… Review.
Just got back about 30min. ago from the BackStreet Boys concert in Lima.

And the only thing I have to say, I was not dissapointed. Even though the event started as annoying, and the male Bouncers lack the BALLS. Guess what! Female Bouncers carry the balls around these concerts~ Yes, they were the only ones who didn’t take shit from those who wanted to stand in the alley.
Arrived just in time, when Adammo was singing. Meh, they were okay~~ Their lights sucked though, so couldn’t get many pictures. They had that chick from Latin American Idol… you know, the one everyone says can’t sing? LOL’ – what’s her name… Sandra Muente – The girls behind me actually said Nicole Pillman sings better. I’m of the opinion neither does that great…
Then came Belanova, which was an UMPH better than Adammo, but hey! They are supposed to be less new, right? But stil, wasn’t too impressed with them. The lead singer, Denisse Guerrero, reminded me of Jenny Schecter… which is not exactly a good thing, you know? – Mia Kirshner is prettier though.
And UGH, did they have to sing something from High School Musical? WTF, whatever song that was. High School Musical, please~~~ get a fucking grip! Funny thing is, when the singer announced it was their last song and they were leaving us with the BackStreet Boys, everyone stood up and SCREAMED their shit out. I actually felt really bad for both groups…
I did see a bunch buying the Adammo album though, so not so bad about it.
The WORSE part about those two, and the waiting for the BSB show was the freaking fans trying to sneak in the front rows through pretending to ‘just stand’ in the alley. Funniest shit about that? Everyone united together in a freaking epic battle against them calling the Bouncers, and shouting at them.
Once the police got involved – you know, nothing too serious… they just came in – all those ‘people’ (more like cattle) went to their backseats, and we all cheered just like Mel on Braveheart. Hilarious.
Then finally, the lights went out and the show began. It was AWESOME. Just what I’m gonna say until I get to work on my photos which will probably be in the afternoon, after my class. I took my 8Gb card, and it’s at least filled up to half. According to my calculations, I should be going through around 700 or 800 high resolution photographs.
In the meantime? How about some BSB Twitter…
OMG Peru!!! You guys are NO joke.
Wow. We almost killed a lot of Peruvian people. They were attacking our car and we almost ran over a whole lot of you.
Just a tease… the show had a bunch of medleys of good old BSB songs – Quit Playin’ Games, I’ll Never Break your Heart, As Long As You Love Me, All I Have to Give, Everybody, Larger than Life, I Want it that Way, Show me the Meaning, The One, Spanish Eyes… or in this case “Peruvian Eyes” LOL, The Call, Shape of my Heart, More than That, Incomplete~~
Can’t really recall if they sang Everyone though~~
Videos online should be making its way through the week~
Photos this afternoon, or over the weekend~~~
Also! They said they were making the new album (as they mention on Twitter), and that they’d be back.