Archives For Television

Piper: Chupacabra!

January 9, 2013 — 3 Comments

I’ve looked forever and always for this clip of Piper exclaiming “CHUPACABRA!” in one episode of Charmed. Now, with a quick YouTube search, I found the episode of season 4, Bite Me, where it was used [1].

But I’m snatching it before anyone dares take that down.

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Head over here to read my post of the 12 Movies that Marked my 2012.

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You would have to forgive me as I don’t really follow Ayase Haruka’s career, but she did kinda win me over when she played Saki on that freaking successful jdrama known as JIN [1][2], which got me to give a peak to Ayase’s pop culture oeuvre — Hotaru no Hikari, which okay. No, I couldn’t digest it. So forgive me if I’m late to the party, but- OMG! A WHOLE FREAKING YEAR! 50 episodes of a girl that likes guns? In a period setting. I love it.

Plus it’s got Joe Odagiri at some point in the show.

Yae no Sakura (八重の桜) might be actual must-watch TV (with worthy wait of subtitles) for, at least, ten episodes.

In all honesty, I had a lot of Spice Girls fun when it happened, but the best part of the whole thing will ALWAYS be this animated GIF. Thank you forever and always, Lainey.
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Forget about shipping, that was an excellent season finale. Utterly depressing, but highly remarkable last scene.

Deb: What are you doing?
Dex: What needs to be done.
Deb: Are you gonna kill her?
Dex: You need to leave, I need to finish this.
Deb: Fuck, Jesus. You can’t do this.
Dex: It’s the only solution, the only way to end this.
Deb: I can’t let you through with this.
LaGuerta: Shoot him, Deb. You have to end this. Shoot him. This is not who you are. You’re a good cop, you’re a good person. You’re not like him. Put him down!
Dex: It’s true, everything she said. You’re a good person. It’s okay.

Brown Eyed Girls has been very busy this week promoting their upcoming Xmas +19 shows in Seoul. Besides doing SNL Korea, they’ve been doing all sorts of interviews. In the latest one on Guerilla Date, they talked different things like what would Ga-In erase of her past, who’d be the one to get married first…. and they talk about their ideal type (??), which JeA says Josh Hartnett with the following message:


… which, of course, it’s hilarious.

I honestly think she did say “I will meet you” (with a really pronounced ‘t’ by the end of ‘meet’). I’m not sure where the “to” in the caption comes from… if it’s either a regular typo happening in Asian varieties, or if it is indeed part of the joke that she said “meet to.”

You can watch it here.

Korea has a show called Immortal Song that basically pits popular singers performing songs of a selected theme/singer/era in front of the audience made out of people who listened to that type of music. Think of it as a show where you would gather the likes of Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, sprinkled with a few picks like Demi Lovato and whoever people think are good vocalists nowadays, and having them competing against each other in things like “Themes from the 80s” and having all of them battle (A vs. B) with a song performance to move onto the next battle.

Once a week. Yeah, impossible to do in America.

But so good for ratings, no? Could you imagine? I would pay money to see Christina Aguilera vs. battling with Britney Spears — not a duet, a performance battle. Simon, get to it.

ANYWAY, I completely digress.

Brown Eyed Girls member JeA has been on the show’s newest season, and though she lost her battle — T_T — the second half of her performance is pure perfection. She started off breathing too much into her microphone, but once the high notes began, she seemed to have gotten her footing and by the time she had to deliver those whispery notes… it was too much.

JeA is singing The Winter Rain Falls (겨울비는 내리고) by Kim Bum Ryong (김범룡), in honor of this week’s 80’s songwriter theme.

salyu x salyu had a new song out? Titled Color Magic (カラーマジック, or the KATAKANA~ pronunciation KARA~ MAJIKKU — you know Katakana baffles me), it was included in NHK’s Design Ah (デザインあ), but you know it would be the perfect companion song to 6COLORS.

The song (if my Japanese is correct) will be included in the soundtrack of the show to be released on January 23rd.

design ah nhk a no uta

They also have an awesome (interactive) song titled Ah’s Song (「あ」のうた).

osaka radio 6 colors yu aoi

You know, I read that post about Japan — despite its technologically-advanced image — not being a tech nation at all [1][2], so when finding this about a radio drama took me back in time back to when my mom told me they used to watch radio telenovelas (back then known as radionovelas, of course). Having Yu working on one is so bizarre… not to mention troublesome as a fan xD

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I haven’t seen you in so long, and yes… what is it about you?

It is what it is…