Archives For Television

Awww, just to remember Michael Jackson.

They Don’t Care About Us is one of my favorite MJ songs. HIStory was my first MJ album ever, which I got for my 10th birthday — but that’s a story you should know by now [1]. The choreography is killer.

I miss choreography like this. You know what dancing on a show is now? Butt-jiggles and booby-shaking. No one is moving their feet when they dance now! At least singers… I watch So You Think You Can Dance – *legasp!* Yes, I watch some reality tv shows, I’m afraid. xD

I actually had a lot of fun watching the beginning of the show, and seeing all those new winners… at least in the comedy categories… like Jim Parsons winning Best Comedy Actor – more than well-deserved – Eric Stonestreet for Best Comedic Supporting and easily one of the best thing out of Modern Family – which also won Best Comedy, ahead of Glee… who ended up winning Jane Lynch for Best Supporting, and Ryan Murphy for directing — I’m imagining Murphy won Best Comedy for his work on The WB’s Popular, Mmmmkay?

In the Drama categories, I was a little less satisfied… but since Drama is my thing, they are worthy winners – I’m sure. Though, Michael C. Hall winning for Dexter in Best Actor would have made my month. GAWD! I’m still waiting for Dexter to win some mayor award like Best Drama. After the first season, the fourth season was the best. How I wished they had won.

But okay, ’nuff of winners. [see the list here] Fallon, I must admit… wasn’t as hate-inducing as he is. I actually laughed in some bits of the ceremony. But then I got tired again xD I actually stopped watching the last 30min, until Mad Men and Modern Family were announced as the Best of TV last season.

But here you go~ I’m sure it will be gone by the morning xD

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Billy, We Love You

August 27, 2010 — Leave a comment

David Yost came out of the closet with an interview and a shoot for the NOH8 Campaign.

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This is what I’m currently watching… on the air. Nothing to do with keeping up with any programs, though I should really find some time to watch Lost, True Blood, and still need to catch up on Mad Men S3. But alas, my Dead Like Me box-set just arrived – I didn’t know it came with the tv movie xD – so I guess I will be watching that the whole month.

– The Big C – for Laura Linney… and I love anything Showtime, most the times.

Didn’t love the pilot, the commercial I posted had pretty much all the funny parts… but I liked the interactions. My favorite line was that one with Gabby Sidibe. About being skinny and a bitch, or fat and jolly. Coz it’s so true. LOL

Laura Linney plays a woman diagnosed with… what appears to be final stages of some cancer. She is considered boring by her son and husband, but wants to be the one staining her sofa with juice/wine. She also wants to eat onions, LOL Plus, her brother needs to take a shower. xD

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YAM011 is READYYY!!!

August 15, 2010 — Leave a comment

I just spent nearly 2hrs. posting this somewhere else, and I still need to email everyone. LOL

Without further ado,


I’m pretty sure I discovered Pink on one of the non-subtitled broadcasts of some Music Award they used to aired back in the day on Fox or something. That same year or maybe the next (?), in 2001, I went to Los Angeles to spend my 15th bday there… and then head off to San Francisco to visit family.

On that trip? I remember Popular was airing the few of their lasts episodes on The WB. Which episode? I remember it clearly… I have one of those memories. The News of my Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated.

On my stay in LA? I almost pissed myself because I was in LA the day of the Grammy awards. Two Spanish girls that were on the tour bus with us were attending… I watched from the hotel, of course, but I remember seeing all the limos arriving. I was over the moon, because you know me… I get celebrity-giddy really easy… and I was 15.

I saw the Grammy broadcast, and saw Faith Hill performing Breathe. Wow. Guess what I ended up getting when I got to SF, and told my parents I wanted to get some CDs? xD A broad variety, because you know me… I’m not genre specific, if I like it, I like it and that’s it. So I ended up getting Pink’s debut Can’t Take Me Home, Faith Hill’s Breathe, and Eminem’s Marshall Mathers LP.

I still own those CDs — it’s rare I would decide to throw them out — and even though I only own one or two more albums by Faith Hill and Eminem, I can proudly tell you that I have bought every Pink album that’s been released.

So here’s to There You Go, and the Pink hair that started it all!

I have a feeling I’m gonna love this show. Though, Linney’s character needs a hotter husband. I’m sorry, I’m shallow… I enjoy Oliver Platt’s acting as much as the next fella, but come on. It’s getting surreal to the point where 99% of female leads have average or below average good-looking male co-stars.

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Oh yeah, sweet baby beegesus.

You know you can picture it already.

Ryan Murphy announced that Glee will have a Rocky Horror Picture Show themed-episode, and Chris Colfer said he’d like to sing Time Warp. Among other news, Brittany [dumb as a rock, but funny as hell] will get her own episode, as well as Mercedes — poor Tina, we need her around.

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looks exciting. O.O and oh! the tension!! And OMG, the S4 finale was off the hook. Crazy shocking in a season with a lot of OMG WTF shocking moments xD

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Don’t blame me, but I’m more into Showtime programming than HBO. Yes, I still haven’t watched any episode of True Blood. Yes, I still need to do that. But then again, I never really followed Lost either, and that’s done. You are probably wondering what I’m thinking. Lost is probably one of those shows I would watch after everyone did, and would probably tag as “should’ve watched when it was on the air” just like Battlestar. And as far as True Blood goes, the people that keep telling me I should watch it, I don’t know why they keep telling me “it’s like Twilight, but more awesome.” People, I don’t want anything to do with Twilight, and it should be “more awesome” as far as I’m concerned. LOL

Also… I wanna catch Mad Men Season 3 — it airs on HBO here — and I should check out Caprica.

Posting this as a clip, not a trailer ;P

Thank you, J-Melo – The Oreskaband performance was pretty awesome.

I was zapping, when their sound caught my ear, so I went back to NHK. They sounded like Gwen Stefani had gotten together with the guys of Reel Big Fish, had some extra fun with Swing Girls, and ended up with a lovechild in Oreskaband.

And I’m always game for some Ska. And, OMG PAPAYA! I totally kept hearing “Papa Para Papaya” which in Spanish means “Dad for Papaya” LOL but I think the lyrics go “Papaya ga suki da Papaya” LOL and in their “Shake it up, baby” I keep hearing “Shaking a baby” which is even funnier.

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