Josh Hartnett, JeA loves you and WILL meet you~

December 16, 2012 — Leave a comment

Brown Eyed Girls has been very busy this week promoting their upcoming Xmas +19 shows in Seoul. Besides doing SNL Korea, they’ve been doing all sorts of interviews. In the latest one on Guerilla Date, they talked different things like what would Ga-In erase of her past, who’d be the one to get married first…. and they talk about their ideal type (??), which JeA says Josh Hartnett with the following message:


… which, of course, it’s hilarious.

I honestly think she did say “I will meet you” (with a really pronounced ‘t’ by the end of ‘meet’). I’m not sure where the “to” in the caption comes from… if it’s either a regular typo happening in Asian varieties, or if it is indeed part of the joke that she said “meet to.”

You can watch it here.

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