (directed by Ryan Murphy, and working alongside Annette Bening, Alec Baldwin and Gwyneth Paltrow) which wasn’t really a bad film either.

It wasn’t until King of California (with Michael Douglas) came out that I started to pay attention again. That was followed by The Life Before her Eyes (with Uma Thurman, directed by Vadim Perelman of House of Sand and Fog fame), and eventually ended up working as Lucy on the dramedy/musical Across the Universe. I’m pretty much sold right there and then~

Last year, she showed up on a bit of The Wrestler, so any Aronofsky film on anyone’s filmography is cool on my books, and then showed up on Woody Allen’s Whatever Works with a pretty hilarious southern accent. She is currently working as an over-sexed (most likely) vampire lady on the HBO True Blood with fellow actress Anna Paquin.

Next up for Wood, The Conspirator directed by Robert Redford with James McAvoy, Robin Wright Penn, Kevin Kline, Tom Wilkinson and Alexis Bledel. Worth to keep an eye on her ;P

We have actually already spotted Carey Mulligan on this site, and she’s on the #5 spot of the list of 20 Actors Between 20-25 to Watch Until They’re 30… on the Actress list.

Carey Mulligan

Man, what a year Carey Mulligan has had, and with award season coming our way, we can only wait to see her more often, and everywhere. As of Oct. 15, Mulligan still leads the Oscar for Best Actress race for her role on An Education, and it’s been that way since July… and ever since the film premiered at Sundance.

She seems to capture your attention on screen, even in small roles like on My Boy Jack (with fellow The 20 to Watch Daniel Radcliffe), and she seems to have a certain maturity on screen that doesn’t make you think “oh, look at this girl,” but it’s more like “look at this woman.”

If she wins Best Actress (or just gets nominated), that’s enough reason to keep an eye on her future roles.

A regular person would have 8 or 9 films, on this video you’ll get to see clips for 27 films (though a few of those are just blink and miss them, or just a still). I’ve seen most but 6 films, I think. I’m still looking for 1980, and JUKAI.

Plus, this is the best way to choose what Yu film you wanna watch~ xD

[iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”400″]

check post tags for movie info. some missing because they’re not on this blog.
by the way, Ikechan looks sooooo weird. I wonder if the movie is any good.

Oh, Ms. Holloway~

October 16, 2009 — Leave a comment


Christina Hendricks has been called buxom, voluptuous, and even bodacious by the press. She wants us to know that she’s much more than her hourglass figure and bottle-red hair, but one thing can’t be denied: Whether she’s warm or cool to her secretarial pool, Joan is always smoking hot.

The Advocate has a new interview with Mad Men’s (and also Firefly’s) Christina Hendricks. x)

I can NOT believe she was a goth… and that she’s a natural blonde.

I’ve had many, many unrequited crushes. I knew this one guy’s entire schedule my senior year of high school and would conveniently be outside his classrooms whenever class let out. But I was a goth kid and he was a soccer player, so he wasn’t having it. He was just horrified by me.

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or… “you’re looking very Shane today”

Three Rivers is showing its first ep next week down here,
and I needed to see Kate Moennig xD


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We are actually making it half our list of Actresses now! On #6, Aoi Miyazaki.


Always, all the time, all I hear is “Miyazaki Aoi is so kawaii (cute) and how awesome she is,” and well~ she is also so very popular in Japan topping every list there could be. However, scratch all of that, and what have you got? You’ve got an actress.

I’ve seen her in a few couple of films, some of them are pretty great like Gaichu (Harmful Insect), or are very deeply sentimental like Sukida. Her films often have to deal with human emotions, though I’ve also seen her doing comedy~ but what truly makes me think she can pull it off if she decides to stay away from this love-interests type of films was her decision to play the lead on NHK’s historical drama, Atsuhime.

This role that lasted a whole year let Miyazaki play Atsuhime from her tender kid age, throughout her teens, her 20s, her30 up until her death in her late 40s. She played innocent, clueless but at the same time idealist. She matured and began learning how things in life and politics work, and stood by her ideas trying to make everything better for everyone. Miyazaki truly nailed it on this one.

This is why I’m putting her here.

So~~~ we’ve already covered half of the guys and half of the girls (though, 2 of the top5), and we’ve also talked about some of the people that didn’t make it into the list for several reasons. Now it’s time to get to know the rest of the people, this time around exchanging guys and girls in each posting.

Here it is! Amanda Seyfried (“Sigh-Frid”) on #7 of the Actress list.

Amanda Seyfried by Stewart Shining

Who would’ve thought that the “there’s a 30% chance it’s already raining” boob weather girl would be where she is now? Because I, for one, did enjoy watching Mean Girls and all the mean-girling-ness xD Afterward, she went and did some more TV before jumping into summer-blockbuster and ABBA reviver and Meryl-Streep loving Mamma Mia!

I mean, Big Love is a pretty great HBO project for Seyfried, but that with the combo of Mamma Mia gave her such huge boost, she’s only just begun. And actually, I thought she was pretty great in those first minutes of Jennifer’s Body… but we know M.Fox has been taking all the promo for that one. More Seyfried, Less Fox — that’s what I think.

She’s got Dear John coming up (directed by fellow Chocolat director, Lasse Hallström), Letters to Juliet (with Gael Garcia Bernal), and there’s also A Woman of No Importance (with Annette Bening, and fellow Driving Miss Daisy director Bruce Beresford), and that’s because things are just starting.